Bill Summary & Status
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Items 1 through 100 of 203

1. S.3 : Health Security Act
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (21)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

2. S.4 : Retirement Income Security for Employees Act
Sponsor: Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (53)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 9/19/1973 Senate floor actions. Status: Measure indefinitely postponed in Senate (Provisions incorporated in H.R.4200 as passed Senate).

3. S.12 : A bill to amend title VII of the Housing Act of 1961 to establish an Urban Parkland Heritage Corporation to provide funds for the acquisition and operation of open space.
Sponsor: Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (8)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

4. S.32 : National Science Policy and Priorities Act
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (38)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Science and Astronautics
Latest Major Action: 10/15/1974 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Science and Astronautics.

5. S.44 : A bill to amend the Small Business Act to increase the availability of management counseling to small business concerns.
Sponsor: Sen Dole, Robert J. [KS] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (8)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

6. S.50 : Comprehensive Older Americans Services Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Eagleton, Thomas F. [MO] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (67)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 5/3/1973 Public law 93-29.

7. S.80 : Offshore Marine Environment Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen Hollings, Ernest F. [SC] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (6)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

8. S.136 : Opportunities Industrialization Assistance Act
Sponsor: Sen Schweiker, Richard S. [PA] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (31)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

9. S.156 : A bill to require the termination of all weapons range activities conducted on or near the Culebra complex of the Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range.
Sponsor: Sen Baker, Howard H., Jr. [TN] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (37)
Committees: Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Armed Services.

10. S.174 : A bill to provide for coverage of certain drugs under Medicare.
Sponsor: Sen Montoya, Joseph M. [NM] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (31)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

11. S.180 : A bill to amend the federal water pollution control act in order to require the approval of adjacent coastal states prior to the construction of certain offshore facilities.
Sponsor: Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (4)
Committees: Senate Public Works
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Public Works.

12. S.200 : A bill to require that new forms and reports, and revisions of existing forms, resulting from legislation be contained in reports of committees reporting the legislation.
Sponsor: Sen McIntyre, Thomas J. [NH] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (29)
Committees: Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Government Operations.

13. S.319 : New England States Fuel Oil Act
Sponsor: Sen Ribicoff, Abraham A. [CT] (introduced 1/11/1973)      Cosponsors (11)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 1/11/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

14. S.351 : Federal Employee Labor-Management Act
Sponsor: Sen McGee, Gale W. [WY] (introduced 1/12/1973)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Post Office and Civil Service
Latest Major Action: 1/12/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.

15. S.352 : Voter Registration Act
Sponsor: Sen McGee, Gale W. [WY] (introduced 1/12/1973)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: Senate Post Office and Civil Service; House Administration
Latest Major Action: 5/10/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on House Administration.

16. S.361 : Emergency Rural Housing Act
Sponsor: Sen McGovern, George [SD] (introduced 1/12/1973)      Cosponsors (11)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 1/12/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

17. S.373 : A bill to insure the separation of Federal powers and to protect the legislative function by requiring the President to notify the Congress whenever he impounds or authorizes the impounding of funds, and to provide a procedure under which the Senate and House of Representatives may approve the President's action or require the President to cease such action.
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 1/16/1973)      Cosponsors (50)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; Senate Government Operations; House Rules
Latest Major Action: 8/1/1973 Resolving differences -- House actions. Status: Conference scheduled in House.

18. S.394 : An Act to amend the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended, to establish a Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund to provide adequate funds for rural electric and telephone systems through insured and guaranteed loans at interest rates which will allow them to achieve the objectives of the Act, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 1/16/1973)      Cosponsors (54)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry; House Agriculture
Latest Major Action: 5/11/1973 Public law 93-32.

19. S.423 : A bill to establish a Department of Health.
Sponsor: Sen Ribicoff, Abraham A. [CT] (introduced 1/18/1973)      Cosponsors (25)
Committees: Senate Government Operations; Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 1/18/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

20. S.427 : A bill to provide for the extension of the Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Construction Act.
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 1/18/1973)      Cosponsors (11)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 1/18/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

21. S.440 : War Powers Act
Sponsor: Sen Javits, Jacob K. [NY] (introduced 1/18/1973)      Cosponsors (61)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations; House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 7/23/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

22. S.504 : Emergency Medical Sources Systems Development Act
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 1/23/1973)      Cosponsors (16)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 9/12/1973 Failed of passage in House over veto. Status: Motion to override veto failed of passage in House, roll call #449 (273-144).

23. S.511 : Open Government Act
Sponsor: Sen Stafford, Robert T. [VT] (introduced 1/23/1973)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 1/23/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Government Operations.

24. S.514 : A bill to amend the Act of June 27, 1960 (74 Stat. 220), relating to the preservation of historical and archeological data.
Sponsor: Sen Moss, Frank E. [UT] (introduced 1/23/1973)      Cosponsors (46)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; House Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 5/24/1974 Public law 93-291.

25. S.522 : Fish Disease Control Act
Sponsor: Sen Moss, Frank E. [UT] (introduced 1/23/1973)      Cosponsors (11)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 1/23/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

26. S.608 : A bill to authorize members of the Armed Forces and Federal employees who were in a missing status for any period during the Vietnam conflict to receive double credit for such period for retirement purposes, to provide for the payment of certain pay and allowances for such period.
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 1/29/1973)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: Senate Veterans' Affairs; Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 4/12/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Rereferred to committee on Armed Services.

27. S.650 : A bill to extend to all unmarried individuals the full tax benefits of income splitting now enjoyed by married individuals filing joint returns.
Sponsor: Sen Packwood, Bob [OR] (introduced 1/31/1973)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 1/31/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

28. S.707 : Consumer Protection Organization Act
Sponsor: Sen Ribicoff, Abraham A. [CT] (introduced 2/1/1973)      Cosponsors (33)
Committees: Senate Commerce; Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 9/24/1974 Placed on calendar in Senate under "Subjects on the Table".

29. S.723 : National Institute of Health Care Delivery Act
Sponsor: Sen Beall, J. Glenn, Jr. [MD] (introduced 2/1/1973)      Cosponsors (6)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 5/17/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

30. S.738 : A bill to establish and support State inspection programs for auto emission control systems.
Sponsor: Sen Muskie, Edmund S. [ME] (introduced 2/1/1973)      Cosponsors (16)
Committees: Senate Public Works
Latest Major Action: 2/1/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Public Works.

31. S.739 : A bill to allow use of highway funds for any transportation improvements necessary to avoid air pollution dangerous to public health, and to prohibit highway projects which may create air pollution dangerous to public health.
Sponsor: Sen Muskie, Edmund S. [ME] (introduced 2/1/1973)      Cosponsors (14)
Committees: Senate Public Works
Latest Major Action: 2/1/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Public Works.

32. S.744 : Rural Health Act
Sponsor: Sen Randolph, Jennings [WV] (introduced 2/2/1973)      Cosponsors (18)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 2/2/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

33. S.780 : A bill to amend the Clayton Act by adding a new section to prohibit sales below cost for the purpose of destroying competition or eliminating a competitor.
Sponsor: Sen Sparkman, John J. [AL] (introduced 2/6/1973)      Cosponsors (41)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 2/6/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary.

34. S.791 : A bill to amend the Export Administration Act of 1969 with respect to the exclusion of agricultural commodities from export controls.
Sponsor: Sen Muskie, Edmund S. [ME] (introduced 2/7/1973)      Cosponsors (10)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 2/7/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

35. S.793 : Public Service Employment Act
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 2/7/1973)      Cosponsors (14)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 2/7/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

36. S.796 : Museum Services Act
Sponsor: Sen Pell, Claiborne [RI] (introduced 2/7/1973)      Cosponsors (23)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 2/7/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

37. S.798 : Community Supervision and Services Act
Sponsor: Sen Burdick, Quentin N. [ND] (introduced 2/7/1973)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 10/9/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on the Judiciary.

38. S.804 : A bill to amend the Small Business Act to consolidate and expand the coverage of certain provisions authorizing assistance to small business concerns in financing structural, operational, or other changes to meet standards required pursuant to Federal or State laws.
Sponsor: Sen Bible, Alan [NV] (introduced 2/7/1973)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 2/7/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

39. S.867 : Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Sponsor: Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ] (introduced 2/15/1973)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 2/15/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

40. S.882 : A bill to amend section 355 of title 38, United States Code, relating to the authority of the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to readjust the schedule of ratings for the disabilities of veterans.
Sponsor: Sen Hartke, Vance [IN] (introduced 2/15/1973)      Cosponsors (37)
Committees: Senate Veterans' Affairs
Latest Major Action: 2/15/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

41. S.896 : Education of the Handicapped Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Randolph, Jennings [WV] (introduced 2/19/1973)      Cosponsors (14)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 6/26/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Education and Labor.

42. S.919 : A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to permit certain individuals, who have attained age 60 but not age 65 and who are entitled to widow's or widower's insurance benefits or are the wives or husbands of persons entitled to hospital insurance benefits, to obtain, in consideration of the payment of insurance premiums, coverage under the insurance programs established by such title.
Sponsor: Sen Gurney, Edward J. [FL] (introduced 2/20/1973)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 2/20/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

43. S.920 : A bill to authorize the acquisition of the Big Cypress National Fresh Water Reserve in the State of Florida.
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (by request) (introduced 2/20/1973)      Cosponsors (4)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 2/20/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

44. S.949 : Youth Programs Act
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 2/21/1973)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 2/21/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

45. S.993 : A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue rights-of-way and special land use permits for the construction of pipelines in the State of Alaska under certain circumstances.
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 2/26/1973)      Cosponsors (4)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 2/26/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

46. S.1019 : A bill to terminate the oil import control program.
Sponsor: Sen McIntyre, Thomas J. [NH] (introduced 2/27/1973)      Cosponsors (18)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 2/27/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

47. S.1025 : National Energy Resources Improvement Act
Sponsor: Sen Metcalf, Lee [MT] (introduced 2/27/1973)      Cosponsors (7)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 2/27/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

48. S.1063 : Child Nutrition Education Act
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 3/1/1973)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry
Latest Major Action: 3/1/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

49. S.1082 : Bread Tax Repeal Act
Sponsor: Sen Bayh, Birch [IN] (introduced 3/1/1973)      Cosponsors (18)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry
Latest Major Action: 3/1/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

50. S.1103 : Congressional Election Finance Act
Sponsor: Sen Hart, Philip A. [MI] (introduced 3/6/1973)      Cosponsors (13)
Committees: Senate Rules and Administration
Latest Major Action: 3/6/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.

51. S.1104 : Environmental Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen Hart, Philip A. [MI] (introduced 3/6/1973)      Cosponsors (18)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 3/6/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

52. S.1109 : A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide that the designation of payments to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund be made on the front page of the taxpayer's income tax return form.
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 3/6/1973)      Cosponsors (12)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 3/6/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

53. S.1121 : Federal Regulation of Lobbying Net Amendment
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 3/6/1973)      Cosponsors (8)
Committees: Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 3/6/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Government Operations.

54. S.1125 : Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Hughes, Harold E. [IA] (introduced 3/8/1973)      Cosponsors (34)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 5/14/1974 Public law 93-282.

55. S.1136 : Public Health Service Act Extension
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 3/8/1973)      Cosponsors (16)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 6/18/1973 Public law 93-45.

56. S.1149 : Rolling Stock Utilization and Financing Act
Sponsor: Sen Magnuson, Warren G. [WA] (introduced 3/8/1973)      Cosponsors (36)
Committees: Senate Commerce; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 12/10/1974 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: Measure passed House, amended, in lieu of H.R. 5385 .

57. S.1191 : Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 3/13/1973)      Cosponsors (18)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 1/31/1974 Public law 93-247.

58. S.1197 : Food Consumers' Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen Hartke, Vance [IN] (introduced 3/14/1973)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 3/14/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

59. S.1220 : A bill to limit the authority of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to impose, by regulations, certain additional restrictions upon the availability and use of Federal funds authorized for social services under the public assistance programs established by the Social Security Act.
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 3/14/1973)      Cosponsors (43)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 3/14/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

60. S.1224 : A bill to provide equality in the availability of communications for all residents of the United States and Puerto Rico.
Sponsor: Sen Gravel, Mike [AK] (introduced 3/14/1973)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 3/14/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

61. S.1269 : A bill to amend the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Act of 1950 with respect to the payment of certain expenses of members of the advisory committee appointed pursuant to such act.
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 3/15/1973)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 3/15/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

62. S.1271 : Interns for Political Leadership Act
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 3/15/1973)      Cosponsors (15)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 3/15/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

63. S.1314 : Congressional Free Speech Act
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 3/22/1973)      Cosponsors (28)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 3/22/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary.

64. S.1348 : National Mobile Home Safety Standards Act
Sponsor: Sen Brock, Bill [TN] (introduced 3/22/1973)      Cosponsors (11)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 3/22/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

65. S.1399 : A bill to establish the Olson Home, Cushing, Maine, as a national historic site.
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 3/27/1973)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 3/27/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

66. S.1423 : A bill to amend the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947, to permit employer contributions to jointly administered trust funds established by labor organizations to defray costs of legal services.
Sponsor: Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ] (introduced 3/29/1973)      Cosponsors (17)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 8/15/1973 Public law 93-95.

67. S.1434 : A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to disregard children's benefits received by an individual under the Social Security Act in determining whether that individual is a dependent of a taxpayer.
Sponsor: Sen Roth Jr., William V. [DE] (introduced 4/2/1973)      Cosponsors (23)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 4/2/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

68. S.1472 : A bill to help preserve the separation of powers and to further the constitutional prerogatives of Congress by providing for congressional review of executive agreements.
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 4/5/1973)      Cosponsors (28)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 4/5/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary.

69. S.1527 : Lobster Conservation and Control Act
Sponsor: Sen Weicker, Lowell P., Jr. [CT] (introduced 4/10/1973)      Cosponsors (25)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 4/10/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

70. S.1544 : A bill to prohibit the further expenditure of funds to finance the involvement of the armed forces of the United States in armed hostilities in Cambodia.
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 4/11/1973)      Cosponsors (12)
Committees: Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 4/11/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Armed Services.

71. S.1565 : North Slope Energy Resources Act
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 4/12/1973)      Cosponsors (15)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 4/12/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

72. S.1662 : A bill to provide for a daily index of the Congressional Record.
Sponsor: Sen Packwood, Bob [OR] (introduced 4/30/1973)      Cosponsors (25)
Committees: Senate Rules and Administration
Latest Major Action: 4/30/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.

73. S.1688 : A bill to protect the civilian employees of the executive branch of the United States Government in the enjoyment of their constitutional rights and to prevent unwarranted governmental invasions of their privacy.
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 5/2/1973)      Cosponsors (44)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; House Post Office and Civil Service
Latest Major Action: 3/11/1974 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.

74. S.1695 : Emergency Manpower and Defense Workers Assistance Act
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 5/3/1973)      Cosponsors (9)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 5/3/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

75. S.1714 : A bill to establish a task force within the Veterans' Administration to advise and assist in connection with, to consult on, and to coordinate, all programs pertaining to veterans of the Vietnam era.
Sponsor: Sen McGovern, George [SD] (introduced 5/7/1973)      Cosponsors (12)
Committees: Senate Veterans' Affairs
Latest Major Action: 5/7/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

76. S.1715 : A bill to amend title 10 of the United States Code to establish independent boards to review the discharges and dismissals of servicemen who served during the Vietnam era.
Sponsor: Sen McGovern, George [SD] (introduced 5/7/1973)      Cosponsors (9)
Committees: Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 5/7/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Armed Services.

77. S.1716 : A bill to amend chapter 49 of title 10, United States Code, to prohibit the inclusion of certain information on discharge certificates.
Sponsor: Sen McGovern, George [SD] (introduced 5/7/1973)      Cosponsors (11)
Committees: Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 5/7/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Armed Services.

78. S.1745 : An Act to provide financial assistance for research activities for the study of sudden infant death syndrome, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 5/8/1973)      Cosponsors (25)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 4/22/1974 Public law 93-270.

79. S.1812 : A bill to improve the coordination of Federal reporting services.
Sponsor: Sen McIntyre, Thomas J. [NH] (introduced 5/15/1973)      Cosponsors (17)
Committees: Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 5/15/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Government Operations.

80. S.1814 : Adult Education Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Javits, Jacob K. [NY] (introduced 5/15/1973)      Cosponsors (6)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 5/15/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

81. S.1844 : American Folklife Preservation Act
Sponsor: Sen Abourezk, James [SD] (introduced 5/17/1973)      Cosponsors (59)
Committees: Senate Rules and Administration
Latest Major Action: 5/17/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.

82. S.1845 : Drug Abuse Education Extension Act
Sponsor: Sen Bayh, Birch [IN] (introduced 5/17/1973)      Cosponsors (15)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 5/17/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

83. S.1880 : Hobby Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen Hartke, Vance [IN] (introduced 5/23/1973)      Cosponsors (9)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 8/2/1973 Senate floor actions. Status: Measure indefinitely postponed in Senate.

84. S.1881 : Used Car Warranty Act
Sponsor: Sen Hartke, Vance [IN] (introduced 5/23/1973)      Cosponsors (4)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 5/23/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

85. S.1901 : A bill to amend the act of August 20, 1963, as amended, relating to the construction of mint buildings.
Sponsor: Sen Sparkman, John J. [AL] (introduced 5/30/1973)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; House Public Works
Latest Major Action: 12/16/1974 Failed of passage/not agreed to in House. Status: Measure failed of passage in House under suspension of rules, roll call #694 (241-143).

86. S.2005 : A bill to provide for adequate reserves of certain agricultural commodities.
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 6/15/1973)      Cosponsors (6)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry
Latest Major Action: 6/15/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

87. S.2022 : Flexible Hours Employment Act
Sponsor: Sen Tunney, John V. [CA] (introduced 6/19/1973)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: Senate Post Office and Civil Service
Latest Major Action: 12/11/1974 Placed on calendar in Senate under "Subjects on the Table".

88. S.2024 : Indian Economic Development and Employment Act
Sponsor: Sen McGovern, George [SD] (introduced 6/19/1973)      Cosponsors (14)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 6/19/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

89. S.2068 : National Tay-Sachs Disease Screening and Counseling Act
Sponsor: Sen Javits, Jacob K. [NY] (introduced 6/26/1973)      Cosponsors (28)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 6/26/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

90. S.2069 : National Reading Improvement Act
Sponsor: Sen Eagleton, Thomas F. [MO] (introduced 6/26/1973)      Cosponsors (12)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 6/26/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

91. S.2071 : National Research Service Award Act
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 6/26/1973)      Cosponsors (10)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 6/26/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

92. S.2072 : Protection of Human Subjects Act
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 6/26/1973)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 6/26/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

93. S.2106 : A bill to amend title VI of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide for a 10-year term for the appointment of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Sponsor: Sen Byrd, Robert C. [WV] (introduced 6/29/1973)      Cosponsors (10)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 10/8/1974 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on the Judiciary.

94. S.2117 : Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ] (introduced 6/29/1973)      Cosponsors (27)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 6/29/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

95. S.2190 : Emergency Rural Housing Act
Sponsor: Sen Abourezk, James [SD] (introduced 7/16/1973)      Cosponsors (25)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 7/16/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

96. S.2200 : Right to Financial Privacy Act
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 7/19/1973)      Cosponsors (20)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 7/19/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

97. S.2296 : National Forest Environmental Management Act
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 7/31/1973)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry; House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 8/17/1974 Public law 93-378.

98. S.2354 : African Development Fund Act
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 8/3/1973)      Cosponsors (7)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations; House Banking and Currency
Latest Major Action: 8/2/1974 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Banking and Currency.

99. S.2397 : A bill to provide for a 7 percent increase in social security benefits beginning with benefits payable for the month of January 1974.
Sponsor: Sen Church, Frank [ID] (introduced 9/10/1973)      Cosponsors (37)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 9/10/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

100. S.2410 : Emergency Medical Services Systems Act
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 9/13/1973)      Cosponsors (19)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 11/16/1973 Public law 93-154.