Hoyer: Assistance to South Sudan Refugees Reaffirms Our Country's Commitment to Peace, Economic Development, Human Rights

For Immediate Release:

May 20, 2014


Stephanie Young, 202-225-3130

WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on the Obama Administration's announcement authorizing up to $50 million humanitarian assistance to refugees from South Sudan: 

“The announcement of up to $50 million in humanitarian assistance pledged by the Obama Administration for refugees from South Sudan reaffirms our country’s commitment to the cause of peace, economic development, and human rights in the region and across the continent of Africa.  South Sudan achieved independence in 2011, but months of civil conflict has led to the displacement of over a million people and brought famine and disease.  Sadly, humanitarian disaster has clouded the hopefulness that once enabled the South Sudanese people to look toward a bright future.

“When I visited Juba in 2007, I met with South Sudanese who yearned to build a nation on the principles of liberty, opportunity, and democracy.  Today’s commitment ought to give the South Sudanese people hope that the world will not ignore their plight or turn its back on their dreams.  The United States will continue to help lead the international effort to secure a peaceful resolution to the South Sudan conflict and to address the humanitarian crisis that has resulted from it.” 
