Submit Your Resume to a Member-Elect

Capitol steps

The U.S. House of Representatives is an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including marital or parental status), disability, or age. Employment with the U.S. House of Representatives is at-will.

Transportation and all related travel expenses associated with the interview and hiring process must be paid by the applicant. Moving and related relocation expenses are not available.

To submit a resume:

  1. Save a copy of your cover letter and resume file(s) on your computer.
    • Your cover letter and resume should be saved separately.
    • Maximum file size is restricted to 1MB.
    • Your file(s) must be saved with a file extension.
    • Do not use spaces or special characters in your filename.
    • The following file extensions are valid: .doc, .docx, .wp, .wpd, .pdf, .txt, .rtf
    • Example:  MyName-CoverLtr.docx; MyName-Resume.pdf
  2. Complete the requested personal information in the fields below.
  3. Use the Member drop-down to select the Member-Elect to whom you are submitting your resume for consideration.
    • You may submit up to five (5) applications.
    • Undecided Races — A number of districts do not have final election results yet. Non-incumbent candidates in those contests are listed as (Undecided). The Member-elect list will be updated as the election results are finalized. Applicants should be aware that submissions to an Undecided office may not be retained based on the final result.
  4. Select the job title from the drop-down that best fits your skill set and interests.
  5. Upload your Cover Letter and your Resume for each application submitted
    • Use the Choose file... button to view the files on your computer.
    • Locate your cover letter or resume, as appropriate.
    • Click the file to select and highlight the file.
    • Click the Open button.
    • You should see the selected file information displayed in the field on the form below.
  6. Click the Submit Resume button.
Enter Contact Information
Select Office and Job Title

Undecided Races — A number of districts do not have final election results yet. Non-incumbent candidates in those contests are listed above as (Undecided). The Member-elect list will be updated as the election results are finalized. Applicants should be aware that submissions to an Undecided office may not be retained based on the final result.
Resume, Cover Letter and Skills

Note: Only the following file types are accepted:

  • .doc. .docx (Microsoft Word)
  • .wp, .wpd (WordPerfect)
  • .pdf (Portable Document Format)
  • .txt (SimpleText or Notepad)
  • .rtf (Rich Text Format)

Macintosh users:

  1. Your resume and cover letter must have a file extension (file type).
  2. The file type must be listed above.
  3. If necessary, Save As the file using your word processor with the extension appropriate for your word processor.
  4. You may need to designate the file extension by typing into the file name.
    Example: MyResume becomes MyResume.txt.