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Items 1 through 62 of 62

1. S.AMDT.186 to S.CON.RES.18 Sense of the Senate that any increases set forth do not assume an energy tax on nonconventional fuels, including solar, geothermal, wind, and biomass-dervived fuels.
Sponsor: Sen Wellstone, Paul D. [MN] (introduced 3/19/1993)      Cosponsors (10)
Latest Major Action: 3/23/1993 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 186 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 48-52. Record Vote No: 44.

2. S.AMDT.381 to S.3 To create a purely voluntary public funding system for eligible candidates.
Sponsor: Sen Kerry, John F. [MA] (introduced 5/27/1993)      Cosponsors (6)
Latest Major Action: 5/27/1993 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 381 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 35-60. Record Vote No: 130.

3. S.AMDT.515 to S.1134 To express the sense of the Senate regarding permanent extension of research credit.
Sponsor: Sen Feinstein, Dianne [CA] (introduced 6/24/1993)      Cosponsors (23)
Latest Major Action: 6/24/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 515 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

4. S.AMDT.756 to H.R.2667 To provide full payments to producers for crop losses resulting from damaging weather or related conditions in 1993, and for claims for assistance by producers with 1990, 1991, and 1992 crop losses.
Sponsor: Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] (introduced 8/3/1993)      Cosponsors (13)
Latest Major Action: 8/4/1993 SP 756 ruled out of order by the chair.

5. S.AMDT.760 to H.R.2667 To make certain amendments regarding local rail freight assistance.
Sponsor: Sen Bond, Christopher S. [MO] (introduced 8/4/1993)      Cosponsors (6)
Latest Major Action: 8/4/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 760 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

6. S.AMDT.779 to S.1298 To provide permanent Congressional consent for the employment of retired personnel of the Armed Forces of the United States by governments of newly democratic nations.
Sponsor: Sen McCain, John [AZ] (introduced 9/8/1993)      Cosponsors (2)
Latest Major Action: 9/8/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 779 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

7. S.AMDT.785 to S.1298 To reduce the amount provided for ballistic missile defense programs and to allocate the total amount among the ballistic missile defense programs and program elements.
Sponsor: Sen Sasser, Jim [TN] (introduced 9/9/1993)      Cosponsors (11)
Latest Major Action: 9/9/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 785 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 50-48. Record Vote No: 251.

8. S.AMDT.813 to S.1298 To promote the industrial competitiveness and economic growth of the United States by strengthening the linkages between the laboratories of the Department of Energy and the private sector and by supporting the development and application of technologies critical to the economic, scientific and technological competitiveness of the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Johnston, J. Bennett [LA] (introduced 9/9/1993)      Cosponsors (5)
Latest Major Action: 9/9/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 813 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

9. S.AMDT.821 to S.1298 To extend for three years the moratorium on the sale, transfer or export of anti-personnel landmines abroad, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [VT] (introduced 9/10/1993)      Cosponsors (59)
Latest Major Action: 9/14/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 821 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 100-0. Record Vote No: 258.

10. S.AMDT.840 to S.1298 To require the Secretary of Defense to terminate the Defense Business Operations Fund if the Inspector General of the Department of Defense determines that the Fund was not in compliance with applicable financial management standards during fiscal year 1993.
Sponsor: Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA] (introduced 9/13/1993)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 9/14/1993 Motion to table SP 840 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 57-43. Record Vote No: 259.

11. S.AMDT.842 to S.1298 To establish sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro.
Sponsor: Sen Levin, Carl [MI] (introduced 9/13/1993)      Cosponsors (5)
Latest Major Action: 9/13/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 842 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

12. S.AMDT.858 to S.1298 To provide for the community reuse of Fort Sheridan, Illinois, and the acquisition by the Army of property in Arlington, Virginia, through exchange of property at Fort Sheridan, Illinois.
Sponsor: Sen Warner, John [VA] (introduced 9/13/1993)      Cosponsors (3)
Latest Major Action: 9/13/1993 Proposed amendment SP 858 withdrawn in Senate.

13. S.AMDT.860 to S.1298 To provide for a study on the reuse of Fort Sheridan, Illinois, and the acquisition by the Army of property in Arlington, Virginia.
Sponsor: Sen Warner, John [VA] (introduced 9/13/1993)      Cosponsors (3)
Latest Major Action: 9/13/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 860 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

14. S.AMDT.905 to H.R.2491 To reduce the appropriation for the implementation of the space station program by $1,446,000,000 for the purposes of reducing the deficit in the Federal budget.
Sponsor: Sen Bumpers, Dale [AR] (introduced 9/20/1993)      Cosponsors (15)
Latest Major Action: 9/21/1993 Motion to table agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 59-40. Record Vote No: 272.

15. S.AMDT.945 to H.R.2295 To certify continued progress on Russian troop withdrawal from Latvia and Estonia.
Sponsor: Sen Byrd, Robert C. [WV] (introduced 9/23/1993)      Cosponsors (14)
Latest Major Action: 9/23/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 945 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 97-1. Record Vote No: 283.

16. S.AMDT.946 to H.R.2295 Relating to restoration of democracy in Haiti.
Sponsor: Sen Wellstone, Paul D. [MN] (introduced 9/23/1993)      Cosponsors (5)
Latest Major Action: 9/23/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 946 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

17. S.AMDT.970 to H.R.2518 To express the sense of the Congress that the total share of Federal spending on education should increase by at least 1 percent each year until such share reaches 10 percent of the total Federal budget.
Sponsor: Sen Jeffords, James M. [VT] (introduced 9/27/1993)      Cosponsors (4)
Latest Major Action: 9/27/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 970 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

18. S.AMDT.971 to H.R.2518 To provide for the protection of children from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in the provision of children's services.
Sponsor: Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] (introduced 9/28/1993)      Cosponsors (2)
Latest Major Action: 9/28/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 971 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 95-3. Record Vote No: 291.

19. S.AMDT.1036 to H.R.3116 To achieve greater cooperation from allies of the United States and international organizations for the support of the costs involved in development and production of Theater Missile Defense systems.
Sponsor: Sen Sasser, Jim [TN] (introduced 10/14/1993)      Cosponsors (7)
Latest Major Action: 10/14/1993 Motion to table SP 1036 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 54-42. Record Vote No: 311.

20. S.AMDT.1079 to H.R.3116 To strike out the appropriation for the Army for the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice.
Sponsor: Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] (introduced 10/21/1993)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 10/21/1993 Motion to table SP 1079 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 67-30. Record Vote No: 325.

21. S.AMDT.1148 to S.1607 To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the possession of a handgun or ammunition by, or the private transfer of a handgun or ammunition to, a juvenile.
Sponsor: Sen Kohl, Herb [WI] (introduced 11/9/1993)      Cosponsors (22)
Latest Major Action: 11/9/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 100-0. Record Vote No: 663.

22. S.AMDT.1149 to S.1607 To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the possession of a handgun or ammunition by, or the private transfer of a handgun or ammunition to, a juvenile.
Sponsor: Sen Mitchell, George J. [ME] (introduced 11/9/1993)      Cosponsors (16)
Latest Major Action: 11/9/1993 Proposed amendment SP 1149 withdrawn in Senate.

23. S.AMDT.1153 to S.1607 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 11/9/1993)      Cosponsors (4)
Latest Major Action: 11/9/1993 Senate amendment submitted

24. S.AMDT.1176 to S.1607 To authorize the National Institute of Corrections to make grants to States to carry out family unity demonstration projects, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Durenberger, Dave [MN] (introduced 11/11/1993)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 11/11/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1176 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

25. S.AMDT.1203 to S.1607 To add a title to the bill relating to driver's privacy.
Sponsor: Sen Boxer, Barbara [CA] (introduced 11/16/1993)      Cosponsors (27)
Latest Major Action: 11/16/1993 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1203 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

26. S.AMDT.1204 to S.1607 To provide for imposition of the penalty of life imprisonment without the possibility of release rather than imposition of the death penalty.
Sponsor: Sen Levin, Carl [MI] (introduced 11/16/1993)      Cosponsors (5)
Latest Major Action: 11/17/1993 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 25-74. Record Vote No: 379.

27. S.AMDT.1250 to S.1281 To amend the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to strengthen the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and to improve congressional oversight of the activities of the Agency.
Sponsor: Sen Pell, Claiborne [RI] (introduced 1/25/1994)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 1/25/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1250 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

28. S.AMDT.1280 to S.1281 In the nature of a substitute.
Sponsor: Sen McConnell, Mitch [KY] (introduced 1/27/1994)      Cosponsors (9)
Latest Major Action: 1/27/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1280 as modified agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 94-3. Record Vote No: 9.

29. S.AMDT.1321 to S.1281 To impose sanctions against any foreign person or United States person that assists a foreign country in acquiring a nuclear explosive device or unsafeguarded nuclear material, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Glenn, John H., Jr. [OH] (introduced 1/31/1994)      Cosponsors (8)
Latest Major Action: 1/31/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1321 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

30. S.AMDT.1327 to S.1281 To extend certain adjudication provisions.
Sponsor: Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] (introduced 2/1/1994)      Cosponsors (7)
Latest Major Action: 2/1/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1327 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 85-15. Record Vote No: 14.

31. S.AMDT.1340 to S.1281 To require reports every six months by the President on the implementation of the Partnership for Peace.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 2/1/1994)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 2/1/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1340 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

32. S.AMDT.1378 to S.1150 To help local school systems achieve Goal Six of the National Education Goals, which provides that by the year 2000, every school in America will be free of drugs and violence and will offer a disciplined environment conducive to learning, by ensuring that all schools are safe and free of violence.
Sponsor: Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT] (introduced 2/3/1994)      Cosponsors (15)
Latest Major Action: 2/3/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1378 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

33. S.AMDT.1431 to S.1361 To encourage grants to partnerships serving high poverty areas.
Sponsor: Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] (introduced 2/7/1994)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 2/7/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1431 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

34. S.AMDT.1472 to S.1757 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] (introduced 2/28/1994)      Cosponsors (23)
Latest Major Action: 2/28/1994 Senate amendment submitted

35. S.AMDT.1473 to S.1779 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] (introduced 2/28/1994)      Cosponsors (23)
Latest Major Action: 2/28/1994 Senate amendment submitted

36. S.AMDT.1476 to S.1775 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Hatfield, Mark O. [OR] (introduced 3/2/1994)      Cosponsors (21)
Latest Major Action: 3/2/1994 Senate amendment submitted

37. S.AMDT.1551 to S.1636 To provide procedures relating to permits for the public display of marine mammals.
Sponsor: Sen Exon, J. James [NE] (introduced 3/21/1994)      Cosponsors (17)
Latest Major Action: 3/21/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1551 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

38. S.AMDT.1585 to S.CON.RES.63 To reduce Function 920 to reflect a freeze of Federal overhead spending in FY96, and then an adjustment of inflation in FY 1997, FY 1998, and FY 1999, and assumes that all Federal agencies to improve the collection of delinquent debts, with one third of the savings for deficit reduction and two thirds for the Federal share of education funding for individuals with disabilities.
Sponsor: Sen Jeffords, James M. [VT] (introduced 3/24/1994)      Cosponsors (4)
Latest Major Action: 3/25/1994 Proposed amendment SP 1585 withdrawn in Senate.

39. S.AMDT.1606 to S.1569 To prohibit an agency, or entity, that receives Federal assistance and is involved in adoption or foster care programs from delaying or denying the placement of a child based on the race, color, or national origin of the child or adoptive or foster parent or parents involved.
Sponsor: Sen Metzenbaum, Howard M. [OH] (introduced 3/26/1994)      Cosponsors (5)
Latest Major Action: 3/26/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 1606 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

40. S.AMDT.1841 to S.2182 To delay procurement of the CVN-76 aircraft carrier.
Sponsor: Sen Feingold, Russell D. [WI] (introduced 6/23/1994)      Cosponsors (5)
Latest Major Action: 6/23/1994 Motion to table SP 1841 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 72-24. Record Vote No: 164.

41. S.AMDT.1891 to S.687 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] (introduced 6/27/1994)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 6/27/1994 Senate amendment submitted

42. S.AMDT.1933 to S.687 Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
Sponsor: Sen Lautenberg, Frank R. [NJ] (introduced 6/28/1994)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 6/28/1994 Senate amendment submitted

43. S.AMDT.2150 to S.2182 To ensure that the President of the Republic of China on Taiwan can enter the United States on certain occasions.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 7/1/1994)      Cosponsors (2)
Latest Major Action: 7/1/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2150 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

44. S.AMDT.2152 to S.2182 To make Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic eligible for allied defense cooperation with NATO countries, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 7/1/1994)      Cosponsors (4)
Latest Major Action: 7/1/1994 Proposed amendment withdrawn in Senate.

45. S.AMDT.2161 to S.2182 To express the sense of the Senate concerning participation in allied defense cooperation.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 7/1/1994)      Cosponsors (6)
Latest Major Action: 7/1/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2161 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

46. S.AMDT.2217 to S.2182 To express the sense of the Congress regarding the violations of genocide in Rwanda, and the need to expedite assistance in protecting populations at risk in Rwanda.
Sponsor: Sen Wellstone, Paul D. [MN] (introduced 7/1/1994)      Cosponsors (9)
Latest Major Action: 7/1/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2217 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

47. S.AMDT.2248 to H.R.4426 To make Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic eligible for allied defense cooperation with NATO countries, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 7/13/1994)      Cosponsors (13)
Latest Major Action: 7/14/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2248 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 76-22. Record Vote No: 196.

48. S.AMDT.2252 to H.R.4426 To make Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic eligible for allied defense cooperation with NATO countries, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 7/13/1994)      Cosponsors (4)
Latest Major Action: 7/14/1994 Proposed amendment SP 2252 withdrawn in Senate.

49. S.AMDT.2294 to H.R.4426 To delete funding for parliamentary training and democracy in the People's Republic of China.
Sponsor: Sen Bumpers, Dale [AR] (introduced 7/14/1994)      Cosponsors (7)
Latest Major Action: 7/14/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2294 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 60-38. Record Vote No: 197.

50. S.AMDT.2361 to H.R.4603 To restore funding for Trade Adjustment Assistance Centers.
Sponsor: Sen Wofford, Harris [PA] (introduced 7/22/1994)      Cosponsors (14)
Latest Major Action: 7/22/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2361 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

51. S.AMDT.2376 to H.R.4603 Relating to high-level visits with Taiwan.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 7/22/1994)      Cosponsors (2)
Latest Major Action: 7/22/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2376 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

52. S.AMDT.2406 to H.R.4602 To provide funds for a grant program to restore and preserve historic buildings at historically black colleges and universities.
Sponsor: Sen Moseley-Braun, Carol [IL] (introduced 7/26/1994)      Cosponsors (10)
Latest Major Action: 7/26/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2406 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

53. S.AMDT.2444 to H.R.4624 To reduce the appropriation for the implementation of the Space Station Program for the purpose of terminating the program.
Sponsor: Sen Bumpers, Dale [AR] (introduced 8/2/1994)      Cosponsors (12)
Latest Major Action: 8/3/1994 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2444 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 36-64. Record Vote No: 253.

54. S.AMDT.2462 to H.R.4606 To ensure that the President of the Republic of China on Taiwan can enter the United States on certain occasions.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 8/5/1994)      Cosponsors (3)
Latest Major Action: 8/5/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2462 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 94-0. Record Vote No: 265.

55. S.AMDT.2481 to H.R.4650 To reduce the amount for acquisition of Milstar satellites.
Sponsor: Sen Bumpers, Dale [AR] (introduced 8/9/1994)      Cosponsors (8)
Latest Major Action: 8/10/1994 Senate amendment not agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2481 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 38-62. Record Vote No: 273.

56. S.AMDT.2491 to H.R.4650 To ensure that the President of the Republic of China on Taiwan can enter the United States on certain occasions.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 8/10/1994)      Cosponsors (3)
Latest Major Action: 8/10/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2491 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

57. S.AMDT.2492 to H.R.4650 To make Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia eligible for allied defense cooperation with NATO countries, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 8/10/1994)      Cosponsors (5)
Latest Major Action: 8/10/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

58. S.AMDT.2561 to S.2351 To promote early and effective health care services for pregnant women and children.
Sponsor: Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [CT] (introduced 8/12/1994)      Cosponsors (10)
Latest Major Action: 8/16/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2561 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 55-42. Record Vote No: 288.

59. S.AMDT.2606 to S.1225 To provide for a substitute amendment.
Sponsor: Sen Bingaman, Jeff [NM] (introduced 9/30/1994)      Cosponsors (3)
Latest Major Action: 9/30/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2606 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

60. S.AMDT.2609 to S.1329 To provide for an investigation of the whereabouts of the United States citizens who have been missing from Cyprus since 1974.
Sponsor: Sen D'Amato, Alfonse [NY] (introduced 10/3/1994)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 10/3/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2609 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

61. S.AMDT.2627 to H.R.783 To ensure that the President of the Republic of China on Taiwan can enter the United States on certain occasions.
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 10/6/1994)      Cosponsors (3)
Latest Major Action: 10/6/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2627 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.

62. S.AMDT.2639 to H.R.5030 To add provisions relating to the membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Sponsor: Sen Brown, Hank [CO] (introduced 10/7/1994)      Cosponsors (2)
Latest Major Action: 10/7/1994 Senate amendment agreed to. Status: Amendment SP 2639 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.