United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

 May 2009 More Stories | Archive



Gates Calls on Asian Partners for Help in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

SINGAPORE - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates called on U.S. allies in Asia to render more aid to bolster the fight in Afghanistan.


Gates Outlines Administration’s Asia Security Strategy  This story contains photos.    

SINGAPORE - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates opened the “Shangri-La Dialogue” Asia security summit outlining broad security issues and promising continued support from the United States.


Gates Calls North Korea’s Actions ‘Reckless, Ultimately Self-destructive’  This story contains photos.    

SINGAPORE - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said the United States will not accept North Korea as a nuclear weapons state and promised to defend U.S. allies in the region.


Cash Bonus to Replace ‘Stop Loss’ for Deploying Guard Soldiers      

ARLINGTON, Va. - A new program that provides special pay for soldiers deploying past their end-of-service dates is set to take effect Sept. 1 for the National Guard.


Global Conditions, Trends Indicate Years of Conflict, Army Chief Says      

WASHINGTON - As the Army continues to battle radical extremists in Iraq and Afghanistan, global trends and conditions portend the likelihood that “persistent conflict” will occur around the world for some years to come, the Army’s top military officer said.


Petraeus: Video Shows Air Strikes Aimed at Taliban Targets      

WASHINGTON - Footage of a controversial U.S. aerial bombing in Afghanistan this month shows the strike targeted Taliban militants.


Obama Announces Cyber Security Office      

WASHINGTON - The nation’s computer network infrastructure will be defended as a national strategic asset under a plan President Barack Obama announced.


Army Reserve Offers Military, Civilian Return on Investment      

WASHINGTON - Army Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz, chief of the Army Reserve, is focused on the bottom line as he spreads his message that reservists are a "return on investment" to military and civilian communities.


Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill 35 Militants, Wound 13 Others      

KABUL - Afghan soldiers, advised by coalition forces, killed 35 militants in Zabul province.


Iraqi Police Take Operations to New Level in Mosul      

MOSUL, Iraq - A new operations center in Mosul, Iraq, is fostering better coordination between local and national police and the military.


Experiment to Examine Joint Operations Concept      

SUFFOLK, Va. - More than 180 U.S. and foreign military and government representatives are scheduled to gather in McLean, Va., for a war game to test the Defense Department's recently revised Capstone Concept for Joint Operations.


NATO, Afghan, Pakistani Troops Share Workspace to Coordinate Security  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE TORKHAM, Afghanistan - Representatives from the Afghan and Pakistani militaries are working with NATO forces to coordinate efforts to catch insurgents.


High-intensity Training Helps Soldiers Improve Strength, Endurance  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - A 20-minute high-intensity workout is improving soldiers' strength and endurance.


Face of Defense: Fallen Sailor Oversaw Iraq Reconstruction  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - Navy Cmdr. Duane G. Wolfe, a reservist who helped rebuild Iraq, was killed with two other servicemembers in a roadside bomb attack May 25.


Gates Downplays Rhetoric on North Korea      

ABOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates downplayed the swirling rhetoric surrounding North Korea and said he sees no need to adjust U.S. military forces levels in the region.


U.S. Grows ‘Increasingly Safer’ Under New Leadership, Jones Says      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama’s decisions to grow the military, broaden the U.S. mission in Afghanistan and focus on 21st century threats are making America “increasingly safer,” the president’s national security advisor said.


Troops in Afghanistan Kill More Than 30 Insurgents      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and coalition forces killed more than 30 militants in two separate operations.


U.S. Continues to Monitor North Korean Situation, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - The United States government is using diplomacy and international pressure as it closely monitors the situation regarding North Korea’s recent nuclear device and missile tests, a senior Defense Department official said.


Wounded Warrior Diaries: Marine Uses ‘Real Warriors’ to Help Others  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A Marine who returned home from his second deployment from Iraq knew that “something was definitely wrong” with him. He got help, and now he helps to encourage others to step forward.


U.S. Airmen Stress Dignity, Humane Treatment in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

CAMP BUCCA, Iraq - Airmen with the 887th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron say they take pride in treating all of the 750 detainees in their charge with dignity and respect.


Control Center Staff Seeks to Defeat Combat Stress in Iraq      

FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU, Iraq - Staff members at three combat stress control centers throughout Iraq work to fight stress in a combat area — or at least to teach people how to manage it.


Top Pacific Commander Embraces Early Leadership Principles  This story contains photos.    

HONOLULU - Navy Adm. Timothy J. Keating, commander of U.S. Pacific Command, says he leads with the principles he grew up with: to treat everyone with respect.


Face of Defense: Sailor Earns ‘Strongest Man’ Title at Iraq Air Base  This story contains photos.    

AL ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq - A Navy seaman won every event of the Strongest Man competition May 16 at Al Asad Air Base, Iraq, which included two hours of weightlifting challenges.


Troop Support Group Hits Target’s Charity Bullseye      

WASHINGTON - The troop-support group, Operation Gratitude, will receive $232,948 from Target from an online campaign.


VA Web Site Helps College Counselors Aid Veterans      

WASHINGTON - A new Veterans Affairs Web site aims to strengthen the connection between college and university mental health professionals and veterans studying on their campuses.


Gates Urges High School Alma Mater’s Graduates to Lead, Serve      

WASHINGTON - Service, leadership and goals were the main themes of Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates' speech to graduates at his alma mater, Wichita East High School in Wichita, Kan.


Clinton Condemns ‘Provocative’ North Korean Activities, Rhetoric      

WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton reiterated U.S. commitment to South Korea’s and Japan’s security in light of what she called North Korea’s “provocative and belligerent” activities and rhetoric.


Gates Leaves for Asia Security Talks      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is leaving for two days of security talks with defense counterparts and other senior officials at the annual Asia Security Summit.


VA Studies Advanced Prosthetic Arm      

WASHINGTON - The Department of Veterans Affairs has announced a three-year study of an advanced artificial arm that easily allows those with severe limb loss to pick up a key or hold a pencil.


Biden Calls on Air Force Academy Graduates to Shape History      

WASHINGTON - Vice President Joe Biden called upon the newest U.S. Air Force Academy graduates to shape a new history for the country in an ever-changing U.S. military and world.


Obama Touts Solar Power at Air Power Hub      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama held up Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., as an example for America to follow toward energy independence.


Petraeus: Detainee Reforms Help, But Insurgent Financing, Meddling Problematic      

WASHINGTON - Closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and abandoning so-called enhanced interrogations helps U.S. efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Tournament Showcases Fun, Unity in Baghdad District  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - A successful soccer tournament in a Baghdad stadium is a signal of a return to normalcy.


Combined Forces Kill Five, Detain 10 in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and coalition forces killed five suspects and detained 10 during operations across Afghanistan.


Brigade to Leave Southern Iraq ‘A Much Better Place’      

WASHINGTON - Southern Iraq is “a much better place to live and raise a family than it was a year ago,” due to strides in security, governance and essential services.


Engineers Get Route-clearance Vehicle Training in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The upgraded Mk3 Husky -- the premier route-clearance vehicle used to protect soldiers in Iraq -- is being fielded in Afghanistan.


Florida Guard Trains to Keep Communications in Hurricane Season  This story contains photos.    

CAMP BLANDING JOINT TRAINING CENTER, Fla. - Soldiers and airmen in Florida are prepared their emergency response efforts for the hurricane season, which begins June 1.


Face of Defense: Soldier Fills Gap With Civilian Skills  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Army reservist 1st Lt. Alex R. Chester III is using his civilian skills as an electrical and civil engineer to provide critical support services in Afghanistan.


U.S., Afghan Forces Kill 84, Detain 14 in Combat Operations      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Afghan forces killed 84 militants and detained 14 more in recent operations throughout Afghanistan.


Verifying North Korean Nuke Test Will Take Time, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - It will take time before U.S. and international officials can know with some certitude whether North Korea conducted an underground nuclear test.


Gates Decries ‘Fear-Mongering’ in Guantanamo Debate      

WASHINGTON - ‘Fear-mongering’ is clouding the national debate about closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, said Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates.


U.S., Iraqi Forces Detain 4, Find Weapons in Central Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Iraqi forces detained four suspected insurgents and found weapons in recent operations in central Iraq, U.S. military officials reported.


Face of Defense: Officer Swears in Son from Thousands of Miles Away  This story contains photos.    

BASRA, Iraq - When Brett Turner enlisted in the National Guard, his father, Army Lt. Col. Harold Turner, was able to swear in his son -- just not in person.


Obama: Spirit of Memorial Day Must Extend Beyond Actual Observance      

WASHINGTON - The American people have a responsibility to serve the troops as well as they serve the country, President Barack Obama said during his weekly radio address to the nation.


Iraqi Air Force Graduates Aircrew, Dedicates New Buildings      

WASHINGTON - The Iraqi air force graduated its first intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircrew members with help from a coalition Air Force team.


Airmen Contribute to the Fight in Iraq, Kuwait      

WASHINGTON - The 586th Air Expeditionary Group is one of three Air Force groups organized to complete joint expeditionary taskings and is contributing significantly to operations in Iraq and Kuwait, the group’s commander said.


Troops Become Citizens During Memorable Naturalization Ceremony  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan - One hundred and six soldiers, Marines and sailors from Mexico to Japan, celebrated their first Memorial Day as U.S. citizens during a naturalization ceremony.


Obama Honors Servicemembers’ Ultimate Sacrifices for Freedom  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama hailed the willingness of U.S. military members to lay down their lives on behalf of their fellow citizens during the annual Memorial Day observance at Arlington National Cemetery.


Mullen Salutes Servicemembers, Vets at Memorial Day Concert  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military’s top officer saluted servicemembers, wounded warriors and veterans at the 20th annual National Memorial Day Concert.


Today’s Troops, Families Best Ever, Chairman Says      

WASHINGTON - As part of his Memorial Day message, the military’s top officer asked the nation to remember U.S. troops and families for their sacrifices -- and called today's fighting force the "best we've ever had."


President, Top U.S. Military Officer Denounce North Korean Nuclear Test      

WASHINGTON - The president and the nation’s top military officer denounced North Korea's claim that it carried out a powerful underground nuclear test, much larger than previous such tests, to “bolster its nuclear deterrent for self-defense."


VA Recognizes Military Sacrifices on Memorial Day      

WASHINGTON - From parades to somber ceremonies and a moment of silence, Americans marked Memorial Day to recall the sacrifices of military members who paid the ultimate price for freedom.


Rolling Thunder Roars Through Nations' Capital  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Pam Crane sat peacefully in a patch of freshly mowed grass along a highway in the nation’s capital, remembering her husband, his patriotism and his cause. She overlooked a sea of motorcycles and bandana-wearing war veterans gathered in the Pentagon’s north parking lot for the 22nd Annual Rolling Thunder rally.


Top U.S. Military Officer Favors Guantanamo Closure  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, should be closed, the Pentagon’s senior military officer said. He said the detention facility has served as a recruiting symbol for Islamic extremists to take up arms against the United States.


Defense Secretary Gates: West Point Commencement Address      

WASHINGTON - The full text of Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates commencement address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., follows.


West Point Class of 2009 a Diverse, Impressive Group      

WEST POINT, N.Y., - Under the grey skies of West Point, the “Long Grey Line,” made up of a diverse and impressive group of graduating cadets, said goodbye to academic studies and turned their sights toward the business of soldiering.


Gates Urges West Point Graduates to Become Great Leaders  This story contains photos.    

WEST POINT, N.Y., - Before 970 cadets took the commissioning oath or "covers" tossed high overhead, graduating West Point cadets heard some praise and sage advice from their future boss.


Gates Expresses Gratitude to Sailors, Workers During Shipyard Tour  This story contains photos.    

BATH, Maine - It wasn’t the enormity of the sections of ship being welded together at Bath Iron Works here that impressed the defense secretary, but rather those stitching the hulking pieces together and the crews that would man the finished ships.


Mullen Offers Appreciation to Surviving Families      

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. - There’s no responsibility in the military community more important than caring for families who have lost loved ones to war, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.


Navy Innovation Reduces Fuel Consumption at Sea      

WASHINGTON - As the world struggles to manage demands for energy, dwindling natural resources, a highly vulnerable environment and an economic downturn, the Navy is developing new technologies to reduce energy consumption at sea.


U.S. Looks to New Ways of Applying Resources in Afghanistan-Pakistan Region      

WASHINGTON - The next 12 to 18 months are critical to the success of the new Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, a senior military official said.


Naval Academy Grads to Take Dreams, Sense of Service to Fleet, Corps  This story contains photos.    

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Pageantry and tradition reined in Annapolis, Md., as 1,036 members of U.S. Naval Academy’s Class of 2009 raised their right hands and swore to protect and defend the United States and its Constitution.


Forces Detain Suspect, Net Weapons in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Iraqi forces detained one suspect and seized a weapons cache during operations in Iraq this week.


Troops in Afghanistan Kill Dozens of Insurgents, Seize Weapons, Drugs      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Afghan troops have killed nearly 50 militants, detained three and seized drugs in ongoing operations in Afghanistan this week.


Gates Cites ‘Taint’ Attached to Guantanamo’s Name      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has little choice in closing the military-run prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, because its name alone is a “taint” on U.S. war efforts, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told Matt Lauer on NBC's "Today" show.


Troops Serve as Worldwide Examples, Obama Tells Naval Academy Grads  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - U.S. servicemembers are the key to America’s success in the world, President Barack Obama said at the U.S. Naval Academy graduation.


Obama Signs Defense Acquisition Reform Bill      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has signed defense acquisition legislation that he said will increase government oversight, save taxpayer dollars and spend defense funding more efficiently.


Air Force Chief Predicts Fewer ‘Exquisite’ Acquisition Programs      

WASHINGTON - The Air Force is taking a more critical eye in weighing the technological capabilities of new systems against their corresponding cost.


Defense Official Outlines Hurdles in Defense Acquisition Reform      

WASHINGTON - Understanding the bureaucracy and laws surrounding the defense acquisition process are key to its reform, a senior military official said.


U.S. Soldiers Coordinate Training With Iraqi Forces  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - U.S. soldiers met with the commanders of the tactical support unit companies in Basra to discuss training.


Paratroopers Train in Fictitious Iraqi Town  This story contains photos.    

FORT POLK, La. - The 1st Brigade Combat Team’s rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center on Fort Polk, La., proved that a day in “the box” is worth a month in Iraq, and notional events beget combat readiness.


Centcom Commanders Gather in Bahrain to Discuss Regional Security  This story contains photos.    

MANAMA, Bahrain - Commanders from the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility gathered to discuss regional security issues and possible solutions.


Face of Defense: Soldier Furnishes Equipment to Front-line Troops  This story contains photos.    

NANGARHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Army Spc. Francisco Rivera Gonzales was trained as a cavalry scout, but now takes pride in supplying troops on the front lines in Afghanistan.


Joint Summer Safety Campaign Aims to Reduce Off-duty Deaths      

WASHINGTON - As Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates pushes to get deployed troops whatever they need to succeed and return home safely, the services are gearing up campaigns to reduce deaths at home during the summer vacation season.


Chairman Notes Fallen Airman’s Sacrifice in Memorial Day Message      

WASHINGTON - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, evoked the sacrifice of an airman recently killed in Afghanistan in his annual Memorial Day message to servicemembers.


Arlington ‘Flags In’ Tribute Begins Memorial Day Commemoration  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - More than 3,000 servicemembers officially kicked off the Memorial Day commemoration as they placed more than 250,000 miniature flags at every grave at Arlington National Cemetery.


Gates Accepts Award on Behalf of Servicemembers, Wounded Warriors      

NEW YORK - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates relayed the poignant and humorous stories of military heroes as he accepted the 2009 Intrepid Freedom Award.


Vice President’s Visit Boosts Soldiers’ Morale  This story contains photos.    

CAMP BONDSTEEL, Kosovo - Vice President Joe Biden offered heartfelt thanks to the troops at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, noting that their service gives them a rare opportunity to be able to tell future generations what it was like when the Balkans became part of a free Europe.


Naval Support Activity Shines During Rare Carrier Visit  This story contains photos.    

MANAMA, Bahrain - For the first time in more than 60 years, the Naval Support Activity Bahrain hosted an American aircraft carrier at its pierside - the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Troops’ Example Provides Lesson for World, Biden Tells Guardsmen in Kosovo  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The example the U.S. military sets can inspire people around the world, Vice President Joe Biden told servicemembers at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo.


New Web Program Aims to Reduce Fatigue-related Aviation Accidents      

WASHINGTON - A new Web-based National Guard program is helping military pilots and aircrews to “FlyAwake” and avoid aviation accidents.


New Police Officers Graduate in Iraqi Province      

MOSUL, Iraq - Iraqi police numbers rose by 1,000 this week with the latest graduation ceremony in Mosul.


Obama, Pittsburgh Steelers Honor Wounded Warriors      

WASHINGTON - What started as a White House tribute to the Super Bowl XVIII champion Pittsburgh Steelers turned the spotlight to wounded troops and their families.


Afghanistan-Pakistan Conflicts Tied to U.S. Security, Mullen Tells Senators      

WASHINGTON - Helping the Afghan and Pakistani governments defeat Taliban and al-Qaida insurgents is tied to U.S. national security interests, the Pentagon’s senior military officer told a U.S. Senate committee.


Paratroopers Build Team Spirit With Sports  This story contains photos.    

FORT BRAGG, N.C. - When the 82nd Airborne Division paratroopers participated in sporting events during All-American Week at Fort Bragg, N.C., they knew that one day they might have to depend on their fellow players in combat.


Texas Community Brings Troops, Civilians Together Through Fishing  This story contains photos.    

PORT O’CONNOR, Texas - When a community along Texas' Gulf Coast decided to bring together civilians and combat veterans for a 'Warriors Weekend,' some 8,000 people, including 200 wounded soldiers, enjoyed more than just good fishing.


Defense Department Launches ‘Real Warriors’ Campaign      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department's new "Real Warriors" campaign is encouraging combat veterans to seek mental health help by eliminating the stigma associated with treatment.


Obama Vows to Protect American People, Stay True to American Values      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama vowed to protect the American people while staying true to American values because America's most potent weapon is its belief system.


Coalition, Afghan Forces Kill 25 Militants, Detain Seven      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Afghan operations left 25 enemy fighters dead and seven in custody.


Four Charged With Terror Plot Against Air Guard Base, Jewish Facilities      

WASHINGTON - Authorities say they have foiled the second terrorist plot within a month, this time against an Air National Guard base and a synagogue and Jewish community center in New York.


Wounded Warrior Diaries: Air Force Major Fulfills Career Milestone  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - An Air Force major recovered from injuries suffered in Afghanistan to complete 20 years of honorable service. "I wanted to finish what I started,” said Maj. Matthew Conlan.


Civil Affairs Team Brings Change to Afghan Province      

KUNAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Army Cpl. Ronald Clemente and two fellow reservists are promoting better living through development projects in the Kunar province.


Iraqi Leaders Listen to ‘Sons of Iraq’ Concerns  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - Iraqi officials met with leaders of the “Sons of Iraq” civilian security group to discuss concerns about the program's progress.


Face of Defense: Soldier Earns Military Motherhood Award  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Army Staff Sgt. Melissa K. Dion tried to nominate her mother for Operation Homefront’s Military Motherhood Award, but her mother had nominated her first.


Gates Urges Participation in Memorial Day Moment of Silence      

WASHINGTON - In his annual Memorial Day message to U.S. troops worldwide, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates urges the nation's men and women in uniform to observe a moment of silence on the holiday to honor their fallen comrades.


Face of Defense: Drive to ‘Go Deep’ Into Other Cultures Inspires Navy Foreign Area Officer  This story contains photos.    

NEW DELHI - An officer based at the U.S. embassy in New Delhi is on the leading edge of the Navy’s new foreign area officer program.


New Strategy Treats Afghanistan, Pakistan as Integrated Theater      

WASHINGTON - The new strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan treats the area as an integrated theater of operations, said the Defense Department’s policy chief.


Warrior Care: Wounded Paratrooper Reunites with Unit at All American Week  This story contains photos.    

FORT BRAGG, N.C. - Of all the people who gathered to watch the 82nd Airborne Division kick off its annual celebration of its history, perhaps no one faced more obstacles to be there than Army Sgt. John Hoxie.


Corps of Engineers Opens Three More Schools in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

IRBIL, Iraq - Three new schools that provide new classroom space for nearly 2,500 children in northern Iraq were completed here recently, thanks to the efforts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division.


Airlift Squadron Members Embrace Pakistan Humanitarian Mission  This story contains photos.    

CHAKLALA, Pakistan - The kind of fast-action, humanitarian outreach used this week to help more than a million Pakistanis is exactly what the Air Force’s 3rd Airlift Squadron was trained to do.


Defense Comptroller Addresses ‘Reform’ Budget Proposal      

WASHINGTON - The recently submitted $664 billion defense budget proposal for fiscal 2010 by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates can best be characterized as a “reform budget,” the Pentagon’s chief financial officer said.


U.S., French Soldiers Train Afghan Artillerymen  This story contains photos.    

WARDAK PROVINCE, Afghanistan - U.S. and French soldiers have been working with Afghan National Army observers in a new training program.


Wounded Warrior, Guardsman Sworn Into Key VA Position  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Army National Guardsman Maj. L. Tammy Duckworth, a wounded warrior herself, was sworn in as assistant secretary of veterans affairs for public and intergovernmental affairs.


Afghan Commandos Kill 18 Enemy Fighters in Helmand Province      

WASHINGTON - Afghan army commandos, assisted by coalition forces, killed 18 enemy fighters and confiscated significant arms and drug caches in Afghanistan’s Helmand province.


Defense Department Launches Official Military Blogging Platform      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department has unveiled “DoDLive,” a centrally linked and unified platform from which services can create and maintain blogs about commands and units.


Gates Outlines Details of ‘Reform Budget’ for House Subcommittee      

WASHINGTON - Characterizing it as a “reform budget,” Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates described for members of Congress the thinking underlying his recommendations for fiscal 2010 Pentagon spending.


Gates, Netanyahu Discuss Paths to Middle East Stability  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates spoke about ways to bring stability and security to the greater Middle East during a Pentagon meeting.


Pacific Partnership to Run as Scheduled Aboard USNS Byrd      

HONOLULU - Pacific Partnership 2009 four-month humanitarian mission will begin as scheduled next month, led by the USNS Richard because a sailor aboard the USS Dubuque, which was to lead the mission, was confirmed to have the H1N1 flu virus.


U.S. Military Shepherds Humanitarian Aid to Pakistan  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Two Air Force C-17 airlifters have begun delivering humanitarian aid to internally displaced people in Pakistan’s northwestern provinces, according to the chief U.S. defense representative.


‘Her War’ Podcast Aims to Help Military Wives  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Military wife and author Melissa Seligman has created a podcast to give military spouses an outlet to voice feelings unique to those married to the military.


Central Command Team Releases Interim Findings on Farah Battle      

KABUL - A large number of Taliban fighters consolidated in the homes of villagers in Afghanstan's Farah province during a May 4 firefight in which multiple civilians were reported killed, an investigation shows.


Officials Dedicate Humanitarian Relief Corridor in Pentagon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates helped to dedicate a Pentagon corridor that recognizes the efforts of America’s men and women in uniform to bring hope to people in need of help around the world.


Washington Guard Works With Thai First Responders  This story contains photos.    

BANGKOK - Members of the Washington National Guard are working to help first responders in Thailand build up their own domestic response abilities in a unique partnership program.


Colonel's Story Brings Book to Life for Students  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A group of California high school seniors reading about efforts to bring education to Afghanistan and Pakistan, spoke with an Army colonel who helped build schools in Afghanistan.


U.S. Pledges More than $100 Million in Relief to Pakistan      

WASHINGTON - The United States has pledged more than $100 million worth of humanitarian aid to relieve Pakistan as it wages battle against extremists inside its borders, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said.


U.S. Supports Pakistan Fight Against Taliban, Pentagon Spokesman Says      

WASHINGTON - The United States fully supports Pakistani operations against the Taliban and other terror groups, a senior Defense Department spokesman said.


Defense Department Spokesman Cites Irony in Iranian Charge      

WASHINGTON - It’s ironic that as Iranian leaders continue to arm insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan, they accuse the United States of destabilizing Iran, a senior Defense Department spokesman said.


Season Approaches for Severe Weather Awareness  This story contains photos.    

CAMP ATTERBURY Ind. - As the new tornado season approaches, leaders at Camp Atterbury, Ind., are offering tips on what helped them survive a tornado last year.


America Needs Service, Petraeus Tells VMI Grads      

WASHINGTON - The commander of U.S. Central Command quoted President Theodore Roosevelt during a speech at the Virginia Military Institute, reminding the 249 new graduates that the best prize life offers is "the chance to work hard at work worth doing."


Troops in Iraq Detain Suspect, Seize Mortars; Commander Refutes Charges      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Iraqi forces detained a suspect and seized weapons in Iraq, and a U.S. commander refuted charges against American troops in the past three days, military officials said.


Troops in Afghanistan Kill Seven Militants, Detain One      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Afghan forces killed seven militants and detained another during operations in Afghanistan over the past two days, military officials said.


Virginia Guard Assists With Flood Cleanup in West Virginia  This story contains photos.    

CEDAR BLUFF, Va. - About 30 soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s 1033rd Engineer Company will assist with West Virginia's flood recovery operations.


Iraqi Police, U.S. Soldiers Strengthen Bonds with Medals, Soccer  This story contains photos.    

TIKRIT, Iraq - U.S. and Iraqi soldiers played a friendly soccer game in Kirkuk after U.S. soldiers presented awards to nine Iraqi police officers for a job well done.


Face of Defense: Chaplains Reinforce More Than Faith  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU, Iraq - For warriors who know how heavy the battlefield burden can feel, one of the reinforcements all branches of service count on is the chaplain.


U.S., Afghan Soldiers Add Security to Eastern Afghan Province  This story contains photos.    

NANGARHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - A new vehicle patrol base and observation post in northeastern Afghanistan provides additional security to the road and villages of the area near the Pakistan border in Afghanistan’s Kunar province.


Joint Chiefs Chairman Lists Top Priorities  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff identified increasing Middle East security, revitalizing U.S. forces and focusing on global challenges as his top priorities in remarks at the Brookings Institution.


Air Force Men, Navy Women Win Military Basketball Tournament  This story contains photos.    

MILLINGTON, Tenn. - The Air Force men’s team and the Navy women’s team won gold medals in the 22nd annual Armed Forces Basketball Championship at the Naval Support Activity Mid-South in Millington, Tenn.


Guard Bureau Chief Sees Peacekeeping as Likely National Guard Mission  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The National Guard can expect new peacekeeping roles in Afghanistan and Iraq, similar to the service's role in Kosovo.


U.S.-Pakistani Relations Can Make ‘Strategic Hedge’ Moot, Top Officials Say      

WASHINGTON - Pakistan’s uncertainty about the outcome of the war in neighboring Afghanistan motivates its intelligence service to keep ties to the Taliban as a strategic hedge, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.


Social Science Research Assists Navigation of ‘Human Terrain’      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is funding research to help warfighters learn and adapt to the social and cultural norms in their deployment areas and develop cross-cultural skills.


Defense Department Prepares to Send Humanitarian Aid to Pakistan      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is ready to send aid to help the internally displaced people in Pakistan, a senior official said.


Afghan, Coalition Forces Detain 18, Kill Suspect in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and coalition forces killed an insurgent and detained 18 others during recent operations in Afghanistan.


Troops Discover Weapons Cache in Iraq, Detain Six      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi and coalition forces found a weapons cache and detained six suspects in operations in Iraq the week of May 11.


NORAD Officials Reschedule Capital-area Exercise      

WASHINGTON - A North American Aerospace Defense Command exercise to test the aerospace defense capabilities in the national capital area has been rescheduled for May 19-20.


Afghan Army Conference Joins Commandos, Leaders  This story contains photos.    

KABUL - The Afghan National Army’s top leaders convened in Kabul with the army's elite commando brigade and kandaks -- battalion-size units -- in what was the first meeting of the two groups.


Pacific Command Strategy Centers on Partnership, Readiness, Presence      

HONOLULU - The three major tenets of the U.S. Pacific Command strategy – partnership, readiness and presence – are having a powerful impact in bringing together the joint, interagency and international capabilities required to promote regional stability, the top commander says.


Iraqi Police, Pennsylvania Guardsmen Provide Help in Taji  This story contains photos.    

CAMP TAJI, Iraq - Iraqi National Police, working with Pennsylvania National Guardsmen, distributed more than five truckloads of food and supplies to needy women in the Taji area.


Face of Defense: Soldiers Keep Up Family Tradition  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - A father and son serving together in Multinational Division Baghdad on Camp Liberty, Iraq, epitomize their family’s five generations of service.


Rolling Thunder Plans ‘Saluting Our Troops’ Program      

NESHANIK STATION, N.J. - Mike Corrado, a Marine recording artist, is one of the headliners in Rolling Thunder’s “Saluting the Troops” program in Washington, D.C., May 23.


New Book Aims to Help Children of Troops Buried in Arlington  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - Five military families with children who have a parent buried in Arlington National Cemetery received copies of a new book published to help people like them cope with their loss during a ceremony at the cemetery.


Gates: Afghan Army Could Take Lead in 2 to 4 Years  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Afghan national army could lead operations in Afghanistan in two to four years, with the U.S. playing a support role, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said during a "60 Minutes" television interview.


Iraqi Navy Receives Patrol Flagship, Prepares Maiden Voyage      

LA SPEZIA, Italy - The Iraqi navy reached a critical milestone by receiving its first patrol ship from an Italian shipbuilder.


Iraq Meets Most of Interior Ministry’s 2008 Goals, Officials Say      

BAGHDAD - Iraq’s Interior Ministry held its third and final conference to review accomplishments under its 2008 annual plan, and a senior official said 80 percent of the plan’s goals were met.


GI Film Festival Puts Military in Focus      

WASHINGTON - The works screened at the GI Film Festival, the only American cinema expo dedicated to honoring U.S. troops, represent a view of the military that goes beyond the usual Hollywood fare.


President Seeks to Reform, Revive Military Commissions      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama moved a step closer toward reforming and reviving the military commissions that have been stalled since the change in administrations.


Marine Corps Ready for Review’s Scrutiny, Commandant Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Marine Corps is lean and built for a fight, including the scrutiny of the upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review, the service's commandant said.


Rural Village Sees Brighter Future With Coalition’s Help  This story contains photos.    

NANGARHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Villagers in a remote area along the Pakistan border celebrated the recent opening of a school for boys and girls, as well as other coalition improvements, and vowed to protect it from insurgents.


Marines, Iraqi Police Uncover Weapons, Detain Bomb Suspects      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Marines and Iraqi police uncovered several weapons caches near Karmah, Iraq.


Face of Defense: Guard ‘T-bird’ Pilot Wheels Enthusiasm at Air Show  This story contains photos.    

ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, Md. - The first Air National Guard officer to serve with the Air Force Thunderbirds retains his childhood excitement for airplanes, even now as a commander of the nation’s premiere F-16 squadron.


Business Leaders to Review DoD Personnel System      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department has turned to a group of senior executive business leaders to review its newest system of hiring and compensation.


California Group Packs Church, Packages, to Recognize Military Appreciation Month  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - For the last five years, a California-based troop-support group has met monthly to pack civilian care packages and write letters of support to send to deployed troops.


Chairman Issues Statement in Support of Armed Forces Day      

WASHINGTON - Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a statement released in support of Armed Forces Day that today’s military is “as united in common purpose, spirit and understanding” as he has ever seen.


Air Force Names Lackland Alternative for Cyber Numbered Headquarters  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Air Force announced that Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, is the preferred alternative for the permanent location of 24th Air Force, which will focus on the service's cyber mission.


Vice President’s Wife Meets with San Diego Military Spouses  This story contains photos.    

NORTH ISLAND, Calif. - The wife of the vice president spoke with military family members and support group representatives at the Island Club on Naval Air Station North Island.


Bidens Thank Sailors Aboard USS Ronald Reagan  This story contains photos.    

SAN DIEGO - The vice president and his wife visited USS Ronald Reagan as part of a familiarization tour of naval facilities in southern California.


President Issues Armed Forces Day Proclamation      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama signed and issued a proclamation designating May 16 as Armed Forces Day. He said the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coastguardsmen "who have answered the call to service deserve recognition and gratitude."


Budget, Acquisition Reforms Reflect ‘New Direction in Defense,’ Lynn Says      

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The defense department’s budget and acquisition reform efforts represent a dramatic, and needed, departure from the past, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III said.


Biden Announces Pentagon Housing Assistance Program Expansion  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Vice President Joe Biden announced the Defense Department’s plan to expand its housing assistance program with $555 million devoted to servicemembers forced to sell their homes at a loss.


Air Force Leaders Chart Way Forward for Service      

WASHINGTON - The Air Force has made tough choices and some prudent trade-offs to balance the service across the spectrum of capabilities needed for the future, Air Force leaders said.


Health, Security Officials Look to Improve Afghan Health System  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - Afghanistan’s health care system has made “remarkable” advances, but clearly defining its capabilities is an important factor for further improvements.


Afghanistan Success Depends on Pakistan, Gates Says      

WASHINGTON - Without success in Pakistan, efforts to rid both it and Afghanistan of the Taliban will be significantly harder, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told the Senate Armed Services Committee.


Kandahar Troops, Civilian First Responders Train Together  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - U.S. troops and Afghan civilians practiced force protection and emergency interoperability.


Keating Visit Promotes Growing U.S.-India Military Relationship  This story contains photos.    

NEW DELHI - The senior U.S. commander in the Pacific shared with Indian government and military leaders the importance of the U.S.-Indian military relationship in furthering peace and stability in a challenging neighborhood.


Iraqi Special Operations Forces Rescue Kidnapped Boy  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - An element of Iraqi special operations forces rescued an 8-year-old kidnap victim being held for ransom in Baghdad.


Tragedy Highlights Need for Mental Health Help, Casey Says      

WASHINGTON - The tragedy on Camp Liberty, Iraq, in which a soldier being treated for stress has been charged with killing five fellow troops, highlights the need for the Army's efforts to make mental health as important as physical health, the service’s top officer said.


Combined Task Force Makes First Suspected Pirate Capture      

ABOARD USS GETTYSBURG AT SEA - Ships from Combined Task Force 151 have prevented a piracy attack in the Gulf of Aden, apprehending more than a dozen suspected pirates aboard an alleged "mothership."


Face of Defense: Captain Pursues Commitment to Fitness  This story contains photos.    

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany - Air Force Capt. Charlotta Blalock maintains a rigorous diet and fitness regime as an amateur figure competitor, even while traveling 20 days a month as an aide-de-camp.


Baghdad Maternity Hospital Renovation Restores Full Capacity  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - The refurbishment and expansion of a Baghdad maternity hospital is a sign of friendship between the Americans and Iraqis who made it happen.


Nominee Vows to Strengthen Homeland Defense      

WASHINGTON - The presidential nominee for assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense and Americas' security affairs said he welcomes the opportunity to strengthen government partnerships at all levels.


Defense Officials Support Obama’s Decision to Fight Photo Release      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates stands behind President Barack Obama’s decision to fight releasing hundreds of photos of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, a senior Pentagon spokesman said.


Reassessment Helps Guard Soldiers Back From Deployment      

ARLINGTON, Va. - The Army National Guard is working to help soldiers returning from deployment to handle mental health issues.


Training, Humanitarian Assistance Fuse During Continuing Promise      

WASHINGTON - Less than halfway into a four-month deployment, personnel involved in Operation Continuing Promise 2009 already have treated more than 25,000 patients from three countries.


Global Security Environment Calls for Balanced Force, Admiral Says      

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - A greatly changed global security environment makes it imperative for the United States to field balanced military forces, the commander of U.S. Special Operations Command said.


Kirkuk Police Seek to Ease Ethnic Tension      

KIRKUK, Iraq - Provincial police representatives in Iraq’s Kirkuk province are working with Christian leaders in Kirkuk city to address concerns about increased violence against the Christian minority there.


Afghan Leaders, U.S. Soldiers Initiate Public Protection Program  This story contains photos.    

WARDAK PROVINCE, Afghanistan - U.S. soldiers have launched a new program to increase security and empower residents to play a larger role in protecting their villages.


Exercise to Test Aerospace Response Over Washington      

WASHINGTON - The North American Aerospace Defense Command is planning to conduct an exercise over the nation’s capital and its suburbs May 15, Defense Department officials announced.


Army Makes Progress in Achieving Balance, Casey Says      

WASHINGTON - The Army is getting operational needs and long-term requirements back in balance despite current demands on the force.


Nominee Plans to Draw on Lessons From Past Threat Reduction Programs      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama’s nominee to be assistant to the secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs said he agrees with a recent report on future opportunities for the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program.


Forces Thwart Attack on Forward Operating Bases in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Enemy fighters fired rockets at two forward operating bases in southeastern Afghanistan overnight, and combined Afghan and coalition forces killed or captured several insurgents in various operations, military officials reported.


Defense Budget Reflects Lessons Learned, Future Threats, Gates Says      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, discussed the details of the proposed $534 billion defense budget for fiscal 2010 during a House Armed Services Committee hearing.


Forces in Afghanistan Foil Attempt on Provincial Governor’s Life      

WASHINGTON - U.S. and Afghan forces killed eight insurgents and repelled a complex suicide attack May 11 on government buildings in Khost, the capital of the eastern Afghanistan province of the same name.


Officials Identify Victims of Camp Liberty Shooting      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials released the names of four soldiers killed in a shooting at a combat stress clinic at Camp Liberty, Iraq on May 11.


Admiral Cites Partnership, Commitment as Keys to Piracy Crackdown      

ABOARD A MILITARY AIRCRAFT - With piracy generating big news in the Gulf of Aden, a far-less-recognized multilateral partnership has brought pirates’ swashbuckling days to a virtual halt in the strategic Strait of Malacca, according to the head of U.S. Pacific Command.


Face of Defense: Maintainer’s Idea Earns Big Bucks  This story contains photos.    

MISAWA AIR BASE, Japan - A simple idea earned $10,000 for Air Force Staff Sgt. Jerome Latham, an engine maintainer serving in Japan. And as a bonus, his suggestion saved the service thousands more.


Army Seeks Inexpensive, Lightweight, Reliable Battery      

WASHINGTON - The Army is leading a collaboration with the Energy Department and other agencies, industry and academia to develop the “holy grail” of power technology: an inexpensive, lightweight and reliable battery.


Upcoming Joint Wargame Examines Future Force Capabilities      

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Security experts from inside and outside the Pentagon soon will test out predictions on what the U.S. military will look like and how it will operate in coming years, a senior U.S. military officer with Joint Forces Command said.


Officials Identify Soldier Charged in Camp Victory Slayings      

WASHINGTON - Military officials in Baghdad have identified a soldier who has been charged with killing five of his comrades at a combat stress center at Camp Liberty, Iraq.


Obama Nominates Stavridis to Head NATO, U.S. European Commands      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama nominated Navy Adm. James Stavridis to serve as NATO’s supreme allied commander for Europe and as commander U.S. European Command, Pentagon officials said.


Army Requires Different Leaders to Fight Irregular Wars, General Says      

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The Army will require a different type of leader in the fight against terrorism and irregular warfare.


Sustained Focus Would Make U.S.-Africa Partnerships ‘More Reliable’      

WASHINGTON - The United States can be a more reliable partner with African nations if U.S. Africa Command devotes constant attention to the continent.


Supply Center Refines Task of Feeding the Force  This story contains photos.    

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - Military provisions have come a long way from C-rations packed in tin cans, thanks to changes at the Defense Logistics Agency’s Defense Supply Center Philadelphia.


Military Needs New Strategy for Present, Future Threats, General Says      

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The U.S. military requires a new, grand strategy to address today’s complex security threats as well as tomorrow’s challenges.


Officials Urge Reservists to Take Civilian Bosses to Soldier Show  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - Members of the Guard and Reserve are being encouraged to bring their civilian employers with them to the 2009 U.S. Army Soldier Show through outreach by the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.


Proposed Recruiting Cuts ‘Reasonable,’ Pentagon Official Says      

WASHINGTON - Military recruitment and retention is likely to remain strong, despite an $800 million cut in the proposed fiscal 2010 defense budget, a senior Defense Department official said.


Coalition, Afghan Forces Detain Five, Seize Opium      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and coalition forces captured two drug traffickers, seized about a half ton of opium, and captured three other suspects in separate incidents.


Face of Defense: Tattoos Tell Story of Soldier’s Loyalties, Losses, Dreams  This story contains photos.    

EN ROUTE TO DENVER - Tattoos on the arm of a 22-year-old soldier tell the story of his past as he prepares for his future as one of the 21,000 additional troops going to Afghanistan as part of a new military strategy in the area.


Soldiers Help Iraqi Media Spread Word on Neighborhood Improvements  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - A partnership among the local government, Iraqi security forces and U.S. soldiers has given citizens of northwestern Baghdad’s Hurriyah neighborhood an improved community.


New York Air Guard Conducts 100th Shuttle Mission  This story contains photos.    

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Members of the New York Air National Guard's106th Rescue Wing were ready to respond to the launch of the space shuttle Atlantis, which reached orbit for NASA’s final visit to refurbish and restore the Hubble Space Telescope.


Better Communication Earns Public Trust for Iraqi Police      

WASHINGTON - Iraq’s Interior Ministry is a “learning organization” that understands the need to build Iraqis’ confidence in their police force, a coalition advisor said.


Face of Defense: Montana Reservist ‘Mothers’ Unit in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - Army Sgt. Anne M. Mitchell misses her children in Montana while she’s deployed in Iraq, but those who serve with her say she brings her mothering instincts to their unit.


U.S. Denies Using White Phosphorous in Afghanistan, Gates Pledges More Investigation      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military denies using white phosphorous during recent fighting with Taliban militants, and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said American and Afghan officials will further investigate the recent Western Afghanistan battle.


Obama Pledges to ‘Fully Understand’ Camp Liberty Shooting      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama said his administration “will press to ensure that we fully understand” what led to the shooting of five U.S. servicemembers, allegedly by a U.S. soldier, on a U.S. military base in Iraq.


Guard Members Respond to Flooding in Three States      

ARLINGTON, Va. - The National Guard is helping with relief efforts in Kentucky, West Virginia and Alaska to combat spring flooding resulting from adverse weather.


Gates Recommends McChrystal for Top Command in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Citing the need for new thinking and new ideas in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has recommended President Barack Obama nominate Army Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal as the new commander of NATO and U.S. forces there.


Gates Expresses Horror, Regret Over Base Slayings      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said the Defense Department will devote its “highest-priority attention” to the slaying of five U.S. servicemembers in Baghdad. The U.S. military has in custody an American soldier suspected of involvement in the shooting deaths that occurred at Camp Liberty in the Iraqi capital.


Special Operations Forces Save Lives After Bomb Attack  This story contains photos.    

KABUL, Afghanistan - A coalition Special Operations team in southern Afghanistan rescued and treated 19 civilians after a suicide bomb attack in a bazaar.


Active-Duty, Reserve Components’ Recruiting, Retention Numbers Strong      

WASHINGTON - All 10 active-duty and reserve military components met or exceeded their recruiting goals in April, Defense Department officials announced.


Gates Recommends McChrystal as New U.S. Commander in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates recommended Army Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal to replace Army Gen. David D. McKiernan as the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, citing the need for fresh leadership as the U.S. takes a new approach to the region.


Forces Kill One Militant, Detain Seven in Afghanistan      

KABUL - Afghan and coalition forces killed one militant and detained seven suspects, disrupting Taliban networks in eastern Afghanistan.


Troops in Iraq Capture Suspect, Weapons      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Iraqi forces detained one suspect and uncovered a weapons cache in recent operations, military officials said.


U.S. Forces in Iraq Pay Tribute to Bataan Death March Victims  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Eighty-six soldiers and civilians stationed on Contingency Operating Base Basra, Iraq, and National Guard soldiers in Minnesota "joined" together in the 12th Annual Bataan Memorial March.


Coalition Team Gives Temporary Shelter to Afghan Students  This story contains photos.    

KAPISA PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Students at a decrepit school in Afghanistan will use a temporary shelter until their new school is built.


U.S. Soldier in Custody Following Slaying of 5 Americans in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - An American soldier suspected of involvement in the shooting deaths of five U.S. servicemembers in Baghdad is in U.S. custody, defense officials said.


Top U.S. General in Southern Afghanistan Optimistic More Forces Will Turn Tide      

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - The top U.S. general in Southern Afghanistan said he’s “unapologetically optimistic” about the difference incoming U.S. troops will make.


Taliban Forced Civilians to Remain in Targeted Buildings, Petraeus Says      

WASHINGTON - Taliban operatives shaking down villages for money appear to have forced civilians to remain in buildings that were bombed in the course of a long May 4 firefight, the commander of U.S. Central Command said.


Pakistani Leaders Unite Against Taliban, al-Qaida      

WASHINGTON - Pakistani leadership is united in opposing the Taliban occupation of the Swat Valley, the chief of U.S. Central Command said.


Military Office Director Resigns in Wake of New York Fly-by  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The director of the White House Military Office has submitted his resignation in the wake of an April 27 aerial photo shoot with a presidential aircraft over New York City.


Security Remains Improved, Progress Continues, Odierno Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - From an overall perspective, security in Iraq remains improved, the Multinational Force Iraq commander said during a Pentagon briefing.


Afghan Commandos Maintain Vigilant Presence in Eastern Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Elite Afghan National Army commandos recently spent 48 hours conducting operations alongside their coalition brothers-in-arms in eastern Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province, ensuring military access in an insurgent stronghold.


President Issues Military Spouse Day Proclamation      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama signed and issued a proclamation designating Military Spouse Day.


Military Spouses Receive Recognition for Valued Service  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Five military spouses, selected from among 650 nominees, received recognition for their valued service to the nation from Military Spouse Magazine readers.


Engineers Refurbish High-rise for 82nd Airborne Division  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - Soldiers with the 46th Engineer Combat Battalion, 225th Engineer Brigade have turned a set of high-rise offices in Baghdad into apartments for soldiers' housing.


Doctor Confronts Maternal Mortality in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Army Col. (Dr.) Kathryn L. Hall-Boyer is doing her part to provide medical treatment to women and children in Afghanistan, which has one of the highest death rates for mothers in the world.


Gates Visits Troops in Afghanistan’s Kandahar Province  This story contains photos.    

KANDAHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates visited the only battalion-sized U.S. unit operating in the southern Afghanistan province of Kandahar.


Afghan Forces Seize 600 Pounds of Opium, Kill Seven Militants      

WASHINGTON - Afghan forces, advised by coalition forces, confiscated 600 pounds of opium and killed seven armed militants last night during operations in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Afghanistan’s Helmand province.


Face of Defense: Marine Twins Reunite in Kuwait  This story contains photos.    

CAMP VIRGINIA, Kuwait - Staff Sgt. Robert I. Johnson and Sgt. Tracey R. Johnson, twin brothers from Louisiana, have found ways to spend time together while both serve in the Marine Corps.


Kansas Agribusiness Development Team Arrives in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

JALALABAD AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - An agribusiness development team from the Kansas National Guard is working to jump-start the agricultural economy in Afghanistan's Laghman province.


'Little Warriors' Surf Camp to Host 100 Military Children  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Military children of wounded or fallen troops will be able to catch a wave this summer, thanks to Freedom Is Not Free, a California-based troop-support group hosting a surf camp for kids.


Gates Wraps Up Afghanistan Visit With New Insights      

FORWARD OPERATING BASE AIRBORNE, Afghanistan - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates wrapped up a two-day visit to Afghanistan, telling reporters he’s optimistic about efforts under way and the initiatives he pushed to support them – and that he’s ready to go back to Washington with a “to do” list to continue the momentum.


Gates Gets ‘Thumbs Up’ on Afghan Public Protection Program      

FORWARD OPERATING BASE AIRBORNE, Afghanistan - Afghan leaders, special operators and 10th Mountain Division soldiers gave Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates their stamp of approval on a new program that’s getting local Afghans to help build security in their communities.


Gates Assures 10th Mountain Soldiers of Continued Support      

FORWARD OPERATING BASE AIRBORNE, Afghanistan - During his last stop on a whirlwind visit to Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates brought encouragement and assurance of support to 10th Mountain Division soldiers.


Gates: History Shows Cost of Turning Backs on Afghanistan      

FORWARD OPERATING BASE AIRBORNE, Afghanistan - History provides an important lesson on the perils of ignoring Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said as he visited a remote site in Afghanistan's Wardak province.


Former Marine NCO Takes Military Spouse of the Year Honors  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Tanya Queiro, a former Marine Corps noncommissioned officer who described military service as a lifestyle, was named the 2009 Military Spouse of the Year at a ceremony in Washington, D.C.


First Lady Vows More Support for Military Spouses, Families  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - First Lady Michelle Obama was surprised to learn that most military families feel their struggles often go unnoticed, she said in an interview with The Pentagon Channel and American Forces Press Service.


Defense Department Budget Request Pushes Reform      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon budget experts unveiled the Defense Department budget request, describing Secretary Robert M. Gates’ recommendations as a “reform budget.”


More Ospreys Will Deploy With Marine Unit, General Says      

WASHINGTON - After three combat deployments over more than 19 consecutive months, Marine Corps MV-22 Ospreys will begin a global tour with the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit.


Gates Conducts Lively Give-and-Take With Deployed Marines      

CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates held a lively question-and-answer session with Marines in southern Afghanistan, responding to everything from deployment lengths to military operations.


Gates’ Afghanistan Visit Focuses on Troop Needs      

KABUL - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates visited two remote outposts in Afghanistan that will accommodate incoming troops and thanked the soldiers for providing the security foundation needed for the Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy to succeed.


Troops in Iraq Capture Suspects, Weapons      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Iraqi forces swept up weapons and insurgents during three days of operations in Iraq this week, military officials said.


Air Force Reserve, Air Guard Maintain Aerial Firefighting Certification      

WASHINGTON - About 40 Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard crews and aerial firefighters are participating in a week-long annual certification hosted by the U.S. Forest Service to be qualified and prepared to fight forest fires at a moment’s notice.


U.S. Regrets Any Loss of Innocent Lives in Afghanistan, Gates Says      

WASHINGTON - The United States, coalition and Afghan government regret even one innocent civilian death, and they will continue to do all they can to avoid civilian casualties, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said during a visit to Kabul.


Gates Says Taliban ‘Overreached’ in Pakistan Offensive      

WASHINGTON - The Taliban “overreached” in their offensive in Pakistan’s Buner district, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in Kabul.


Defense Department Officials Hope to Create 20,000 Acquisition Jobs      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials want to increase acquisition jobs by 20,000 over the next five years, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III told Congress.


Pursuit of Mental Health Care Keeps Warriors Strong      

WASHINGTON - Army Secretary Pete Geren marked the Army's Mental Health Month of May by visiting soldiers assigned to the Warrior Transition Unit at Fort Jackson, S.C., to discuss mental health issues.


Doctors Provide Design Input for Hospital in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

IRBIL, Iraq - A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers division is working with emergency room doctors to design a new hospital in Iraq.


Face of Defense: Mother Sacrifices Tradition for Country  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE BASRA, Iraq - Army Sgt. 1st Class Angela Amundson is preparing Mother's Day moments for fellow mothers in uniform in Iraq -- but misses her own traditions with her children.


Better-equipped National Guard Still Faces Critical Shortages  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Critical dual-use items needed for both domestic and overseas missions are a top priority for the National Guard.


Hope for Future Highlights Afghanistan, Pakistan Talks      

WASHINGTON - Providing better lives for future generations was the predominant theme as the presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan met with President Barack Obama at the White House.


Military Continues to Monitor H1N1 Flu Virus’s Path      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military, which is tracking the path of the H1N1 influenza virus, has prepared for years to confront a public health challenge like this, a senior Defense Department official said.


Obama Encouraged By Afghan, Pakistani Cooperation      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama said he is encouraged by the spirit of cooperation between the leaders of Pakistan and Afghanistan as the two nations confront the common threat from extremists.


Afghanistan, Pakistan Vow to Increase Cooperation      

WASHINGTON - The presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan vowed during meetings at the U.S. State Department to work closely together to defeat the common threat to both countries: a resurgent Taliban.


Teacher of Year Works to Connect Educators Worldwide  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Department of Defense Education Activity's 2009 Teacher of the Year is readying content and design from more than 400 educators to launch a virtual learning community.


Joint Investigation Aims to Get to Bottom of Afghanistan Incident      

KABUL - U.S. and Afghan officials in Kabul have launched an investigation into a May 4 engagement in Afghanistan’s Farah province to determine the validity of claims of high civilian casualties.


White House Fellowship Includes Five Servicemembers      

WASHINGTON - Five members of the U.S. military are among the finalists for the White House fellowship program, the nation's most prestigious program for leadership and public service.


McKiernan Views Incoming Troops as Opportunity in Afghanistan      

KABUL - The new U.S. Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, with more troops, opens a window of opportunity to break a security “stalemate,” the senior coalition military official in Afghanistan said.


Guard Members From Eight States Practice Contamination Responses  This story contains photos.    

GROTON, Conn. - National Guard civil support teams from throughout New York, New Jersey and New England are participating in CONN-EX 09 to practice responses with federal, state and local agencies to incidents involving weapons of mass destruction.


Chairman Recognizes National Military Appreciation Month      

WASHINGTON - America’s gratitude inspires the members of its armed forces, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a message he issued to commemorate May as National Military Appreciation Month.


Face of Defense: NCO Piano Man Brings Calm Over Camp  This story contains photos.    

FORWARD OPERATING BASE GARDEZ, Afghanistan - Air Force Staff Sgt. Eric Began has brought a little culture to Forward Operating Base Gardez while minding its Exchange Service store.


U.S. Soldiers, Iraqi Police Secure Busy Marketplace  This story contains photos.    

TAJI, Iraq - Pennsylvania Army National Guard soldiers and their Iraqi counterparts have been hitting the streets to maintain security in Taji Market.


Afghan, Coalition Forces Detain Six Suspected Militants      

KABUL - Afghan and coalition forces detained six suspected militants in Afghanistan’s Logar province.


Construction Crews in Southern Afghanistan Prepare for Troop Increase  This story contains photos.    

KABUL - Expansion efforts are well under way in southern Afghanistan, where most of the 21,000 troops deploying to the country this summer will be concentrated.


Former Governors Join North Carolina Heroes Board      

WASHINGTON - Former North Carolina governors Jim Martin and Jim Hunt have been named as honorary co-chairs of the North Carolina Heroes Fund Statewide Advisory Board.


Gates Seeks ‘Ground Level’ View of Afghanistan Operations      

KABUL - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates arrived in Kabul after visits to Egypt and Saudi Arabia for a surprise visit to assess operations.


Gates Lauds U.S. Efforts to Boost Saudi Military Capacity      

ESKAN VILLAGE, Saudi Arabia - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates called the mentorship that U.S. forces are providing the Saudi Arabian military a key factor in maintaining stability in the region.


Shipper-Supplied Security is Best Defense Against Pirates, Flournoy Says      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military will continue its efforts to help thwart acts of piracy off the coast of Somalia, but merchant-ship-supplied security is the best short-term defense, a senior Defense Department official told Capitol Hill legislators.


U.S. Sea Supremacy Permits Naval Budget Shifts, Lynn Says      

WASHINGTON - The United States’ maritime supremacy allows the Defense Department to slow production of sea-based defense systems and shift money to boost unconventional warfare capabilities, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III said.


Airline Offers $1 Military Fares      

WASHINGTON - JetBlue airlines is offering active duty military personnel $1 fares for domestic, nonstop flights, for a limited time in honor of National Military Appreciation Month.


Service Exchanges Pull Hydroxycut Diet Supplement from Shelves      

WASHINGTON - A recent U.S. Food and Drug Administration warning to consumers has prompted military exchanges to remove the diet supplement Hydroxycut from store shelves, officials say.


Software Proves Effective in Avoiding Aircraft Crashes      

WASHINGTON - Leading-edge software technology being developed by the military and NASA is proving 98 percent effective in eliminating aircraft crashes, a NASA test flight director said.


Chairman Issues Military Spouse Appreciation Day Message      

WASHINGTON - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has issued a message to servicemembers and their families around the world, commemorating May 8 as Military Spouse Appreciation Day.


Face of Defense: Sisters Serve Together in Baghdad  This story contains photos.    

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq - Army Staff Sgt. Melodie A. Hunt and her sister, Army Pfc. Mallorie A. Hunt, serve in different units and are 12 years apart. But the North Carolina natives find deployment in Iraq is easier with family.


Chinese Vessels Approach Sealift Command Ship in Yellow Sea      

WASHINGTON - Chinese fishing vessels closed in on and maneuvered near the USNS Victorious in international waters in the Yellow Sea, Pentagon officials reported.


Gates Praises Egypt, Seeks Saudi Support in Pakistan      

CAIRO - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised Egypt as a key U.S. ally during a trip to the Middle East and said progress on a wide range of security issues in the region will require Egypt’s “full participation and leadership.”


‘Alpha Dog’ Oversight Means Quality of Life for Iraqis  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - The quality of life for residents of Abu Ghraib is steadily improving thanks to the efforts of an Army sergeant who oversees construction work.


Homeland Secretary Reports Cautious Optimism About H1N1 Flu      

WASHINGTON - Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding the severity and reach of the H1N1 flu virus is encouraging, the secretary of homeland security said.


Gates Assures Arab Friends: No ‘Secret Bargain’ in Works with Iran      

CAIRO - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates emphasized on the first day of his trip to the Middle East that the United States will keep its Arab allies informed of any talks it enters into with Iran.


Chairman Emphasizes Importance of Personnel in Budget Considerations      

WASHINGTON - Getting the defense budget right for servicemembers and their families will be the measure of success, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.


After 60 Years, NATO Still Committed to Shaping Security Environment      

WASHINGTON - Sixty years after its inception, NATO remains committed to helping to shape the security environment, the alliance’s chief of staff said.


Officials Reject Allegations of Proselytizing in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - A report broadcast by the Arab news network Al Jazeera about U.S. servicemembers trying to convert others to a different religion, a practice known as proselytizing, in Afghanistan, is just plain wrong, U.S. defense leaders said.


Afghan, Coalition Medics Help People of Herat District  This story contains photos.    

KABUL - Coalition and Afghan Special Operations medical personnel are working to provide medical assistance for the people of Shindand district in Afghanistan's western province of Herat.


On the Ground: Forces Train Iraqis to Manage Radio Waves, Information Security      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces have brought Iraqis closer to managing their communications frequencies, information security and automotive maintenance.


'Hybrid War' to Pull U.S. Military in Two Directions, Flournoy Says      

WASHINGTON - The type of “hybrid warfare” that defense experts predict the United States is increasingly likely to face will pull the military in two directions, the Defense Department’s top policy official said.


Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill 19 Militants      

WASHINGTON - Afghan commandos, advised by coalition forces, killed 19 militants during operations in Helgal Valley in the Shakail Shatel district of Afghanistan’s Kunar province.


Forces Capture Suspected Terrorists in Baghdad      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces captured two suspected terrorists during operations in Baghdad.


Face of Defense: Drill Sergeant Excels in Senior Leader Course  This story contains photos.    

FORT KNOX, Ky. - A drill sergeant with two Iraq tours under his belt continued to show his mettle in the Senior Leaders Course on Fort Gordon, Ga.


Strategic Focus Shifts to Afghanistan, Mullen Says      

WASHINGTON - U.S. military strategic focus is shifting from Iraq to Afghanistan even though U.S. troop presence continues in Iraq.


Fort Lewis Warrior Transition Battalion Hosts Paralympics Sports Camp      

WASHINGTON - Wounded warriors will get a chance to compete in sports while working toward their rehabilitation when the Warrior Transition Battalion on Fort Lewis, Wash., hosts a Paralympics Military Regional Sports Camp.


Gates Trip Aims to Reaffirm Ties With Egypt, Saudi Arabia  This story contains photos.    

EN ROUTE TO CAIRO - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is traveling to Egypt and Saudi Arabia for sessions aimed at reaffirming ties with the important regional powers that both have strong military-to-military relationships with the United States.


Taliban Push in Pakistan Served as Wake-Up Call, Gates Says      

WASHINGTON - The recent push by Taliban forces to take more ground in Pakistan has served as a wake-up call for the government there, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.


Gunnery Sergeant’s Name to be Added to Vietnam Veterans Memorial      

WASHINGTON - The name of an American serviceman who died as a result of wounds suffered in combat in the Vietnam War will be inscribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.


Obama Employs New Media Tools to Keep Public Up to Date on H1N1 Flu      

WASHINGTON - In an effort to ensure the public stays up to date on the latest news and information on the H1N1 flu outbreak, White House officals are employing such new media Web and social networking tools as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.


Obama Says H1N1 Flu 'Cause for Concern, Not Alarm'      

WASHINGTON - The outbreak of H1N1 flu "is a cause for concern, but not alarm," President Barack Obama said after meeting with his Cabinet.


Take Anti-Flu Drugs Only After Diagnosis, Military Doc Says      

WASHINGTON - Senior military health officials are warning against taking antiviral medicines to fight the H1N1 flu virus until a doctor has confirmed the diagnosis because “everything that looks like flu is not flu."


Obama Lauds Newly Naturalized U.S. Servicemembers      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama welcomed two dozen American servicemembers as newly naturalized citizens of the United States at a White House ceremony.


U.S. Afghanistan Strategy Strengthens Germany’s Effort      

GARMISH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany - The focus on civil matters as well as security that is part of the new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan strengthens the reconstruction mission that has been the focus of Germany’s efforts there, German Defense Minister Franz-Josef Jung told students at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies.


Al-Qaida Remains No. 1 Threat to United States, Official Says      

WASHINGTON - The al-Qaida terrorist network and its affiliate members continue to pose the greatest danger to the United States and its allies, a senior U.S. State Department official says.


Terrorist Suspects Killed During Iraq Operations      

WASHINGTON - Acting on a warrant, coalition advisors operating with Iraq’s 4th Emergency Response Battalion in Tikrit, Iraq, killed two suspected terrorists while attempting to arrest them.


Joint Forces Kill 15 Militants, Detain Seven in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and coalition forces killed 15 militants, wounded 12 others and detained one in the Arghandab district of Afghanistan’s Zabol province after their convoy came under attack.


Program Makes High-Cost Schooling Accessible to Troops, Vets      

WASHINGTON - Servicemembers and veterans who enroll in the new Post-9/11 GI Bill will be able to attend some of the country’s most prestigious – and high-cost –universities, thanks to a new program that’s gaining momentum in academic circles.


Clinton, Gates Say Pakistan Now Understands Taliban Threat      

WASHINGTON - The Pakistani government finally is beginning to respond to the threat that Taliban extremists pose inside the country, the secretaries of State and Defense told the Senate Appropriations Committee.


‘Home of Warrior Care’ Hits Century Mark  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Walter Reed Army Medical Center opened 100 years ago with 80 beds at a time of U.S. peace. Today, it is one of the world's busiest and most innovative military medical facilities.


Face of Defense: Marine Serves as Gunner, ‘Lioness’ in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

CAMP AL TAQADDUM, Iraq - Cpl. Susy H. Aguilar was a California city girl when she became the first in her family to join the Marines. But that was only the first step in many that would surprise those around her.

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