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  • 5 Big Reasons to Audit the Fed
    Oct 6, 2014  - Every day, an entity in Washington makes powerful decisions over our economy and monetary policy. Yet, it shares very little information about its day-to-day decisions, the influences it is subject to, and the ways in which these decisions affect the American people. The entity is the Federal Reserv... More
  • How many times are you taxed a day?
    Aug 1, 2014  - Meet Lindsay. She’s an energetic 34-year-old mom of a kindergartner and a preschooler. She and her husband, Todd, don’t make a ton of money, but they are comfortable. They drive a safe, fuel-efficient car and they own a home. They buy groceries at Martin’s. Most of the time Lindsay uses coupons so s... More
  • The Tenth Amendment: A Linchpin
    May 19, 2014  - A power struggle. That’s what our Founding Fathers foresaw between individual states and our federal government. So in 1787, they penned the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. They wrote, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, a... More
  • Forbes Introduces Bill to Stop IRS from Using Obamacare Tax as Next Political Bludgeon
    May 15, 2013  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) announced today that he is introducing legislation that would prohibit a massive expansion of the Internal Revenue Service at a time when many Americans are calling into question the integrity of what should be a non-partisan, non-political government agency. The... More
  • Tax Time: FAQs
    Feb 4, 2011  - The first couple months of a new year usually mean committing – or not committing – to resolutions, establishing new personal goals, and plotting out the family calendar for the year ahead. The first couple months of the new year also mean that state and federal taxes once again take center stage. W... More
  • Forbes Reintroduces Bill to Block Hiring of IRS Agents Needed to Enforce Obamacare
    Jan 20, 2011  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) reintroduced the Prevent IRS Overreach Act, which would prohibit a drastic expansion of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) necessary to enforce provisions of Obamacare. The Prevent IRS Overreach Act would prohibit the IRS from hiring additional auditors, agents, a... More
  • Forbes Receives Tax Fighter Award
    Oct 8, 2010  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) was recently recognized with the Tax Fighter Award from the National Tax Limitations Committee (NTLC). The award is given to Members of Congress with a strong voting record in the 111th Congress on behalf of American taxpayers. “Randy Forbes has been a major asse... More
  • The VAT Trap
    May 24, 2010  - If you drive a car, I'll tax the street; If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat; If you get too cold, I'll tax the heat; If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet. Unfortunately, most Americans can relate all too closely with these words from the classic Beatles song “Taxman.” Taxes are levied from the ... More
  • Forbes Introduces Bill to Prevent Dramatic Expansion in Size and Authority of IRS
    Apr 15, 2010  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) announced today that he has introduced a bill to prohibit a drastic expansion of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated that it could cost as much as $10 billion to hire additional auditors, agents, and employ... More
  • A Clear Cut System?
    Apr 9, 2010  - True or false? Nearly half of Americans will pay no federal income taxes at all for 2009. The bottom 40 percent of those Americans, on average, actually make a profit from the federal income tax system. True or false? 20 percent of Americans pay over 80 percent of all federal income taxes. True or f... More