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Rep. Thompson on UK TV discussing the Birmingham/Continental Security Lapses

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Uploaded on Feb 12, 2009

Congressman Thompson was a guest on ITV News (UK) on June 4, 2007 to discuss the security personnel lapses at Birmingham Airport, UK and Continental Airlines.


  1. 1

    Rep. Thompson on WGNO concerning Washington Post editorial

  2. 2

    Rep. Thompson on the Today Show to discuss TSA Cheating Allegations

  3. 3

    Rep. Thompson and Tech Fair

  4. 4

    Rep. Thompson on MSNBC discussing the TB incident

  5. â–¶

    Rep. Thompson on UK TV discussing the Birmingham/Continental Security Lapses

  6. 6

    Rep. Thompson on Fox & Friends to discuss Sec. Chertoff

  7. 7

    Rep. Thompson on Geraldo discussing the JFK terror threat in New York

  8. 8

    Rep. Thompson on Fox and Friends discussing the TB case

  9. 9

    Rep. Thompson speaking on the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill

  10. 10

    Compilation of Videos about Rep. Thompson's Letter to Chertoff on his "gut" feeling

  11. 11

    Rep. Thompson on Vacancies at DHS

  12. 12

    Rep. Thompson on CNN concerning the DHS vacancy issue

  13. 13

    Rep. Thompson on CNN discussing Halloween Costume Issue

  14. 14

    Rep. Thompson on CNN discussing the JFK Plot

  15. 15

    Chairman Thompson on CNN to discuss the TB Incident

  16. 16

    Rep. Thompson on CNN discussing the TB case

  17. 17

    Rep. Thompson on Lou Dobbs to discuss Supreme Court Brief

  18. 18

    Rep. Thompson on CNBC discussing Passport issues

  19. 19

    Rep. Thompson on CNBC regarding TB incident

  20. 20

    Rep. Thompson on CNN's Cafferty File

  21. 21

    Rep. Thompson on CNN to Discuss GAO Report Card

  22. 22

    Rep. Thompson on World News Tonight

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