Press Releases

May 30, 2014
Sunday begins LGBT Pride Month, a time not only to celebrate how far we have come toward achieving the goal of equality for all but also for remembering how much work remains and rededicating ourselves to the task.
May 30, 2014
Secretary Shinseki has served our nation with honor and distinction. 
May 29, 2014
Gun violence is a problem Congress cannot ignore, and I am encouraged that Democrats and Republicans were able to come together today to pass an amendment offered by Rep. Mike Thompson that increases the funding available to states to maintain accurate and up-to-date records used in background checks.
May 29, 2014
Good afternoon.  We are here at a moment both joyous and mournful.
May 28, 2014
Today’s markup of the FIRST Act by the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology was an exercise in missed opportunities.
May 28, 2014
The VA Inspector General's interim report that was released today is deeply disturbing and demands action to correct the systemic problems that left 1,700 veterans off of the electronic waiting list at the Phoenix VA Health Care System. 
May 28, 2014
Today’s announcement by the Commerce Department that the first twelve Manufacturing Communities have been selected as part of the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership demonstrates the Administration’s commitment to job creation and growing America’s manufacturing sector.
May 28, 2014
I join in mourning Maya Angelou's passing and in celebrating her extraordinary life as a poet, author, Civil Rights activist, actor, musician, and teacher.
May 27, 2014
Today’s announcement that our combat mission in Afghanistan will end later this year represents a responsible plan to bring our troops home by 2016.
May 25, 2014
Today's election in Ukraine represents an important step forward for the ideals that brought thousands to Maidan Square to demand accountable leaders and self determination for their country.
May 23, 2014
I join in honoring the fallen heroes of our nation this Memorial Day and in upholding our shared responsibility to comfort and care for the loved ones and communities they left behind. 
May 23, 2014
Today, the World Trade Organization issued an important ruling that makes clear that China must cease its unfair practice of imposing trade barriers against America’s auto industry. 
May 23, 2014
I join in congratulating Secretary Shaun Donovan on his nomination to serve as the next Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
May 23, 2014
On Sunday, we mark the seventh anniversary of the signing of the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007, which I was proud to cosponsor and work to pass in the days after Democrats took control of Congress.
May 22, 2014
The USA Freedom Act that passed the House today takes significant steps to address concerns over the intelligence community’s information-gathering programs.
May 22, 2014
While I supported the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act when it passed the House today, I share many of the Obama Administration’s concerns as well as those of House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith that this bill does not reflect the hard choices necessary to achieve fiscal sustainability.
May 21, 2014
Fired up? What we don’t want is our globe fired up. We want to be fired up so that it will not be fired up.
May 21, 2014
While we opposed the establishment of a Select Committee in the first place, I support Leader Pelosi’s decision to appoint these five Democratic Members to participate on the panel.
May 20, 2014
The announcement of up to $50 million in humanitarian assistance pledged by the Obama Administration for refugees from South Sudan reaffirms our country’s commitment to the cause of peace, economic development, and human rights in the region and across the continent of Africa.
May 16, 2014
For twenty years, CAPAC has been a leading voice within the Democratic Caucus for equal opportunity, civil rights, and economic growth, and I have been as proud to work closely with its Members in the 113th Congress as I was to partner with former Rep. Norman Mineta and CAPAC’s original founding Members in 1994.
May 16, 2014
Sixty years ago tomorrow, the Supreme Court issued its historic, unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education, ending the shameful practice of legal segregation in schools throughout our country.
May 13, 2014
Promoting the growth of U.S. exports remains one of the core components of the Make It in America plan for jobs and competitiveness, and I welcome the Administration’s announcement today of a new phase in the National Export Initiative.
May 9, 2014
I was proud to vote for H.R. 10, the Success and Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Act, which passed the House today with a bipartisan vote of 360-45.  This legislation ensures quality, equity, and transparency in the federal Charter School Program. 
May 8, 2014
I am deeply disappointed that House Republicans continue to politicize a national tragedy.
May 8, 2014
No one should doubt where Congress stands on the brutal kidnapping of nearly 300 girls and young women in Nigeria, but this resolution, which I am proud to cosponsor, will make it very clear that America remains committed to helping bring them home and ensuring that their plight will not fade from the world’s attention