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Congressman George Holding

Representing the 13th District of North Carolina

Congressman Holding Criticizes Administration for Releasing Criminal Illegal Immigrants

Mar 19, 2013
Press Release
For Immediate Release: March 19, 2013
Contact: Lindsay Hamilton, 202-225-3032
Congressman Holding Criticizes Administration for Releasing Criminal Illegal Immigrants
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Prior to the sequestration deadline on March 1, 2013, the Department of Homeland Security released from its detention facilities more than 2,000 illegal immigrants due to looming budget cuts. Today the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on “The Release of Criminal Detainees by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Policy or Politics?" at 1 p.m. Congressman George Holding issued the following statement:
“The Administration’s release of criminal illegal immigrants into our society is a dangerous promotion of President Obama’s political agenda at the expense of our collective safety. The Administration has used the current budget crisis and sequestration as an excuse to release criminals – individuals who have been convicted of or charged with crimes such as fraud, drunk driving, or assault. Some are fugitives, suspected gang members, or have already received final order of deportation. There is never a situation in which criminal illegal immigrants should be released onto our streets.
The release of these criminals undermines our justice system and the efforts currently being made to reform our immigration system. Blaming budget cuts is a poor excuse for jeopardizing our nation’s safety, and I look forward to discussing this senseless move by the Administration more in the Judiciary Committee hearing today.”