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  • 5 things you never knew about Veterans Day
    Nov 7, 2014  - Daily, we are surrounded by heroes. There are men and women in our neighborhoods, sitting next to us in our churches, coaching our children's soccer teams, and standing next to us at the gas station, who have made selfless commitments, faced harrowing situations, and borne the weariness of battle. O... More
  • Let’s talk about reliability
    Sep 29, 2014  - Let's talk about the importance of reliability. We rely on our cars to start in the morning when we head off to work. We rely on our refrigerators to keep our food fresh and unspoiled. We rely on our electricity to keep our homes powered. We rely on our phones to connect us to loved ones, whether we... More
  • The real story of the man who carried the maps
    Sep 19, 2014  - The real story of the man who carried the maps By Congressman Randy Forbes September 19, 2014 “…I was the man that carried the maps…” That’s how William Loncaric described his role the day they stormed Omaha Beach in Normandy. Of course, his role was much more than that. That day, American troops ne... More
  • Forbes Honored for Serving Veterans
    Jun 12, 2014  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04), Chairman of the House Armed Services Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, was awarded the George "Buck" Gillispie Congressional Award by the Blinded American Veterans Foundation in recognition of his long-time advocacy for sensory disabled American veter... More
  • Proud to do it
    Feb 26, 2014  - “I love my country. I was proud to do it,” he said, the sun catching the Vietnam War Veteran pin clipped to his lapel as he walked away. Almost every time I shake hands with a veteran to offer thanks for his or her service to our nation, that is the response I get. Our veterans are often remarkable ... More
  • Open Letter to Those Who Serve
    Nov 8, 2013  - On the eve of Veterans Day, I often reflect on the men and women who have kept our nation strong and free. Over the course of a year, I meet, speak to, and hear of many who commit their lives’ work to the national security of our citizens. This year, I reflect on five of those stories that I’ve enco... More
  • Above all, this we’ll defend
    May 24, 2013  - Always courageous. Always faithful. Always ready. Above all. This we’ll defend. These mottos represent each of the five service branches of our military. They are at the core of what our men and women in uniform stand for as they serve our nation each day. Behind every one of these mottos is a face ... More
  • Forbes Makes Statement on Fiscal Cliff
    Dec 20, 2012  - Washington, D.C. – Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) released the following statement on the fiscal cliff: “I continue to be open to any serious attempt to control this country’s rising tax rates, rising federal spending, and rising threats to dismantle our military. While I am not convinced that... More
  • Forbes Calls on Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Address Severe Claims Backlog
    Jun 11, 2012  - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) today called on Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki to address the underlying causes of the severe claims backlog plaguing the Veterans Benefits Administration. “In spite of considerable efforts to reverse this negative trend, the Department of Veteran... More
  • A Time To Remember And Honor Our Fallen
    May 25, 2012  - "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once ... More