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Congressman Jason Smith

Representing the 8th District of Missouri

Veterans Issues

I am tremendously grateful for the patriots who have come forward to defend our democracy. Our troops, veterans and military families will always come first. There is always room to create more opportunity for veteran access to education, job opportunities and family support. I am committed to ensuring that all U.S. veterans have access to prompt and reliable healthcare services.

If you or a family member needs help communicating with the Veteran’s Administration, please contact my offices. I am happy to help ensure that you receive all of the Veteran benefits that you have earned. 

More on Veterans Issues

Aug 8, 2014 Weekly Capitol Report

In June the Department of Veterans Affairs released an audit that detailed an alarming number of American veterans who were not receiving the care they have so fully earned. According to the audit, 57,000 veterans had been waiting more than 90 days for their first VA appointment. Worse yet, the audit found that 64,000 veterans had fallen through the cracks completely and never received an appointment with a VA doctor after requesting one. This is a national disgrace and our veterans deserve better.