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  • Forbes Announces $23,497 Grant for Crewe Volunteer Fire Department
    Dec 17, 2007  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) announced today that the Crewe Volunteer Fire Department will receive a federal grant in the amount of $23,497 from the Department of Homeland Security under the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFG). “I am pleased that the Department of Homeland Security... More
  • Forbes Visits Fort Lee with Secretary of the Army
    Dec 14, 2007  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) released the following statement after visiting Fort Lee with the Secretary of the Army Pete Geren today. The Secretary of the Army is the senior official of the Department of the Army and responsible for the effective and efficient functioning of the Army. Forbes... More
  • Forbes Applauds Breakthrough in Stem Cell Research, Calls on Colleagues to Support Patients First Act
    Dec 10, 2007  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) announced today that he has called on fellow Members of Congress to join with him to support the Patients First Act, H.R. 2807, in light of a major scientific breakthrough in the field of stem cell research. Researchers James A. Thomson – the first scientist to is... More
  • Forbes Introduces Legislation to Reduce Medical Error and Healthcare Costs
    Dec 10, 2007  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04), Chairman of the Congressional Modeling & Simulation Caucus, announced today that he has introduced bipartisan legislation with Congressman Patrick Kennedy (RI-01) to increase the use of medical modeling and simulation (M&S) across the United States. H.R. 4321, th... More
  • A Season of Sneezes
    Dec 10, 2007  - This time of year always reminds me of a few different images: my family and I singing carols in church, Christmas trees and presents, the first snowfall, and varying members of my staff coughing, sneezing, and otherwise looking rather ill. Like any workplace – especially one where people sit in clo... More
  • Forbes and Franks Statement on Senate Conferees Dropping Controversial Hate Crimes Provision from National Defense Authorizations Act
    Dec 6, 2007  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) and Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) released the following statement today after Senate conferees on the National Defense Authorizations Act (NDAA) dropped a controversial hate crimes provision in the bill: “The NDAA is a critical piece of legislation for our mi... More
  • Forbes Statement on Energy Bill Vote
    Dec 6, 2007  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) released the following statement today after voting against the Senate Amendments to H.R. 6, a bill to overhaul the energy policies of the United States. The 1,055 page bill was considered less than 24 hours after the text became available last night. “We need a ... More
  • Forbes Named Ranking Member of Armed Services Subcommittee
    Dec 5, 2007  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) was named Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee Readiness Subcommittee today by full Committee Ranking Member Duncan Hunter (CA-52). “Randy Forbes brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this position that will benefit our Members, his consti... More
  • Forbes Announces Medicare Rx Workshop to Help Local Seniors During Open Season
    Dec 4, 2007  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) announced today his Colonial Heights District Office will be hosting a Medicare Rx Drug Assistance Workshop on Saturday, December 15, 2007. Trained volunteers from local senior agencies will be available to help seniors and other eligible individuals choose the Me... More
  • The Principle of the Path
    Dec 3, 2007  - It is part of human nature to give rewards for good behavior. Rewarding good behavior encourages more good behavior. This age-old method has benefited parents and teachers for years. The problem with this method occurs when rewards are given for bad behavior - and worse, when they are given for ille... More