Press Releases

February 26, 2014
At a time when our country continues to face major challenges to its economy, it is very disappointing that the House returned yesterday for a three-week session with no substantive legislation planned to address those challenges.
February 26, 2014
“Good afternoon, and congratulations on reaching your eighty-fifth anniversary.  I want to extend those congratulations as well to Senator Wendy Davis, who continues to make waves standing up – literally! – for justice, equality, and the rights of every individual in Texas and across our country.  And I want to applaud my colleague in the House, Rep. George Miller, for his lifetime of service, especially as an advocate for a public education system that can prepare every student – regardless of background – for an equal chance to make it in America.
February 26, 2014
“Thank you, John.  I am always glad to be here with you and with the men and women behind America’s credit unions. In Maryland, you continue to make a real and important difference for families and small businesses, and I thank you for the work you continue to do. But as much as we in Maryland like to think that John is one of a kind, here in this room are thousands of dedicated individuals who want to make sure that Americans from coast to coast can benefit from membership in a credit union. 
February 25, 2014
“With 4 million Americans now enrolled in private health plans through the federal and state health insurance marketplaces, our country continues to make progress toward the goal of ensuring that affordable, quality health care is accessible to everyone. 
February 25, 2014
“I am so glad to be here with you to talk about how far we have come along the journey to secure equal voting rights for all Americans – and to rededicate ourselves to the important work of carrying that journey forward.
February 24, 2014
“I am pleased that the President is honoring the principle of pay parity in his FY2015 budget proposal by including a 1% pay increase for those who serve our nation in the military and our civilian federal workforce. 
February 24, 2014
“When the people of southeast Michigan called John Dingell Jr. to serve at the age of 29, he answered that call with determination and grace.
February 24, 2014
"I am always pleased to celebrate Black History Month, because it looks back on the extraordinary contributions that have been made by African Americans through the years.
February 20, 2014
“I am deeply concerned by the outcome of the Jordan Davis case in Florida this week, and the Davis family deserves justice.
February 20, 2014
“Our budgets reflect our nation’s priorities, and the budget President Obama plans to submit to Congress next month for Fiscal Year 2015 will once again demonstrate his administration’s commitment to increasing opportunities, promoting job growth, and protecting our national security.
February 20, 2014
“I welcome the executive actions taken today by President Obama to make it easier for businesses and entrepreneurs to innovate in our country. 
February 19, 2014
“I remain deeply concerned about the escalating violence in Ukraine, and I join in urging the Ukrainian government to reach a peaceful resolution with the opposition before the situation worsens. 
February 19, 2014
“Today, the President took another important step to enhance our economic recovery and help more of our businesses succeed by making it easier for U.S. goods to reach overseas markets.
February 19, 2014
"I welcome this announcement of new energy cooperation between Israel and Jordan, both of which share special bonds with the United States.
February 18, 2014
“Raising the minimum wage for American workers is not only the right thing to do, it is the smart thing to do for our economy as well. 
February 18, 2014
“Rep. Gloria Negrette McLeod has been a valued member of our Caucus in the 113th Congress, and I know that she will continue to represent her constituents with distinction during her final months in office. 
February 18, 2014
“I join in thanking Rep. Rush Holt for his fifteen years of service in the United States Congress.
February 17, 2014
"Five years ago, under the leadership of President Obama and House and Senate Democrats, Congress took action to help our economy begin to recover from the Great Recession.
February 13, 2014
“The President came to Congress and gave a State of the Union and said, look, I'm optimistic, we've come a far pace as you've just outlined very well.
February 12, 2014
"The enrollment numbers released today show that there is a clear demand for affordable, quality health care. 
February 12, 2014
“Today, President Obama took an important step toward making sure that every American who works hard can earn a living wage.
February 11, 2014
“I am opposing this bill because it breaks the principle that domestic spending cuts should not pay for higher defense spending.  
February 11, 2014
“I am so pleased to be here. [Congressman] Keith Ellison was introduced as someone who was there in the heat, he was there in the rain, he was there today – a little warmer right now with the sun – but we’re going to be there.
February 7, 2014
“Because of this Republican-led House’s continued inability to govern responsibly, today the United States has once more hit its self-imposed debt ceiling.  
February 7, 2014
“The January jobs report released this morning, which shows that our economy added 142,000 private sector jobs last month and brought the unemployment rate down to its lowest since October 2008 at 6.6%, is a reminder that our economic recovery continues to move forward.