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Flag Requests

This page will provide you with information on how to order an American flag. To place your order, click on the order form link below.




There is no limit on the number of flags you may order. Flags can be purchased in multiple sizes. All flags are sold at cost. Payment can be made by check or by credit card. 

Please allow 5 weeks for flag deliveries.

You have an option to have the flag flown over the Capitol Building. All flags flown over the Capitol are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Flags may be flown for a particular person, event, or organization, and may be flown on a specific date. If multiple flags are requested to be flown, they will all be flown on the same date and shipped at the same time. If you need flags flown on different dates, you must submit separate order requests for each separate date to fly the flags.

Here's an example of what a certificate accompanying the flag might say:

This flag was flown for John Smith in recognition of his retirement from teaching after 40 years of dedicated service.

If you would like to learn more about the American flag, the proper way to fly it, instructions for folding it and how to properly dispose of unserviceable flags, click here for a link to the American Legion website and more information on these topics.