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  • What I’m Thankful For
    Nov 21, 2014  - In those days, Great Bridge High School would play our rival high school, Norview, in football on the morning of Thanksgiving. This wasn’t just any football game. The Great Bridge community was smaller at the time – a rural community where most people were connected in some way to the school – so th... More
  • Forbes, Lamborn Praise Revision of Air Force Policy
    Nov 13, 2014  - Representatives J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) and Doug Lamborn (CO-05) issued the following statement in response to an announcement from the United States Air Force that they have revised Air Force Instruction 1-1: “The Air Force’s new policy more clearly reflects the priority of religious freedom in ou... More
  • Three Charters of Freedom
    Oct 31, 2014  - It was a sunny evening in July and I had arranged for members of my staff to take a short walk from the Capitol down the National Mall to a building just off of Constitution Avenue. The National Archives is a quiet spot in Washington, D.C., often passed over by tourists for more familiar sites like ... More
  • Forbes Leads Members in Urging Navy to Keep Bibles in Lodging Facilities
    Aug 27, 2014  - Washington, DC - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04), led 25 Members of Congress in a bipartisan letter to the Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, urging that donated religious materials remain in the guest rooms at Navy Lodge facilities. Last week, it came to light at the Navy Exchange Service Comma... More
  • Answering a higher calling to serve
    Jul 28, 2014  - “For God and country.” This is the motto of American military chaplains. It is such a simple phrase, but it carries profound implications for what it means to be a chaplain in the U.S. military. What is the role of a military chaplain? Technically, chaplains exist to enable and support the free exer... More
  • Forbes: Supreme Court Decision Landmark Victory for Religious Freedom
    Jun 30, 2014  - Today, in the cases of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Burwell,the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the freedom of family business owners to live and work according to their convictions. In response to the Court’s decision, Congressman J. Randy F... More
  • The Controversial Cross at Ground Zero
    Jun 3, 2014  - It stood for weeks, a symbol to many of the loss and pain a city had endured, and of hope that would carry them through. The Ground Zero cross is now a part of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, which officially opened to the public on May 21, but its inclusion in the museum as a histori... More
  • Forbes Leads Bipartisan Letter Protecting Cadets' Religious Freedom
    Apr 9, 2014  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) led 41 Members of Congress in a bipartisan letter to Lt. Gen. Michelle D. Johnson, Superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy, requesting an immediate response to questions regarding the removal of a quotation of scripture from an Air Force Academy cad... More
  • Forbes Opposes IRS Proposed Rule Restricting First Amendment Rights
    Feb 24, 2014  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) sent a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen and submitted a public comment opposing the IRS proposed rule governing 501(c)(4) organizations. The IRS has proposed a new rule that will restrict the First Amendment rights of 501(c)(4) organizations. The purpose o... More
  • Forbes Leads Bipartisan Amicus Brief to Protect Religious Freedom
    Jan 29, 2014  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04), founder and Co-chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, along with Senator Roy Blunt (MO), has led Members of Congress in defending the constitutional right of religious freedom before the Supreme Court of the United States. On Tuesday, January 28, 16 Senator... More