U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Senator Coons chairs hearing on Joseph Kony

This morning, Senator Coons, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs, held a hearing examining U.S. policy to counter the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and its leader, Joseph Kony.

In his opening statement, Chris declared “Joseph Kony epitomizes the worst of mankind and evil in the modern day.”   He showed this chart, demonstrating that in the past four months alone, the LRA has committed 132 attacks despite increased U.S. and regional efforts to kill or capture Kony and his top lieutenants.

Witnesses at today’s hearing included Principal Deputy Secretary of State for African Affairs Donald Yamamoto, Assistant Administrator for Africa at USAID Earl Gast and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs Amanda Dory.

On a second panel of witnesses, two former LRA abductees, Jolly Okot and Jacob Acaye, shared their stories. Chris personally thanked them for attending, noting they both “endured horrific experiences in Uganda, and survived to courageously tell their story.”

The hearing stressed the broad bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate for stopping Kony, and for the recent deployment of 100 U.S. military advisors, which just yesterday, President Obama announced would continue to train regional militaries. 

Chris also took time to show a video he made to respond to the millions of Americans – especially young people – who recently became involved in this issue due to the effective advocacy of NGOs such as Resolve, Invisible Children, and the Enough Project. He is also sponsoring a resolution, with 40 other bipartisan members of the Senate, condemning the LRA and supporting continued U.S. efforts to strengthen the capabilities of regional militaries, increase civilian protection, and provide assistance to populations affected by the LRA. Join Chris as a citizen cosponsor of his resolution here.

Foreign Relations
Joseph Kony
Subcommittee on African Affairs
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