Bill Summary & Status
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Items 1 through 100 of 169

1. S.28 : Water Rights Act
Sponsor: Sen Moss, Frank E. [UT] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (9)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

2. S.32 : National Science Policy and Priorities Act
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (38)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Science and Astronautics
Latest Major Action: 10/15/1974 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Science and Astronautics.

3. S.37 : An Act to amend the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921, to require the advice and consent of the Senate for future appointments to the offices of Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Metcalf, Lee [MT] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (8)
Committees: Senate Government Operations; House Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 3/2/1974 Public law 93-250.

4. S.44 : A bill to amend the Small Business Act to increase the availability of management counseling to small business concerns.
Sponsor: Sen Dole, Robert J. [KS] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (8)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

5. S.48 : Vietnam Disengagement Act
Sponsor: Sen Brooke, Edward W. [MA] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (25)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

6. S.50 : Comprehensive Older Americans Services Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Eagleton, Thomas F. [MO] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (67)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 5/3/1973 Public law 93-29.

7. S.136 : Opportunities Industrialization Assistance Act
Sponsor: Sen Schweiker, Richard S. [PA] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (31)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

8. S.156 : A bill to require the termination of all weapons range activities conducted on or near the Culebra complex of the Atlantic Fleet Weapons Range.
Sponsor: Sen Baker, Howard H., Jr. [TN] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (37)
Committees: Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Armed Services.

9. S.174 : A bill to provide for coverage of certain drugs under Medicare.
Sponsor: Sen Montoya, Joseph M. [NM] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (31)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

10. S.176 : World War I Pension Act
Sponsor: Sen Thurmond, Strom [SC] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (27)
Committees: Senate Veterans' Affairs
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

11. S.212 : Vietnam Withdrawal Act
Sponsor: Sen McGovern, George [SD] (introduced 1/4/1973)      Cosponsors (6)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

12. S.255 : A bill to repeal certain provisions, which become effective January 1, 1974, of the Food Stamp Act of 1964 and section 416 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 relating to eligibility to participate in the food stamp program and the direct commodity distribution program.
Sponsor: Sen Eagleton, Thomas F. [MO] (introduced 1/9/1973)      Cosponsors (21)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry
Latest Major Action: 1/9/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

13. S.260 : Government in the Sunshine Act
Sponsor: Sen Chiles, Lawton [FL] (introduced 1/9/1973)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 1/9/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Government Operations.

14. S.268 : Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (introduced 1/9/1973)      Cosponsors (29)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; House Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 6/25/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

15. S.275 : A bill to amend title 38 of the United States Code increasing income limitations relating to payment of disability and death pension, and dependency and indemnity compensation.
Sponsor: Sen Hartke, Vance [IN] (introduced 1/9/1973)      Cosponsors (23)
Committees: Senate Veterans' Affairs
Latest Major Action: 8/2/1973 Passed/agreed to in Senate. Status: Measure passed Senate, amended.
Latest Action: 8/2/1973 Measure indefinitely postponed in Senate, H.R. 9474 passed in lieu.

16. S.277 : A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act with respect to the waiver of certain grounds for exclusion and deportation.
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 1/9/1973)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 1/9/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary.

17. S.316 : A bill to further the purposes of the Wilderness Act of 1964 by designating certain lands for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System.
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (introduced 1/11/1973)      Cosponsors (32)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Agriculture and Forestry
Latest Major Action: 1/23/1974 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

18. S.368 : Uniformed Services Special Pay Act
Sponsor: Sen Stafford, Robert T. [VT] (introduced 1/16/1973)      Cosponsors (17)
Committees: Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 1/16/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Armed Services.

19. S.373 : A bill to insure the separation of Federal powers and to protect the legislative function by requiring the President to notify the Congress whenever he impounds or authorizes the impounding of funds, and to provide a procedure under which the Senate and House of Representatives may approve the President's action or require the President to cease such action.
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 1/16/1973)      Cosponsors (50)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; Senate Government Operations; House Rules
Latest Major Action: 8/1/1973 Resolving differences -- House actions. Status: Conference scheduled in House.

20. S.394 : An Act to amend the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended, to establish a Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund to provide adequate funds for rural electric and telephone systems through insured and guaranteed loans at interest rates which will allow them to achieve the objectives of the Act, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 1/16/1973)      Cosponsors (54)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry; House Agriculture
Latest Major Action: 5/11/1973 Public law 93-32.

21. S.411 : An Act to amend title 39, United States Code, with respect to certain rates of postage, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen McGee, Gale W. [WY] (introduced 1/16/1973)      Cosponsors (21)
Committees: Senate Post Office and Civil Service; House Post Office and Civil Service
Latest Major Action: 6/30/1974 Public law 93-328.

22. S.440 : War Powers Act
Sponsor: Sen Javits, Jacob K. [NY] (introduced 1/18/1973)      Cosponsors (61)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations; House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 7/23/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

23. S.450 : A bill to require the public disclosure of certain information relating to U.S. military activities in Southeast Asia.
Sponsor: Sen Hughes, Harold E. [IA] (introduced 1/18/1973)      Cosponsors (14)
Committees: Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 1/18/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Armed Services.

24. S.467 : A bill to extend the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended, for 1 year.
Sponsor: Sen Randolph, Jennings [WV] (introduced 1/18/1973)      Cosponsors (8)
Committees: Senate Public Works
Latest Major Action: 1/18/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Public Works.

25. S.514 : A bill to amend the Act of June 27, 1960 (74 Stat. 220), relating to the preservation of historical and archeological data.
Sponsor: Sen Moss, Frank E. [UT] (introduced 1/23/1973)      Cosponsors (46)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; House Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 5/24/1974 Public law 93-291.

26. S.520 : A bill to establish Capitol Hill as an historic district.
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 1/23/1973)      Cosponsors (10)
Committees: Senate District of Columbia
Latest Major Action: 1/23/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on District of Columbia.

27. S.547 : A bill to amend title 18 of the United States Code to permit the mailing of lottery tickets and related matter, the broadcasting or televising of lottery information, and the transportation and advertising of lottery tickets in interstate commerce, but only where the lottery is conducted by a State agency.
Sponsor: Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ] (introduced 1/23/1973)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 1/23/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary.

28. S.548 : A bill to provide price support for milk at not less than 85 percent of the parity price therefor.
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 1/23/1973)      Cosponsors (23)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry
Latest Major Action: 1/23/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

29. S.571 : A bill to amend the Federal Meat Inspection Act to require that imported meat and meat food products made in whole or in part of imported meat be labeled "imported" at all stages of distribution until delivery to the ultimate consumer.
Sponsor: Sen Hansen, Clifford P. [WY] (introduced 1/26/1973)      Cosponsors (20)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry
Latest Major Action: 1/26/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

30. S.580 : A bill to amend title 18 of the United States Code by adding a new chapter 404 to establish an Institute for Continuing Studies of Juvenile Justice.
Sponsor: Sen Percy, Charles H. [IL] (introduced 1/26/1973)      Cosponsors (16)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 1/26/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary.

31. S.586 : A bill to amend the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
Sponsor: Sen Dominick, Peter H. [CO] (introduced 1/29/1973)      Cosponsors (18)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 1/29/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

32. S.630 : A bill to encourage and support the dissemination of news, opinion, scientific, cultural, and educational matter through the mails.
Sponsor: Sen Nelson, Gaylord [WI] (introduced 1/31/1973)      Cosponsors (20)
Committees: Senate Post Office and Civil Service
Latest Major Action: 1/31/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.

33. S.649 : Japan-United States Friendship Act
Sponsor: Sen Javits, Jacob K. [NY] (introduced 1/31/1973)      Cosponsors (29)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations; House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 6/10/1974 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

34. S.650 : A bill to extend to all unmarried individuals the full tax benefits of income splitting now enjoyed by married individuals filing joint returns.
Sponsor: Sen Packwood, Bob [OR] (introduced 1/31/1973)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 1/31/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

35. S.738 : A bill to establish and support State inspection programs for auto emission control systems.
Sponsor: Sen Muskie, Edmund S. [ME] (introduced 2/1/1973)      Cosponsors (16)
Committees: Senate Public Works
Latest Major Action: 2/1/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Public Works.

36. S.754 : Speedy Trial Act
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 2/5/1973)      Cosponsors (49)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 1/3/1975 Public law 93-619.

37. S.774 : -- Private Bill; A bill for the relief of Arline Loader and Maurice Loader.
Sponsor: Sen Packwood, Bob [OR] (introduced 2/1/1973)      Cosponsors (1)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 11/30/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on the Judiciary.

38. S.797 : Bicentennial Advanced Technology Transportation System Demonstration Act
Sponsor: Sen Beall, J. Glenn, Jr. [MD] (introduced 2/7/1973)      Cosponsors (14)
Committees: Senate Commerce; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 6/15/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

39. S.804 : A bill to amend the Small Business Act to consolidate and expand the coverage of certain provisions authorizing assistance to small business concerns in financing structural, operational, or other changes to meet standards required pursuant to Federal or State laws.
Sponsor: Sen Bible, Alan [NV] (introduced 2/7/1973)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 2/7/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

40. S.842 : A bill to amend title 39, United States Code, in order to assist the survival of publications threatened by increased postal rates.
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 2/8/1973)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: Senate Post Office and Civil Service
Latest Major Action: 2/8/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.

41. S.867 : Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Sponsor: Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ] (introduced 2/15/1973)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 2/15/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

42. S.942 : Federal Narcotics and Drug Abuse Law Enforcement Reorganization Act
Sponsor: Sen Ribicoff, Abraham A. [CT] (introduced 2/21/1973)      Cosponsors (8)
Committees: Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 2/21/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Government Operations.

43. S.950 : Family Farm Antitrust Act
Sponsor: Sen Nelson, Gaylord [WI] (introduced 2/21/1973)      Cosponsors (8)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 2/21/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary.

44. S.978 : A bill to amend the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45) to provide that under certain circumstances exclusive territorial arrangements shall not be deemed unlawful.
Sponsor: Sen Eastland, James O. [MS] (introduced 2/22/1973)      Cosponsors (47)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 6/12/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

45. S.1007 : Small Business Joint Export Development Act
Sponsor: Sen Pearson, James B. [KS] (introduced 2/26/1973)      Cosponsors (6)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 2/26/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

46. S.1017 : Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (introduced 2/26/1973)      Cosponsors (13)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; House Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 1/4/1975 Public law 93-638.

47. S.1122 : Interstate Recycling Expansion Act
Sponsor: Sen Cook, Marlow W. [KY] (introduced 3/6/1973)      Cosponsors (13)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 3/6/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

48. S.1125 : Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Hughes, Harold E. [IA] (introduced 3/8/1973)      Cosponsors (34)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 5/14/1974 Public law 93-282.

49. S.1147 : Occupational Safety and Health Act Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Dominick, Peter H. [CO] (introduced 3/8/1973)      Cosponsors (29)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 3/8/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

50. S.1149 : Rolling Stock Utilization and Financing Act
Sponsor: Sen Magnuson, Warren G. [WA] (introduced 3/8/1973)      Cosponsors (36)
Committees: Senate Commerce; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 12/10/1974 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: Measure passed House, amended, in lieu of H.R. 5385 .

51. S.1220 : A bill to limit the authority of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to impose, by regulations, certain additional restrictions upon the availability and use of Federal funds authorized for social services under the public assistance programs established by the Social Security Act.
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 3/14/1973)      Cosponsors (43)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 3/14/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

52. S.1283 : National Energy Research and Development Policy Act
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (introduced 3/19/1973)      Cosponsors (47)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; House Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 12/31/1974 Public law 93-577.

53. S.1296 : Grand Canyon National Park Enlargement Act
Sponsor: Sen Goldwater, Barry [AZ] (introduced 3/20/1973)      Cosponsors (27)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; House Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 1/3/1975 Public law 93-620.

54. S.1328 : California Corridor Feasibility Study Act
Sponsor: Sen Tunney, John V. [CA] (introduced 3/22/1973)      Cosponsors (4)
Committees: Senate Commerce; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 7/12/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

55. S.1395 : A bill to encourage and support the dissemination of news, opinion, scientific, cultural, and educational matter through the mails.
Sponsor: Sen Randolph, Jennings [WV] (introduced 3/27/1973)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Post Office and Civil Service
Latest Major Action: 3/27/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.

56. S.1414 : Congressional Budget Control Act
Sponsor: Sen Chiles, Lawton [FL] (introduced 3/29/1973)      Cosponsors (11)
Committees: Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 3/22/1974 Placed on calendar in Senate under Subjects on the Table, H.R. 7130 passed in lieu.

57. S.1415 : A bill to amend the Small Business Act to assist in the financing of small business concerns which are disadvantaged because of certain social or economic considerations not generally applicable to other business enterprises.
Sponsor: Sen Buckley, James L. [NY] (introduced 3/29/1973)      Cosponsors (15)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 3/29/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

58. S.1472 : A bill to help preserve the separation of powers and to further the constitutional prerogatives of Congress by providing for congressional review of executive agreements.
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 4/5/1973)      Cosponsors (28)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 4/5/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary.

59. S.1473 : A bill to amend the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 so as to provide for a research program relating to earthquakes.
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 4/5/1973)      Cosponsors (9)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 4/5/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

60. S.1474 : Earthquake Prediction Act
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 4/5/1973)      Cosponsors (11)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 4/5/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

61. S.1475 : Rural Job and Business Development Tax Act
Sponsor: Sen Pearson, James B. [KS] (introduced 4/5/1973)      Cosponsors (22)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 4/5/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

62. S.1541 : Congressional Budgetary Procedures Act
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 4/11/1973)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: Senate Government Operations; Senate Rules and Administration
Latest Major Action: 3/22/1974 Placed on calendar in Senate under Subjects on the Table, H.R. 7130 passed in lieu.

63. S.1544 : A bill to prohibit the further expenditure of funds to finance the involvement of the armed forces of the United States in armed hostilities in Cambodia.
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 4/11/1973)      Cosponsors (12)
Committees: Senate Armed Services
Latest Major Action: 4/11/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Armed Services.

64. S.1592 : Endangered Species Conservation Act
Sponsor: Sen Magnuson, Warren G. [WA] (by request) (introduced 4/16/1973)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 4/16/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

65. S.1611 : A bill to amend the Federal Crop Insurance Act to extend insurance coverage under such Act to all areas of the United States and to all agricultural commodities.
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 4/17/1973)      Cosponsors (13)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry
Latest Major Action: 4/17/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry.

66. S.1625 : A bill to extend until November 1, 1978, the existing exemption of the steamboat Delta Queen from certain vessel laws.
Sponsor: Sen Taft, Robert, Jr. [OH] (introduced 4/18/1973)      Cosponsors (22)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 8/3/1973 Senate floor actions. Status: Measure indefinitely postponed in Senate.

67. S.1687 : Menominee Restoration Act
Sponsor: Sen Proxmire, William [WI] (introduced 5/2/1973)      Cosponsors (28)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 5/2/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

68. S.1688 : A bill to protect the civilian employees of the executive branch of the United States Government in the enjoyment of their constitutional rights and to prevent unwarranted governmental invasions of their privacy.
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 5/2/1973)      Cosponsors (44)
Committees: Senate Judiciary; House Post Office and Civil Service
Latest Major Action: 3/11/1974 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.

69. S.1708 : Family Planning Services and Population Research Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 5/3/1973)      Cosponsors (21)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 5/3/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

70. S.1844 : American Folklife Preservation Act
Sponsor: Sen Abourezk, James [SD] (introduced 5/17/1973)      Cosponsors (59)
Committees: Senate Rules and Administration
Latest Major Action: 5/17/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.

71. S.1868 : A bill to amend the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 to halt the importation of Rhodesian chrome and to restore the United States to its position as a law-abiding member of the international community.
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 5/22/1973)      Cosponsors (30)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations; House Foreign Affairs
Latest Major Action: 7/9/1974 Reported to House from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, H. Rept. 93-1181.

72. S.1871 : An Act to amend the Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-597,86 Stat. 1319) to expand and make permanent the Youth Conservation Corps, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (introduced 5/23/1973)      Cosponsors (22)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 9/3/1974 Public law 93-408.

73. S.1880 : Hobby Protection Act
Sponsor: Sen Hartke, Vance [IN] (introduced 5/23/1973)      Cosponsors (9)
Committees: Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 8/2/1973 Senate floor actions. Status: Measure indefinitely postponed in Senate.

74. S.1923 : A bill to amend the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 to provide that Federal agencies keep congressional committees fully and currently informed.
Sponsor: Sen Mathias, Charles McC., Jr. [MD] (introduced 5/31/1973)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 5/31/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Government Operations.

75. S.2029 : A bill to provide assistance for South Vietnamese children.
Sponsor: Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ] (introduced 6/20/1973)      Cosponsors (22)
Committees: Senate Foreign Relations
Latest Major Action: 6/20/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

76. S.2038 : Indian Tribal Government Grant Act
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (by request) (introduced 6/20/1973)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 6/20/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

77. S.2134 : A bill to provide for annual authorization of appropriations to the United States Postal Service.
Sponsor: Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [DE] (introduced 7/10/1973)      Cosponsors (10)
Committees: Senate Post Office and Civil Service
Latest Major Action: 7/10/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.

78. S.2135 : Energy Research and Development Administration Act
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (by request) (introduced 7/10/1973)      Cosponsors (10)
Committees: Senate Government Operations
Latest Major Action: 7/10/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Government Operations.

79. S.2176 : National Fuels and Energy Conservation Act
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (introduced 7/13/1973)      Cosponsors (33)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Commerce; Senate Public Works; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 12/17/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

80. S.2190 : Emergency Rural Housing Act
Sponsor: Sen Abourezk, James [SD] (introduced 7/16/1973)      Cosponsors (25)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 7/16/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

81. S.2200 : Right to Financial Privacy Act
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 7/19/1973)      Cosponsors (20)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 7/19/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

82. S.2233 : A bill to establish the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area in the States of Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
Sponsor: Sen Church, Frank [ID] (introduced 7/23/1973)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs; House Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 9/30/1974 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

83. S.2296 : National Forest Environmental Management Act
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 7/31/1973)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: Senate Agriculture and Forestry; House Education and Labor
Latest Major Action: 8/17/1974 Public law 93-378.

84. S.2318 : Freedom From Surveillance Act
Sponsor: Sen Ervin, Sam J., Jr. [NC] (introduced 8/1/1973)      Cosponsors (35)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 8/1/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary.

85. S.2333 : A bill to amend the Tariff Schedules of the United States with respect to the rate of duty on certain types and uses of fish netting and fish nets.
Sponsor: Sen Packwood, Bob [OR] (introduced 8/2/1973)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 8/2/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

86. S.2350 : Earth Resources Survey Systems Act
Sponsor: Sen Moss, Frank E. [UT] (introduced 8/3/1973)      Cosponsors (2)
Committees: Senate Aeronautical and Space Sciences
Latest Major Action: 8/3/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Science.

87. S.2359 : A bill to amend title II of the Social Security Act so as to liberalize the conditions governing eligibility of blind persons to receive disability insurance benefits thereunder.
Sponsor: Sen Hartke, Vance [IN] (introduced 8/3/1973)      Cosponsors (58)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 8/3/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

88. S.2393 : A bill to provide that the special cost-of-living increase in social security benefits enacted by Public Law 93-66 shall become effective immediately.
Sponsor: Sen Humphrey, Hubert H. [MN] (introduced 9/7/1973)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 9/7/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

89. S.2397 : A bill to provide for a 7 percent increase in social security benefits beginning with benefits payable for the month of January 1974.
Sponsor: Sen Church, Frank [ID] (introduced 9/10/1973)      Cosponsors (37)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 9/10/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

90. S.2415 : A bill to amend section 203 of the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 to permit the pass-through of certain cost increases.
Sponsor: Sen Curtis, Carl T. [NE] (introduced 9/13/1973)      Cosponsors (26)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 9/13/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

91. S.2422 : Rape Prevention and Control Act
Sponsor: Sen Mathias, Charles McC., Jr. [MD] (introduced 9/17/1973)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: Senate Labor and Public Welfare
Latest Major Action: 9/17/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.

92. S.2453 : A bill to amend section 203 of the Economic Stabilization Act in regard to the authority conferred by that section with respect to petroleum products.
Sponsor: Sen Stevenson, Adlai E., III [IL] (introduced 9/20/1973)      Cosponsors (18)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Latest Major Action: 9/20/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

93. S.2465 : Geothermal Energy Act
Sponsor: Sen Bible, Alan [NV] (introduced 9/21/1973)      Cosponsors (18)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 7/11/1974 Senate floor actions. Status: Measure indefinitely postponed in Senate, H.R. 14920 passed in lieu.

94. S.2528 : Social Services Amendments
Sponsor: Sen Mondale, Walter F. [MN] (introduced 10/3/1973)      Cosponsors (41)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 10/3/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

95. S.2550 : -- Private Bill; A bill for the relief of Il Kwon Yang.
Sponsor: Sen Packwood, Bob [OR] (introduced 10/8/1973)      Cosponsors (1)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 10/8/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on the Judiciary.

96. S.2596 : A bill to provide relief to units of local government from liability for repayment of excessive payments made due to an error by the United States under the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972.
Sponsor: Sen Cook, Marlow W. [KY] (introduced 10/18/1973)      Cosponsors (5)
Committees: Senate Finance
Latest Major Action: 10/18/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Finance.

97. S.2611 : A bill to insure the enforcement of the criminal laws and the due administration of justice; establish an independent special prosecutor.
Sponsor: Sen Bayh, Birch [IN] (introduced 10/26/1973)      Cosponsors (51)
Committees: Senate Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 7/24/1974 Placed on calendar in Senate under Subjects on the Table.

98. S.2622 : National Islands Conservation and Recreation Act
Sponsor: Sen Jackson, Henry M. [WA] (introduced 10/30/1973)      Cosponsors (3)
Committees: Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Latest Major Action: 10/30/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

99. S.2650 : Solar Home Heating and Cooling Demonstration Act
Sponsor: Sen Cranston, Alan [CA] (introduced 11/2/1973)      Cosponsors (24)
Committees: Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Senate Commerce
Latest Major Action: 11/2/1973 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Referred to Senate Committee on Commerce.

100. S.2651 : A bill to amend the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 and the Interstate Commerce Act in order to authorize reduced rate transportation for handicapped persons and for persons who are 65 years of age or older or 21 years of age or younger.
Sponsor: Sen Magnuson, Warren G. [WA] (introduced 11/2/1973)      Cosponsors (18)
Committees: Senate Commerce; House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Latest Major Action: 11/6/1973 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.