Our Thanksgiving Day typically starts off with my husband, Bryon, convincing all of us to sit and watch the parade with him.  It’s not that we don’t enjoy seeing the floats and balloons barreling down New York City’s narrow streets as much as he does, but we’re an active family and at some point food must be prepared, chores done, and football games to get ready for.  This year, we will be spending the holiday with Bryon’s side of the family – after the parade, of course – where we’ll celebrate and give thanks for our blessings of the past year. 

But as I sit down to write this column and think about all our Thanksgiving traditions, I wondered: Do we do enough to show how grateful we are and put the blessings we’ve been given to work for others?

I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a wonderful and supportive family.  I have an outstanding partner by my side and my kids are surrounded by a loving and safe community that looks out for them day in and day out.  We have a roof over our heads and plenty of food on the table.  And to top it all off, we live in a secure country that promises opportunity and freedom. 

My family expresses our gratitude through our words often, but I don’t know that we adequately put our thanksgiving into action.  I’m reminded of a quote from the English preacher, W.T. Purkiser.  He said, “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”  It’s not just about giving thanks, it’s about showing thanks.

Perhaps no one deserves more gratitude than our women and men in uniform.  They put our values of justice and liberty to work in order to keep our nation safe.  Hundreds of South Dakotans who have exchanged snowstorms for dust storms have missed Thanksgivings, Christmases, and birthdays to do the job, but because of their sacrifices we can have freedom from fear.  For that, I am eternally grateful and committed to serving them as they have served us.

We all have so many reasons to be thankful.  Every year during our thanksgiving dinner, my family has gone around the table and listed out one thing we were thankful for that year.  Expressing that gratitude through our words can mean a lot, but showing it in our actions can change the world around you.  I hope you join me this year in putting thanksgiving in action.

From my family to yours, have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

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