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Academy Nominations

Dear Academy Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in a nomination to one of our nation's prestigious service academies. I have enclosed an application for nomination; please complete this form and return it to:

The Honorable Mark E. Amodei
Attention: Tracy Soliday
5310 Kietzke Lane, Suite 103
Reno, Nevada 89511

In addition to your completed application, please submit the following information:

  1. An official high school transcript in a sealed envelope;
  2. Official SAT/ACT score report;
  3. Three letters of recommendation - limited to your high school principal, teachers, guidance counselor, and coaches;
  4. Brief essay on why you would like to attend a United States Service Academy.

The deadline for submitting application packets, including the above items, is November 4, 2014. No applications will be accepted after this date. If we have received your complete application packet by November 4, you will be notified of an appointment to be interviewed by my Academy Selection Committee. Please note that a nomination does not replace the admission process or ensure your acceptance to a service academy. You must contact the admissions office at each service academy to initiate the application process.

If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Soliday at (775) 686-5760. I commend you on your desire to serve our nation and wish you the best in your efforts.