
Jenkins: Don't Play Politics With Our Troops

Speaker Pelosi should have removed controversial international bailout funds, closed the Guantanamo Bay loophole, protected our troops from harm and passed the War Supplemental.

– Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins today released the following statement after voting against the FY2010 War Supplemental legislation:
“I support our troops, and I will do everything in my power to ensure they have every resource they need to defend our nation. I was proud to vote for a clean War Supplemental in the House on May 14th, and that legislation passed with broad bipartisan support. That is the legislation we should have considered today. I am extremely disappointed that some resorted to playing politics with this legislation by including $108 billion in loan guarantees for a bailout for the International Monetary Fund, a loophole in language regarding Guantanamo Bay that would allow the transfer of terrorist detainees to U.S. soil and refused to include language to block the release of interrogation photos that even military generals say would protect our troops.

“Our nation is facing serious challenges right now, and rather than passing the responsible, bipartisan War Supplemental, the Majority in this body forced a vote on a very irresponsible bill. In the past five months, Congress has passed a $787 billion so-called economic stimulus bill, a $3.55 trillion annual budget, and the national debt has grown to record levels that our grandchildren will have to finance. Congress should have parked the politics at the door and taken an up or down vote to fund our troops and nothing else, and I am extremely disappointed that did not happen.”
