United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

 June 2001 More Stories | Archive



Soldiers Pace Military Wrestlers in World Team Bids      

WASHINGTON - Army Sgt. Keith Sieracki is seeking redemption in New York.


Marines Win 2001 Armed Forces Triathlon  This story contains photos.    

NAVAL BASE VENTURA COUNTY, POINT MUGU, Calif. - The Marine Corps won the 2001 Armed Forces Triathlon Championship here June 16 in the face of 58- degree water temperatures, rough surf and overcast skies.


Military News Briefs for the week of June 29, 2001      

WASHINGTON, DC - The fiscal 2002 DoD budget request totals $329.9 billion, a $38.2 billion increase from fiscal 2001 and $18.4 billion more than the "blueprint" submitted by the Bush administration in February.


Bolstered Budget Addresses Personnel, Readiness Problems      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said a $38.2 billion increase in the DoD budget request is necessary because the military is suffering from years of underfunding.


Rumsfeld Unveils $329.9 Billion DoD Budget      

WASHINGTON - The fiscal 2002 DoD budget request concentrates on service members, who would receive at least a 5 percent pay raise, further reductions in out- of-pocket housing expenses, and better housing and facilities.


DACOWITS Boosts Recruiting Efforts in Communities      

WASHINGTON - Members of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services pledged last fall to come up with 50 ways to help recruiting efforts in their home communities.


'AFIS On Assignment' Now Available on the Web      

WASHINGTON - "AFIS On Assignment" is a weekly publication of the American Forces Information Service.


DoD Budget Concentrates on People Programs      

WASHINGTON - In the absence of firm guidance from the Quadrennial Defense Review, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's fiscal 2002 defense budget request concentrates on people programs and on trying to arrest rates of decline in readiness and weapon systems procurement.


Alternative Complaint Process Resolves Issues Faster  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Equal employment opportunity discrimination complaints can take weeks, months and even years to resolve. In fact, the average life of a complaint can be three to five years. But there is a way to address and resolve workplace disputes within hours: It's called "alternative dispute resolution."


'Grow Your Own' Qualified Employees  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Diversity in the federal work force is a government goal. To DoD managers grumbling about how hard it is to find employees who could help them meet the challenge, Renee Coates might say, "Grow your own".


Abell Works To Improve Troop Pay, Housing, Healthcare      

WASHINGTON - DoD's new military and civilian personnel management chief said he is working to implement President Bush's budget proposals to improve service members' pay, housing and retired health care.


Information Ops Reduce Threats From 'Thugs, Mugs, Wackos'      

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - The United States isn't under the constant threat from communism that the last generation dealt with. Instead, we're dealing with less traditional threats -- terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, computer network attacks.


Conventional Forces Group Makes Report to Rumsfeld      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials are looking into the capabilities that will be important to the department in the future and what systems DoD should invest in.


President Asks for Extra $18 Billion for Fiscal 2002      This story contains video.

WASHINGTON - DoD officials announced that the fiscal 2002 budget would raise defense spending to $329 billion.


WWW.huh?: You Are the First Line of Defense  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Department computer security systems and specialists foiled nearly 22,500 would-be intruders in 1999 and 24,500 in 2000. There's no let-up in sight.


Capabilities, Strategy Must Converge to Face New Threats      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Congress the way U.S. armed forces are configured must change to deal with the new threats of the 21st century.


South Korea, U.S. Reaffirm Military Ties      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Republic of Korea Defense Minister Kim Dong- shin discussed the long-standing U.S.-South Korea relationship during a June 21 meeting in the Pentagon.


No Systemic Problems in Absentee Ballots, IG Says      

WASHINGTON - The DoD Inspector General found "no systemic problems" in the department's handling of overseas absentee ballots during the 2000 election.


Military News Briefs for the Week of June 22, 2001      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Congress the way U.S. armed forces are configured must change to deal with the new threats of the 21st century.


QDR Must Assess Different Risks, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - A senior defense official said June 20 he believes a transformed U.S. military probably will stay about the same size it is today, but it will be configured differently.


Transforming the Military: Putting it All Together      

WASHINGTON - By 2010, the transformation of the military could be a fifth to a quarter accomplished, U.S. Joint Forces Command officials said.


Transforming the Military: No Magic Trick      

WASHINGTON - "Transforming the military" is an amorphous phrase. What it means depends on what you do, where you sit or how you currently do your job.


Making Sense of Transformation      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military must transform to meet the threats of the 21st century. So how does that happen?


'AFIS On Assignment' Now Available on the Web      

WASHINGTON - "AFIS On Assignment" is a weekly publication of the American Forces Information Service.


Bush Visits Pentagon, Promises Help for Disabled  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Computers and the Internet deliver a world of information that enriches the lives of many disabled people, but they also create challenges that DoD, other government agencies and the private sector must do more to solve.


Millennium Cohort Study to Watch Military Health      

SAN DIEGO - Are military people healthier than their civilian counterparts or are they at greater risk for illnesses due to their military service?


Council to Implement Business Practices, Transformation      

WASHINGTON - DoD is establishing a Senior Executive Council to implement modern business practices in the department and to guide transformation efforts in the services.


Rumsfeld Orders Quadrennial Defense Review Speed up      

WASHINGTON - At the heart of the Quadrennial Defense Review is the need to have "a strategy-driven budget rather than a budget-driven strategy," a senior DoD civilian official said June 14.


Taking the Mystery Out of Classification      

WASHINGTON - Hollywood has elevated the spy story to a cliché. A megalomaniac steals U.S. secrets and a U.S. agent fends off an army of goons as he retrieves the secrets, gets the girl and saves the world, all in two hours.


Advisory Panel Proposes Sweeping Personnel Changes      

WASHINGTON - The American public holds the military in high regard, but "the propensity to serve is very low," a high-level Pentagon adviser said June 13.


Military News Briefs for the Week of June 15, 2001      

WASHINGTON - The American public holds the military in high regard, but "the propensity to serve is very low," retired Adm. David Jeremiah, a former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters June 13 while discussing the far- reaching review of quality-of-life and morale issues he led at the request of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.


Joint Operations Is Key to Transformation      

WASHINGTON - Perfecting an architecture for joint forces command and control is key to transforming the U.S. military, said the chief of the transformation review panel set up by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.


A Message to Military Families from the Secretary of Defense      

WASHINGTON - As Father's Day approaches, I'm reminded of my father and his proud service in the Navy during World War II. I remember my experiences growing up in a Navy family. We moved quite a bit when I was young, and there were times when my father's duty aboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean took him away from home for long periods. But we knew we were supporting him in work that was important to our country. Later, during my own service in the Navy, I learned, as my father had, what it means to serve your country with the support of a dedicated family.


'AFIS On Assignment' Now Available on the Web      

WASHINGTON - "AFIS On Assignment" is a weekly publication of the American Forces Information Service.


New Concept Brings More Contact With Recruiters  This story contains photos.    

WOODBRIDGE, Va. - The military is shopping for recruits in a suburban Virginia mall, and Army Sgt. 1st Class Trent Riley is convinced it's a good idea.


Nordic-Baltic Ministers Talk New NATO Memberships      

WASHINGTON - Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania hope it's their turn to join NATO when the alliance starts its next round of expansion discussions.


Young Readers Win Armed Services YMCA Essay Contest      

SPRINGFIELD, Va. - Third-grader Genevieve Kobus told a story of a superhero who destroys a villain who tries to prevent children from reading.


Refund Checks Due Military Taxpayers Too      

WASHINGTON - If you owed federal income taxes for 2000, a check for up to $600 will be in the mail for you by September.


Rumsfeld Describes Ivanov Talks As 'Helpful'      

WASHINGTON - Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said he and Russian counterpart Sergey Borisovich Ivanov discussed missile defense and a broad range of other issues during discussions June 8 at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.


DoD Slows Anthrax Vaccination Program Again (CORRECTED COPY)      

WASHINGTON - DoD is further curtailing the anthrax immunization program due to inadequate supplies of the vaccine, DoD officials said June 11.


Military News Briefs for the Week of June 8, 2001      

WASHINGTON - The United States will build and deploy a ballistic missile defense system, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said June 7 to defense ministers gathered at NATO headquarters here.


Rumsfeld To NATO: Prepare Now For Emerging Threats      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld told NATO defense ministers here June 7 that the trans-Atlantic alliance must prepare now for future threats to international peace and stability.


Freedom's Heroes Remembered on a Virginia Hilltop  This story contains photos.    

BEDFORD, Va. - President Bush came to this small Blue Ridge town June 6 to dedicate the National D-Day Memorial to the soldiers who assaulted the beaches of Normandy, France, during World War II.


'AFIS On Assignment' Now Available on the Web      

WASHINGTON - "AFIS On Assignment" is a weekly publication of the American Forces Information Service.


U.S. To Develop, Deploy Ballistic Missile Defense System  This story contains photos.    

BRUSSELS, Belgium - The United States will build and deploy a ballistic missile defense system, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said June 7 to defense ministers gathered NATO headquarters here.


Rumsfeld To Ukrainians: WMD Threat Is Real  This story contains photos.    

KIEV, Ukraine - A post-Cold War defense structure is needed by peaceful nations to safeguard against the threat presented by weapons of mass destruction, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told Ukrainian defense officials here June 5.


Army Peacekeepers Cheer Rumsfeld, Present Jacket  This story contains photos.    

CAMP BONDSTEEL, Kosovo - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld received an Army physical training jacket and thunderous cheers June 5 from hundreds of soldiers on peacekeeping duty here.


Rumsfeld: Balkans Still Need Peacekeeping Troops      

THESSALONIKI, Greece - Troops will be needed for peacekeeping duties in the Balkans for the foreseeable future, said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld here June 6.


NATO Must Evolve To Meet WMD Threat, Says Rumsfeld      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Soviet troops aren't planning to crash through the Fulda Gap into the heart of Europe, and the United States doesn't expect to be attacked by thousands of nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles fired from Russia.


Northern Watch, EDI Fill Rumsfeld's Turkish Visit  This story contains photos.    

ANKARA, Turkey - Bilateral talks with Turkish leaders ranging from Operation Northern Watch to the European Defense Initiative topped U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld calendar here June 4.


DoD Running Two-Year Spouse Job Preference Pilot      

WASHINGTON - Job-seeking military spouses in Europe received a special gift June 1 in the forms of more flexible and less restrictive DoD employment options.


Bush Sends DoD Supplemental Budget Request to Congress      

WASHINGTON - President Bush has sent Congress a $5.9 billion supplemental request to make up for shortfalls in the fiscal 2001 budget. The request slates $5.6 billion for DoD.


Rumsfeld To Meet Troops, Ministers During Europe Trip      

WASHINGTON, June 4, 2001 - Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld left Washington June 3 on a weeklong trip to Europe where he will visit U.S. troops in Turkey and the Balkans and confer with senior foreign officials.


U.S. Troops Doing A 'Terrific Job,' Says Rumsfeld      

ANKARA, Turkey - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld praised U.S. service members on peacekeeping duty in the Balkans and those flying missions out of Turkey in support of Operation Northern Watch.


U.S. Won't 'Turn Away' From Europe, Rumsfeld Says      

ANKARA, Turkey - China has garnered a lot of the Pentagon's attention lately, but that's no signal U.S. defense planners have written off Europe, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said June 3.


DoD Launches New Joint Service Ad Campaign  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Since January, People, Ebony, Time, Sports Illustrated and other national magazines have been carrying colorful recruiting poster ads depicting members from different service branches with their families.


Software Problem Affects Some Service Members' Pay      

WASHINGTON - Some soldiers, airmen and sailors will find less money in their paychecks for awhile, thanks to a software glitch that overpaid them since January, Defense Finance and Accounting Service officials said.


Cole Bombing Investigators Move to Yemeni Capital      

WASHINGTON - American officials in Yemen investigating the bombing of the destroyer USS Cole have moved their operation from the port of Aden to the capital, Sana'a.


Today's Reserves Better Integrated With Active Forces      

WASHINGTON - Today's Guard and Reserve troops serve alongside their active-duty counterparts as partners, not auxiliaries, DoD's senior reserve affairs official said.


DoD Seeks to Mend Looming Rift in Blood Donor Rules      

WASHINGTON - DoD is working behind the scenes to create a national standard for collecting blood as the American Red Cross prepares to adopt new donor rules in September.


Military News Briefs for the Week of June 1, 2001      

WASHINGTON - Some 5,600 active duty soldiers, 9,000 sailors and 1,000 airmen will find less money in their paychecks for awhile because a software glitch that overpaid them since January.

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