What Would You #AskWheeler?

May 15, 2014

With Much on the Docket for Next Week’s Hearing, Committee Asks American People for Questions They Would Like FCC Chairman to Answer

When FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler testifies before the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology next Tuesday, May 20, he’ll answer questions on a wide variety of communications and technology issues including the upcoming incentive auctions, the administration’s work on net neutrality rules, broadcast sharing arrangements, FCC process reform, and the committee’s work toward a #CommActUpdate. But it won’t just be members of Congress asking the questions — the American public will be involved too.

As part of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s ongoing efforts to bring perspectives from outside the beltway into the legislative process, the committee is once again asking people from across the country to submit their own questions for administration officials. For next week’s hearing, the public can ask FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler questions via Facebook and Twitter.

Anyone with questions for FCC Chairman Wheeler is encouraged to submit them via Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #AskWheeler. Make sure to follow the hearing live on May 20 at 10:30 a.m. to see if your question gets asked.
