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Ellmers Voices Concern Over 440th Airlift Wing



Congresswoman Ellmers testified during a House Armed Services Committee (HASC) Hearing entitled the "FY 15 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Member Hearing." This meeting allowed for members who do not sit on HASC to voice their opinions, concerns, and priorities for the 2015 fiscal year. The Congresswoman used this hearing to address her concerns with the president's proposal to inactivate the 440th Airlift Wing located at Pope Field. Additionally, she spoke about her bill, H.R. 4101, entitled The Time Act. This legislation would restructure TRICARE's notification process so that TRICARE has to notify beneficiaries and providers no less than 90 days before a change to coverage is made. This legislation was introduced after the Congresswoman spoke with several military families in Ft. Bragg, of whom experienced last-minute changes made to their coverage without receiving proper notification.