
Lamborn: A Perfect Friend of the American Motorist

Congressman Lamborn designated “Friend of the American Motorist” for receiving a 100% on the “Freedom from Foreign Oil” scorecard


Washington, Jul 31, 2008 -

Congressman Lamborn was awarded a 100% on the “Freedom from Foreign Oil Scorecard” compiled by Americans for Prosperity (AFP). In addition, Congressman Lamborn, along with other U.S. Representatives, was designated a “Friend of the American Motorist” for his perfect score. Congressman Lamborn made the following statement upon receipt of this award:
“I am thrilled to be recognized for my commitment to reduce our dependence on foreign energy. At a time when gas prices are lingering at incredible heights, it is imperative that Congress vote on and pass legislation that reduces our costly and dangerous dependence on foreign oil. I am proud to be a designated “Friend of the American Motorist” due to my support of initiatives that lower gas and energy prices by increasing our domestic supply. A vote on energy legislation needs to be brought to the House floor immediately to decreases our dependence on foreign oil by increasing our domestic supply.  I will continue to call on the Democrats in Congress to schedule the vote Americans deserve before the August district work period.”—Congressman Doug Lamborn
The “Freedom from Foreign Oil” scorecard ranks lawmakers based on a variety of roll call votes and co-sponsorship of initiatives that positively or negatively impact gas and energy prices. Congressmen who receive a sufficient score were deemed “Friends of the American Motorist,” while those who received a failing score were deemed “Friends of Foreign Oil.” 
The “Freedom for Foreign Oil” scorecard is part of the AFP’s ongoing nationwide effort to expose the unaffordable costs of global warming alarmism, especially in regard to domestic energy policies. 
“Advancing policies that limit U.S. energy production and supplies puts our national security in jeopardy and costs American families and business dearly. Expanding American oil and natural gas production is essential to alleviating pain at the pump. Our Freedom from Foreign Oil scorecard will educate citizens on whether their Member of Congress has supported or opposed legislation that will reduce our costly and dangerous dependence on foreign oil.”—Tim Phillips, AFP President
Americans for Prosperity is a nationwide organization of citizen leaders committed to advancing energy individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes in reducing the size and scope of government is the best safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. 
To view the complete scorecard, which includes a summary of all votes and co-sponsorships used, visit