Press Releases: 2013

December 24, 2013
"I am deeply concerned by the recent violence in South Sudan.
December 23, 2013
This is a modest but important step by the President that recognizes that our civilian and uniformed personnel who serve the American people deserve a cost-of-living adjustment.
December 19, 2013
"The Affordable Care Act is providing Americans greater access to quality, affordable health care and important patient protections.
December 17, 2013
“It has been a privilege to serve alongside Frank Wolf for over thirty years. 
December 17, 2013
"I am saddened that my good friend Rep. Jim Matheson has decided not to run for reelection next year. Jim has brought to the House of Representatives the kind of thoughtful, responsible leadership that this country needs to see more often.
December 16, 2013
“Thanks to new standards established under the Affordable Care Act, Americans are receiving better value from their premium dollars, and insurance companies who fail to meet these new standards must send consumers a rebate.
December 13, 2013
Tomorrow we mark the one-year anniversary of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, which took 26 innocent lives, including the lives of 20 young children.  
December 12, 2013
“The National Defense Authorization Act passed by the House this evening is an important piece of legislation that supports our troops and all those who work to defend and keep our nation secure, and I was proud to support it.
December 11, 2013
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) joined 165 House Democrats today in a letter urging Speaker John Boehner not to adjourn the House for the year without bringing up an extension of federal unemployment insurance, which is scheduled to expire December 28. 
December 10, 2013
“I congratulate my friend Rep. Mel Watt on his confirmation as the next Director of the Federal Housing Finance Authority. 
December 10, 2013
But the fact of the matter is, Chris Van Hollen is Ranking Member of the Budget Committee on our side - he has not been in any of these negotiations, nor have any of the other [members of the budget conference]. 
December 6, 2013
For the forty-fifth consecutive month, our economy has added private sector jobs, continuing our recovery and helping to put more Americans back to work.  While I am encouraged that our unemployment rate has dropped to 7.0% and that 203,000 jobs – including 196,000 private sector jobs – were added in November, we are not adding jobs at a pace fast enough to provide economic security to every family.
December 5, 2013
"Throughout his life, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela met the purveyors of injustice, intolerance, and racism with an unyielding determination to forge a better and fairer future for his beloved nation.  
December 5, 2013
“First of all, let me say, we don't know what the budget parameters and any agreement are going to be. We have heard rumors. You have written about them. We don't know their substance. 
December 5, 2013
“I want to thank Rep. John Conyers, Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Mel Watt, Ranking Member of the Intellectual Property Subcommittee, for offering their substitute amendment to the Innovation Act today.
December 5, 2013
“I stand in solidarity with AFGE and NTEU today - and with all those who serve in our nation’s federal workforce.
December 4, 2013
“In his remarks today, President Obama highlighted the challenge of growing income inequality, which poses a danger not only to our long-term economic competitiveness and prosperity but to the very nature of our country as a beacon of equal opportunity for all.  
December 2, 2013
"I join in congratulating Ed Cassidy on his appointment as the House's new Chief Administrative Officer.  
December 2, 2013
“This morning’s Institute for Supply Management report shows the strongest gains for manufacturing in two and a half years, building on last month’s solid gains and proving that our manufacturers have what it takes to make it in America. 
November 29, 2013
“This Sunday marks World AIDS Day, when we recommit ourselves to combating HIV-AIDS in America and across the world.  While great strides have been made to prevent the spread of this disease and treat those who are infected, we must continue the fight as long as HIV-AIDS continues to affect communities and endanger lives. 
November 26, 2013
“Today’s report by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is further evidence that the Affordable Care Act continues to provide access to quality, affordable health care to Americans, including millions of seniors who are saving money on their prescription drugs.  
November 25, 2013
“For nearly three decades, Dan Strodel has served the House of Representatives with distinction, including as Chief Administrative Officer since 2010.  In that role, he has helped ensure the smooth operation of the House of Representatives and the well-being of its Members and staff. 
November 24, 2013
"The United States and its allies are committed to ensuring that Iran neither develops nor has nuclear arms. 
November 24, 2013
“Our policy is that Iran should not have a nuclear arms capability. That continues to be our policy and the military option, as Secretary Kerry just said, is still on the table and it needs to be on the table.