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Congressman George Holding

Representing the 13th District of North Carolina

Congressman Holding Reacts to the President’s Budget

Apr 10, 2013
Press Release
For Immediate Release: April 10, 2013
Contact: Lindsay Hamilton, 202-225-3032
Congressman Holding Reacts to the President’s Budget
WASHINGTON, D.C. – 65 days after the legal deadline, President Obama released his budget plan today. Congressman George Holding offered the following statement in response:
“It is disappointing that when hardworking Americans are struggling financially, the President has released a budget plan which includes $1.1 trillion in new taxes. President Obama’s plan is based on the notion of the government taking more to spend more – the American people should not face seeing more money taken from their pockets just to watch it be spent in Washington.
I appreciate that the President’s plan includes incremental entitlement reform, however, it is unfortunate that he is using what are common sense reforms as a bargaining chip for higher taxes. He already increased taxes in January, and his plan is not a “balanced” approach.  In fact – the President’s budget never comes to balance. On top of that, his plan accounts for $8.2 trillion in new debt and $964 billion in new spending. It’s time to deal with Washington’s spending problem, not add to it.
House Republicans passed a balanced budget that will rein in spending and create jobs through economic growth.  The federal government has spent more than what it has brought in in 55 of the last 60 years. We simply can’t afford to continue down this same path – we need to foster healthier economic policies and get Americans back on a path to prosperity.”