Stewards of the iconic buildings and grounds of Capitol Hill since 1793.


The Hart Senate Office Building is the third office structure designed and built to serve the United States Senate.
The Hart Senate Office Building is the third office structure designed and...


Screenshot of Google Maps image of United States Capitol and surrounding areas.
Located at the center of Washington, D.C., the U.S. Capitol Building and other...


Clive Atyeo, Gardener, USBG
Information about working for the Architect of the Capitol:


Car of History Clock in the U.S. Capitol’s National Statuary Hall.
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Fame & Peace Crowning George Washington

Fame and Peace Crowning George Washington Sculpture
Antonio Capellano, Copied by G. Gianetti

Sandstone, 1827
Marble, 1959-1960
East central portico, above the Rotunda doors


The two winged figures, hovering in the air, hold laurel wreaths above the bust of the George Washington. Fame, on the right, also holds a trumpet; Peace, on the left, a palm branch. The original sandstone panel and bust were executed by Antonio Capellano in 1827. By the time of the extension of the east central front of the U.S. Capitol, over a century and a half later, they had deteriorated badly and were reproduced in marble by the carvers of the Vernont Marble Company.

The plaster model used to create the new carvings is located on the north wall of the Dirksen Senate Office Building subway terminal. The original sandstone bust is on display near the Capitol Crypt.

Last Updated: October 10, 2014