United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

 March 2003 More Stories | Archive



Powell Speaks of Importance of Human Rights in Iraq Fight      

WASHINGTON - America is the light of freedom to the world, Secretary of State Colin Powell said today, and sometimes, Americans must fight to keep that light lit.


Bush Praises Coast Guard, Pledges to End Oppressors' Reign      

WASHINGTON - President Bush today saluted the efforts of U.S. Coast Guard members serving at home and overseas and offered words of hope to Iraqis who've been under Saddam Hussein's heel for more than 20 years.


More than 100,000 Coalition Troops in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - More than 300,000 coalition troops are deployed in support of combat operations, with more than a third of those inside Iraq, defense officials said today.


Defense Officials Offer Advice to POWs' Families      

WASHINGTON - Defense officials want to make families of prisoners of war aware that what they say may hurt their loved ones.


Myers Praises British Troops; Says Must Be 'On Our Toes' for Iraqi Suicide Attacks      

WASHINGTON - American and coalition troops in Iraq will be watchful to mitigate any further enemy suicide attack attempts, the U.S. military's top officer recently told British interviewer David Frost.


War on TV Affects Students of Deployed Parents, Parents, Teachers      

WASHINGTON - Many children may not understand the principles and politics behind America's war with Iraq or the war on terrorism, but nonetheless they see images and hear news in the media.


Coalition Forces in Afghanistan See Enemy Attacks Increase      

WASHINGTON - Since the beginning of action in Iraq, there has been an increase in attacks against coalition forces in Afghanistan, Combined Joint Task Force- 180 officials said.


Coalition Bringing All Powers to Bear on Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces are bringing all powers to bear on the Iraqi regime, Army Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks, vice director of operations for U.S. Central Command said today during a briefing in Qatar.


Forces not 'Paused'; Coalition Attacks Continue      

WASHINGTON - Army Gen. Tommy Franks said coalition forces are not "paused" and are not suffering from a lack of supplies.


With Iraqi Regime Going Down the Tubes, Where's Saddam?      

WASHINGTON - "Where is Saddam?" Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld asked today during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.


Hussein's Ba'ath Party Hangouts Blasted; 200 Killed in Air Attacks      

WASHINGTON - U.S. and coalition aircraft yesterday blasted nine meeting places favored by Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party officials and paramilitary chiefs.


Bomb Kills U.S. Troops Near Najaf; Iraqi Missile Damages Kuwait City Mall      

WASHINGTON - Four U.S. 3rd Infantry Division soldiers were killed in Iraq today by an apparent suicide bomber at a road checkpoint near Najaf.


U.S. Troops' Remains Found Near Nasiriyah      

WASHINGTON - The remains of American troops have been discovered in southern Iraq near where paramilitary forces loyal to Saddam Hussein have been accused by the Pentagon of executing U.S. service members after they'd surrendered.


Programs Support Troops, Help Military Families  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Press reports about the American public sending thousands of e-mails in support of troops are only partly correct, according to Navy Cmdr. Rudolph "Rudy" Brewington.


Wounded U.S. Troops Recall Fights With Iraqi Combatants Dressed as Civilians      

WASHINGTON - Two wounded American fighting men yesterday described their experiences in Iraq to interviewers -- including how some Iraqi combatants don't play by the rules of war.


New York Firemen, USS Nassau Sailor Form Bond  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - In the spring of 2001, Vince Farrell was en route home from Boston when he heard on his car radio that his former high school in Brooklyn, N.Y., was having its 29th reunion. He decided to attend.


World War II Women Aviators Reminisce About Flying Army Aircraft  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - Ninety-one-year-old Julie Stege was a Ziegfeld Follies showgirl trying to dance and sing her way to stardom on Broadway when World War II broke out. Then, suddenly, patriotism struck her.


82nd Airborne Launches Operation Near Bagram      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces in Afghanistan launched another battalion-sized operation March 27, this time in the Kohe Safi Mountains near Bagram Air Base, Combined Joint Task Force180 officials said.


Bush Praises Vets, Lauds New Generation of Troops' Performance in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - President Bush today praised military veterans for their past service and saluted the current generation of troops for their bravery and performance so far in Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Iraqi-Americans United Against Hussein's 'Republic of Fear'      

WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein is a brutal dictator who doesn't care a whit about the Iraqi people, and he is only concerned with how they and the country's principal natural resource, oil, may serve him.


DoD Leaders Detail War Progress, Death Squad Atrocities      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld gave details of Saddam Hussein's death squads, during a Pentagon press briefing today.


Iraqi Units May Have Orders to Use Chem/Bio Weapons      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces have seen indications that Iraqi units have been given the freedom to use chemical weapons, Army Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks said today.


Myers Speaks to Arab World via Al Jazeera      

WASHINGTON - The United States has absolutely no desire to stay in Iraq any longer than necessary, the U.S. military's senior officer told the Arab world today.


Pentagon and Homeland Security Chiefs Talk Money With Congress      

WASHINGTON - Justifying the president's request for $75 billion in emergency funding for the cost of war in Iraq and the global war on terrorism, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told House and Senate Appropriations Committees today that "whatever the cost, it is worth it."


Rumsfeld: Saddam's 'Death Squads' Preventing More Iraqi Surrenders      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has a three-word answer to why more Iraqi troops aren't laying down their arms and surrendering to coalition forces: Saddam's death squads.


Bush, Blair: Coalition Loosening Iraqi Regime's 'Grip of Terror'      

WASHINGTON - "Slowly, but surely, the grip of terror around the throats of the Iraqi people is being loosened," President Bush said today.


Marine Gen. Peter Pace Decries Iraqi War Crimes      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi forces loyal to Saddam Hussein have executed coalition troops and committed other "disgusting" war crimes, U.S. Marine Gen. Peter Pace said March 26.


Regime Threatening Children to Make Men Fight      

WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein's regime is forcing men to fight by threatening children, U.S. Central Command officials in Qatar said today.


Coalition Air Forces Fly 1,500 Missions March 26      

WASHINGTON - Coalition air forces struck repeatedly at Iraqi Republican Guard formations March 26, defense officials said.


Airborne Opens New Front in Iraq; Mines Delay Food Aid in Umm Qasr      

WASHINGTON - Several hundred "Sky Soldiers" of the 173rd Airborne Brigade opened a new front in a Kurdish-controlled area of northern Iraq, defense officials announced.


Comforting Survivors: Priority One for Casualty Assistance Officers  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The military's casualty assistance officers do their best to comfort and assist the next-of-kin of service members who've been wounded, killed or missing in action.


National Guard's WMD Response Teams Gain New Capabilities  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The National Guard Bureau's 32 Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams have gained new capabilities since last summer, an expert on the teams' capabilities explained today.


Coalition Progress 'Phenomenal,' DoD Officials Say  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Six days into the campaign against Iraq and the coalition progress has been "phenomenal," Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke said today.


Press and Military Seem to Appreciate Media Embeds      

WASHINGTON - For the past week, the world has had unprecedented access to the combat zone in Iraq.


DoD Provides Teens on the Move With Online Help      

WASHINGTON - Moving to a new school. Making new friends. Those are just a few of the stressors that plague teenagers and children of military families more often than their civilian peers.


General: Iraqi Regime's Showing Its 'True Colors'      

WASHINGTON - The Iraqi regime has "shown its true colors" in recent days with brutality and disregard for international rules of warfare, a U.S. Central Command official said today.


Guard Flexes Muscle in the War Against Terrorism      

ARLINGTON, Va. - More than 141,000 members of the Army and Air National Guard were mobilized, placed on alert or identified for possible mobilization by March 24, five days after Operation Iraqi Freedom began, National Guard Bureau officials have reported.


Bush: 'Day of Reckoning Nears' for Iraq's 'Band of War Criminals'  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Dictator Saddam Hussein's regime is "evil at its heart," President Bush declared today, as he pointed to several alleged instances of Iraqi disregard for internationally recognized rules of war.


U.S., Aid Agencies Ready to Assist Impoverished Iraqis      

WASHINGTON - United States and international relief workers are poised to enter the Umm Qasr port to address acute shortages of public drinking water and unsafe sanitary conditions in southern Iraq, particularly in the city of Basra to the northwest.


Coalition on Track, Forces 'Flowing' into Iraq      

WASHINGTON - After five days of ground combat, coalition forces are more than 200 miles into Iraq and poised to take on forces defending Baghdad, DoD leaders said today.


405th Commanders, Bomber Pilots Talk War's Optempo      

WASHINGTON - Right now, deployed at an undisclosed location, the 405th Air Expeditionary Wing is in what Col. James Kowalski calls "surge operations." That means that all the unit's aircraft, primarily B-1 bombers, are flying at rates higher than what would normally be planned in time of war.


Escalating 'Sensor War' Is the Face of Future Conflict      

WASHINGTON - Military commanders of the future will employ high-tech sensing equipment to detect the strength and positions of enemy forces, including those attempting to hide from prying electronic "eyes."


CENTCOM Charts Operation Iraqi Freedom Progress      

WASHINGTON - All of Iraq is a battlefield and coalition forces are challenging the heart of Iraqi resistance around Baghdad, Air Force Maj. Gen. Victor Renuart said today in Qatar.


Coalition Aircraft Flew More Than 1,500 Sorties Over Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Coalition aircraft flew more than 1,500 sorties in the continuing air war against the regime in Iraq on March 24, coalition officials in the region said today.


Another Air Assault Launched in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces conducted another air assault in the Sami Ghar Mountains of Afghanistan today, Combined Joint Task Force-180 officials said.


Bush Calls Wartime Supplemental Budget Request 'Urgent'  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The president said today his $74.7 billion wartime supplemental budget request is urgent and "directly related to winning this war and to securing the peace that will follow this war."


Supplemental Calls for $62.6 Billion for Defense      

WASHINGTON - The defense portion of the fiscal 2003 emergency supplemental budget request is set at $62.6 billion.


DefendAmerica Speakers Keep the Public Informed      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is committed to keeping the American people informed and involved in the global war against terrorism, according to Brent Krueger, public liaison director in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.


Iraq Flouting Laws of War, Geneva Conventions      

WASHINGTON - The Iraqi regime is flouting the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions, said Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke at the news conference today.


Joint Chiefs Chairman 'Couldn't Be Prouder' of Troops      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military's top general said he is proud of the performance of American and coalition troops, as they continue to battle Saddam Hussein's forces from the land, sea and sky.


Six Airmen Die in Afghan Mercy Mission Crash; Valiant Strike Continues      

WASHINGTON - An Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter crashed near Ghazni, Afghanistan, March 23, killing all aboard, said Combined Joint Task Force-180 officials in Bagram.


Two Apache Pilots Missing; Progress Against Baghdad 'Rapid'      

WASHINGTON - Two American Apache helicopter crewmen are missing in action as coalition forces continue to pound Iraqi Republican Guard units ringing Baghdad, Army Gen. Tommy Franks said today in Qatar.


Wolfowitz: Iraq War Is Part of Global Anti-Terror Efforts      

WASHINGTON - Operation Iraqi Freedom "is all a part of the war on terrorism," U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz said here March 23.


Iraqi Freedom Coalition Readies Humanitarian Aid      

CAMP AS SAYLIYAH, Qatar - The U.S.-led coalition to disarm the Iraqi regime is poised to open massive channels of humanitarian assistance for the Iraqi people.


Battle Intensifies Around Nasiriyah      

WASHINGTON - Today was a tough day for American forces in Iraq, but coalition forces still made good progress on the ground, air and sea, said Army Lt. Gen. John Abizaid, deputy commander of the Combined Forces Command.


U.S. Soldiers 'Unaccounted For' in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Some U.S. soldiers in Iraq are "unaccounted for," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told CNN today.


Bush Pleased With Progress, Expects Iraq to Treat POWs Humanely      

WASHINGTON - President Bush is pleased with progress the military is making in the early stages of the war to rid Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction, he said during a press availability at the White House.


Air Element Boss Details Coalition Contributions      

WASHINGTON - Coalition air forces have flown more than 6,000 sorties to date in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, said Air Force Maj. Gen. Daniel Leaf today.


American Units Meet Opposition, Still Ahead of Schedule      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces are encountering greater Iraqi resistance as they move closer to Baghdad, U.S. Central Command officials said today.


Iraq Campaign to Get Tougher as Troops Approach Baghdad      

WASHINGTON - U.S. and coalition forces have made great gains so far during Operation Iraqi Freedom, but the going will likely get harder in coming days.


12 Americans Missing Following Ambush      

WASHINGTON - Twelve American soldiers are unaccounted for following actions around the Iraqi city of Nasiriyah, U.S. Central Command officials said today.


'Only a Matter of Time' Before Saddam's Regime Is Destroyed      

WASHINGTON - DoD officials today offered no timeframe when U.S. and coalition military operations in Iraq would conclude, but they emphasized that time was running out for Saddam Hussein and his regime.


U.S. Troops Hit Terrorist Complex In Northern Iraq      

WASHINGTON - U.S. troops yesterday attacked a terrorist complex located in northern Iraq, Army Gen. Tommy Franks said.


Franks: Iraq Campaign Is 'Unlike Any Other in History'      

WASHINGTON - U.S. and coalition forces will liberate Iraq, end Saddam Hussein's regime and find and confiscate the dictator's weapons of mass destruction, Operation Iraqi Freedom's senior military commander said today.


Bush Cautions Iraq War Could Be 'Longer, More Difficult'      

WASHINGTON - President Bush today praised the efforts of U.S. and coalition service members in Iraq, but cautioned that the campaign may take some time to conclude.


DoD Hosts Women's History Month Observance at Women's Memorial      

ARLINGTON, Va. - Since the Revolutionary War, women's military participation has evolved from exclusion, to traditional jobs such as clerical and nurses, and to nontraditional occupations such as fighter pilot or astronaut, according to Charles S. Abell.


More Money Coming Coast Guard's Way for Homeland Security      

WASHINGTON - Before testifying before the House Subcommittee on Appropriations March 20, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said, "our thoughts and prayers are with the men and women overseas fighting in the latest front in the global war on terrorism to protect all Americans and make the world a safer place."


More Than 700 Coalition Aircraft Pound Iraq      

WASHINGTON - About 700 coalition aircraft flew missions against more than 100 targets in Iraq on March 20, said Defense officials.


Pentagon Officials Tell Congress Missile Defense System "Moving Forward"      

WASHINGTON - Faced with the threat by North Korea of a nuclear warhead reaching the United States, senior Pentagon officials told the House Armed Services Committee March 20 they are moving forward with a billion-dollar missile defense system.


Afghan Ops Continue; Rocket Attacks on U.S. Forces Rise      

WASHINGTON - Operation Valiant Strike continues in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan, Combined Joint Task Force-180 officials said today.


U.S. Pushes Deeper Into Iraq; Chopper Dead Number Revised to 12      

WASHINGTON - (Editor's note: DoD released the names of the American casualties at 5 p.m. March 21.)


DoD Leaders Urge Iraqis to Surrender      

WASHINGTON - Over the past month, coalition aircraft have dropped more than 15 million leaflets over Iraq urging soldiers not to fight and telling civilians how to protect themselves.


Myers Charts Coalition Military Actions to Date  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - American ground forces are 100 miles inside Iraq and driving on Baghdad, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. Richard Myers said today during a Pentagon news conference.


Pentagon Seeks Clarity in Environmental Laws Affecting Ranges      

WASHINGTON - At Fort Stewart, Ga., home of the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized), heavy tanks coexist with endangered red-cockaded woodpeckers. The San Clemente Island Range complex in California is home to the even more endangered San Clemente Island loggerhead shrike -- and a Navy ship-to-shore live-fire range.


Ground War Kicks Off; Helicopter Crash in Kuwait Kills 16      

WASHINGTON - A Marine helicopter crash is believed to have killed at least 16 coalition troops in northern Kuwait just hours before a major ground offensive kicked off in the Persian Gulf. Defense Department officials confirmed the Army's 3rd Infantry Division rolled into southern Iraq late March 20.


Rumsfeld Lists Operation Iraqi Freedom Aims, Objectives  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense of the American people is primary among the goals and objectives of U.S. actions in Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said during a Pentagon press conference today.


Bush Lauds Operation Iraqi Freedom Troops, Congress      

WASHINGTON - The commander in chief today saluted U.S. service members involved in Operation Iraqi Freedom and members of Congress for endorsing a resolution supporting those troops.


Rumsfeld Praises Troops, Cites Iraq War As 'Necessary, Just'      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today praised American troops deployed overseas to disarm and oust Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, noting that their efforts support a just cause.


Rumsfeld Reminds Personnel About Operational Security      

WASHINGTON - When Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld started talking about the need to safeguard classified information, the studio staff flashed a World War II poster on the television.


Saddam's Days Numbered, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Central Command exercised "flexibility" in attacking a senior Iraqi leadership compound last night, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today.


Iraq Launches Missiles Into Kuwait      

WASHINGTON - Iraq has fired surface-to- surface missiles at U.S. forces based in Kuwait, DoD officials said this morning.


Coalition Forces Launch Operation in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces in Afghanistan launched another offensive in the global war on terror, DoD officials said today.


Coalition Aircraft Respond to Iraqi Provocation      

WASHINGTON - Coalition aircraft bombed a series of Iraqi targets today in response to Iraqi anti- aircraft artillery firing on the allied aircraft.


DoD Experts Testify on Much-Improved Troops' Chem-Bio Defense Gear      

WASHINGTON - American troops deployed overseas for the war against Iraq are much better equipped to deal with possible chemical or biological attacks than their Gulf War predecessors, DoD experts said on Capitol Hill today.


Homeland Defense Chief Speaks of New Responsibilities      

WASHINGTON - The symbolism couldn't be better: The new Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense is located in the section of the Pentagon destroyed in the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001.


Coalition of the Willing Provides Formidable Force      

WASHINGTON - The number of countries willing to be part of disarming Saddam Hussein gives lie to the charge that U.S. action is unilateral, according to State Department officials.


Women Aviators Finally Fill Cockpits of Military Aircraft      

WASHINGTON - Since Wilbur and Orville Wright took flight on Dec. 17, 1903, women have made significant contributions to aviation in the United States and around the world.


Info Technicians Must Be Mindful of Web Site Content      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military uses the Internet as an electronic conduit to quickly disseminate information. From a security perspective, however, stretches of that worldwide information highway contain potholes.


Coalition Aircraft 'Paper' Iraq With Leaflets      

WASHINGTON - With President Bush's deadline for Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq fast approaching, coalition aircraft dropped almost 2 million leaflets over Iraq March 19, U.S. Central Command officials said.


Technology, Doctrine Changes Allow for Better Bombing Runs  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - In the first 24 hours of Operation Desert Storm in 1991, coalition military aircraft "struck more targets than were struck in all of 1942 and 1943 by 8th Air Force during the Combined Bomber Offensive," an Air Force officer said in the Pentagon today.


War Begins; Coalition Aircraft Attack Iraqi Targets      

WASHINGTON - Operations to disarm Iraq have begun, President Bush announced during a speech to America tonight.


Ridge Launches 'Operation Liberty Shield' As War Footing Steps Up      

WASHINGTON - As President Bush delivered the final option to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on Monday evening, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge launched Operation Liberty Shield.


Vie for Share of $50,000 in Newman's Own Award Competition      

WASHINGTON - Entry deadline is April 30 to join the competition for a share of $50,000 in the 2003 Newman's Own Award for Military Community Excellence.


Alaskan Scouts Guard Anchorage Airfield  This story contains photos.    

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - An Alaska Army National Guard infantry scout who has more heart than body has proven to himself and his older brother that he has what it takes to help keep America safe from terrorists and anyone else who would do it harm.


Afghan Rockets Miss U.S. Troops; More Leaflets Fall as Iraq Countdown Wanes      

WASHINGTON - While much of the nation's focus has been on the prospect of war with Iraq, U.S. military forces in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom are still the target of hostilities.


Advanced Technologies Program Is on the Battlefield      

WASHINGTON - U.S. military planners cannot allow chemical or biological attacks to stop operations.


Pentagon Plans Heavy Investment in UAV Development  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department today unveiled a billion dollar roadmap for unmanned aerial vehicles during the next 25 years. Plans call for developing joint interoperable UAVs that are capable of everything from surveillance to air strike.


U.S., U.K., Spain Withdraw Draft Disarmament Resolution      

WASHINGTON - President Bush will address the world tonight and issue a final ultimatum to Saddam Hussein, the top American diplomat said today.


Powell Accuses Iraq of Playing Games with U.N. and U.S.      

WASHINGTON - Iraq is playing the United Nations and some of America's friends on the Security Council like a fiddle, Secretary of State Colin Powell said during a March 16 appearance on ABC News' This Week show.


Bush Gives Hussein 48 Hours to Leave Iraq      

WASHINGTON - President Bush delivered an ultimatum that Saddam Hussein and his sons have 48 hours to leave Iraq.


Cheney Says U.S. in Final Stages of Diplomacy With Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Tim Russert of NBC's "Meet the Press" cut right to the chase: "How close are we to war?" was the first question he asked Vice President Dick Cheney on today's edition of the news show.


Bush Sets Monday Deadline for Diplomatic Track on Iraq to Work      

WASHINGTON - Monday is the deadline for allowing diplomacy to find a solution to Iraq, President Bush said today.


Halabja: Symbol of Hussein's Inhumanity      

WASHINGTON - "Bloody Friday." That's what Iraqi Kurds call the attack on Halabja, Iraq, on March 16, 1988.


Bush Says Massacre at Halabja Shows Evil of Hussein's Rule      

WASHINGTON - President Bush today held up the March 16, 1988, chemical attack on the civilians of Halabja, Iraq, as a prime example of the evil Saddam Hussein perpetrates.


Bush, World Leaders to Discuss Iraq at Azores Summit      

WASHINGTON - President Bush will travel to the Azores islands off the coast of Portugal this weekend to meet with several world leaders on the situation in Iraq, White House officials announced.


Coalition Forces Target Iraqi Radar Sites, Thousands More Leaflets Dropped      

WASHINGTON - Coalition aircraft used precision-guided weapons to attack Iraqi radar sites southwest of Baghdad March 13, U.S. Central Command officials reported.


Sailor's Mom, Friends of Military, Create Special Patriotic Day  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - March 5 was a special patriotic day across the country and aboard Navy ships in the Arabian Gulf.


Free Iraqi Forces Committed to Democracy, Rule of Law      

WASHINGTON - American service members training Free Iraqi Forces are impressed by the exiles' commitment to democracy and willingness to secure peace in their homeland.


Art Contest Winners Show Patriotism, Love of Family  This story contains photos.    

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Three winners announced today in the 2003 Armed Services YMCA Art Contest weaved flags into their drawings of their military families, while a fourth drew an American bald eagle as her centerpiece.


Pentagon Officials Say Depleted Uranium Powerful, Safe      

WASHINGTON - Pentagon officials showed pictures today from the 1991 Gulf War of an Iraqi tank completely destroyed by a 105 mm round made of depleted uranium. The round had pierced the tank's thick armor, leaving only a burned out shell.


President Engaging in 'Phone Diplomacy'      

WASHINGTON - At the White House, they call it "phone diplomacy," and President Bush burned up the wires today consulting with allies worldwide.


DoD Approves Expanded Health Coverage for Reserve Family Members      

WASHINGTON - Two major changes effective immediately will make it easier for reserve component family members to receive health care coverage from the Defense Department when their sponsor is activated, the department's top doc said.


VFW, YMCA, AT&T; Support Enduring Freedom Troops, Families      

WASHINGTON - Many nongovernmental organizations from coast-to-coast are partnering with the military to support service members during the war against terrorism.


U.S. Iraq Policy Developed Over Two Administrations      

WASHINGTON - U.S. policy toward Iraq has been shaped by a dozen years of defiance by Saddam Hussein and at least two presidential administrations, Secretary of State Colin Powell explained to some members of Congress today.


U.S. Troops in Afghan Firefight, Drop Leaflets in Southern Iraq      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Special Forces soldiers came under fire in Afghanistan March 12, prompting a firefight that left five enemy dead, military officials said.


CIA Executive Tabbed to Head Threat Intelligence Center      

WASHINGTON - A veteran Central Intelligence Agency executive will head the Terrorist Threat Integration Center slated to start operations May 1.


Distance Learning Technology Brings Instructors to Students      

WASHINGTON - The Air National Guard's distance-learning programs are recognized as some of the most advanced within the Department of Defense.


Bush Establishes Medals for Global War on Terror  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - President Bush has issued an executive order establishing two military awards for actions in the global war on terrorism.


Technology, Transformation Improve Battlefield Health Care  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Advances in technology and changes in procedures are leading to improved health care for troops before, during and after deployments.


Navy Astronaut Brown Interred at Arlington Cemetery      

WASHINGTON - Navy Capt. (Dr.) David M. Brown, 43, was interred today at Arlington National Cemetery, the third of three space shuttle Columbia astronauts so honored in recent days.


Hussein Has Had Enough Time to Disarm, Rice Says      

WASHINGTON - History has shown that when democracies wait too long to confront dictators, more people die, said National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.


"Gift of Groceries" Can Help Military Families      

FORT LEE, Va. - Deployments are on the rise, Guard and Reserve personnel are being activated by the thousands, and the upheaval in the lives of military families can involve economic needs as well as emotional.


New Film, 'Above & Beyond,' Heralds Women's Centennial in Aviation  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - The Women's Memorial theater was packed with aging women pilot pioneers from World War II and their current-day counterparts for a private screening and reception for the film "Above & Beyond: 100 Years of Women in Aviation" here March 10.


Two Survive Black Hawk Crash at Fort Drum; 11 Dead      

WASHINGTON - Officials at Fort Drum, N.Y., are reporting today two soldiers survived the crash of a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter that crashed on the post March 11.


2002 Armed Forces Athletes of the Year Named      

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Wrestlers and runners dominate the list of military Male and Female Athletes of the Year for 2002 announced here March 11.


U.S. Dominance in Space Makes General 'Pity the Enemy'  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON, March 12, 2003 -- Anybody who goes against the massive space capability of the U.S. mil - real-time situational awareness, real time battle management unimpeded."


Homeland Security Money Goes to State, Local Communities      

WASHINGTON - With the Department of Homeland Security now a reality, resources are being provided to the state and local partners that assist the organization in safeguarding America, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said here today.


DoD, USAID Teams Readying to Rebuild Iraq, Provide Assistance      

WASHINGTON - "Free Iraqis" who have lived in the United States and other democratic countries will provide valuable liaison between local Iraqi government officials and U.S. officials overseeing the country after any potential conflict.


DeCA Announces Best Commissary Winners for 2002      

FORT LEE, Va. - In one of the closest competitions ever, five commissaries instead of the usual four have been named winners of the Defense Commissary Agency's 2003 Best Commissary awards.


Web Survey Allows Leaders to Know What's Bugging You      

WASHINGTON - All service members have a right to gripe. Now they can do it right to the top.


Northern Watch Flies Top Cover for U.S. Envoy in Northern Iraq  This story contains photos.    

INCIRLIK AIR BASE, TURKEY - What started out as a request for 48 hours of combat air patrols turned into six days of practically nonstop flying as Operation Northern Watch kept skies clear while a U.S. envoy met with Iraqi opposition leaders in northern Iraq.


Wolfowitz: Disarming Saddam Would Be 'Second Front' of War on Terrorism      

WASHINGTON - Capturing al Qaeda terrorists and disarming Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein are both part of the war against global terrorism, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz said here today.


Rumsfeld: Defense Department Stands Ready for Action      

WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein is "an accomplished deceiver" who will stop at nothing to "deceive the world and his own people," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in his Pentagon briefing today.


Media Coverage of Military: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military is the best-trained, best-led and best-equipped force in the world, a senior defense official said today, and the American taxpayers deserve to see "just how professional that force is."


Straw, Powell Question Latest Iraqi "Disarmament" Moves      

WASHINGTON - The items that Hans Blix reported as progress to the U.N. Security Council are the same items British Foreign Minister Jack Straw cites as examples of Iraqi noncooperation.


National Communications System Joins Homeland Security Department  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - After a nearly 40-year relationship with the Department of Defense, the National Communications System became part of the Department of Homeland Security March 5 during ceremonies at the Defense Information System Agency's Skyline 7 auditorium here.


'Overwhelming Number' of DoD Charge Card Users Don't Abuse, Zakheim Says      

WASHINGTON - The vast majority of DoD purchase and credit card holders don't misuse their government-issued cards and pay the bills on time, the department's senior financial officer said here March 5.


Coalition Strikes Targets, Drops Leaflets      

WASHINGTON - Coalition aircraft have conducted a series of strikes in the Southern No-fly Zone since March 8, U.S. Central Command officials said today.


Powell: Window Is Closing for Peaceful Solution in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The window for Saddam Hussein to disarm peacefully "is closing rapidly," Secretary of State Colin Powell said this morning.


Rumsfeld Talks of Shifting U.S. Troops in Korea      

WASHINGTON - The United States will work with its Korean allies to "rebalance" U.S. forces in the country, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said March 6.


Rumsfeld Gives Students the Pentagon's Perspective on Terrorism, Iraq  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today shared the Pentagon's perspective on the war against terrorism and Iraq with more than 100 visiting high school students.


Iraq Not Complying With U.N. Resolution, Powell Says      

WASHINGTON - Iraq has not made the strategic decision to disarm and cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors, Secretary of State Colin Powell told the U.N. Security Council today.


Iraqi Cooperation Improved, Blix, ElBaradei Say      

WASHINGTON - Iraq has improved cooperation with U.N. weapons inspectors, but questions remain, the two men in charge of inspections reported to the U.N. Security Council today.


Stars and Stripes to Deliver Personal Messages From Home      

WASHINGTON - U.S. troops deployed to the Persian Gulf region and other overseas locations will soon receive personal messages from family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues and supporters via the pages of Stars and Stripes.


Powell: We Must Stop Saddam Before He Arms Terrorists      

WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein is testing the United States, the U.N. Security Council and the international community, America's top diplomat said today.


Hussein Is Big Question in Estimating Cost of War      

WASHINGTON - How much would a war against Iraq potentially cost? There are too many variables to give a good estimate, said DoD Comptroller Dov Zakheim.


Bush Tells America: Delaying War 'Not Peace, But Pretense'      

WASHINGTON - U.N. weapons inspectors need only answer a single question when they go before the Security Council in New York March 7: "Has the Iraqi regime fully and unconditionally disarmed?"


Rumsfeld: DoD Transformation Still on Track  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the United States underscored DoD's need to transform to meet the challenges of the 21st century, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.


Laser Surgery Patients Elated -- 'No More Glasses!'  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Army Capt. Steven Kyle Jones got his first pair of spectacles when he was 6.


Powell: No Doubt on What Follows Saddam's Noncompliance to Disarm      

WASHINGTON - Time is fast running out for Saddam Hussein to voluntarily jettison his weapons of mass destruction and delivery systems to comply with U.N. Resolution 1441, the top U.S. diplomat said here today.


Pet Fostering May Be Deploying Troops' Answer for Saving Fido and Kitty      

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - For the harried soldier, scurrying to wrap up a thousand details before deploying to an unknown future, pet abandonment is a decision born of desperation and fraught with guilt.


Franks: Forces Ready for Military Action in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Army general who would lead any troops into battle in Iraq said today that America's forces in the region are trained, ready and capable.


Marine Describes Chemical, Biological Defenses      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military will be able to function in a chemical and biological warfare environment, a Marine specialist told The Chris Core Show on ABC radio March 4.


U.S. Military Works to Avoid Civilian Deaths, Collateral Damage      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military will go to great lengths to limit civilian deaths and to minimize damage to nonmilitary facilities should war with Iraq be necessary, U.S. officials say.


Stars and Stripes Carrying the News Where The Action Is  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - As the United States readies for a potential offensive on Iraq, Stars and Stripes is gearing up to cover the war and to distribute the daily newspaper to thousands of troops deployed throughout the Persian Gulf region.


Ridge Calls Public Response to DHS Preparedness Campaign 'Overwhelming"      

WASHINGTON - Millions of Americans have responded to the Department of Homeland Security's preparedness program for possible acts of terrorism, DHS Secretary Tom Ridge told a U.S. Senate committee today.


Top U.S. Law Enforcers Agree Mohammed's Capture Damages Terrorist Network      

WASHINGTON - The capture of alleged terrorist mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in Pakistan is a huge loss to al Qaeda, the top U.S. law enforcement official said today.


'Hope' May Be Weapon in War on Terrorism      

WASHINGTON - Sometimes the bullets in a war are not the kind made out of lead.


Bush: Terrorist's Arrest 'A Serious Blow to al Qaeda'      

WASHINGTON - The arrest in Pakistan of a senior al Qaeda leader "struck a serious blow" to the terrorist group, President Bush said today.


Pentagon Leadership Discusses Potential War With Iraq      

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon's leadership discussed all aspects of a potential war with Iraq during the Chris Core Show on the ABC Radio network today.


North Korean Fighters Intercept U.S. Jet Over Sea of Japan      

WASHINGTON - Four North Korean fighter jets intercepted a U.S. Air Force plane in international airspace over the Sea of Japan early Mar. 2, Defense Department officials said.


Nation to Salute Korean War Veterans During July Armistice Commemoration      

WASHINGTON - America will honor Korean War Veterans July 25- 27 in a national salute here that includes a ceremony at the Korean War Veterans Memorial and a musical program at the MCI Center.


Coalition Aircrews Target Iraqi No-Fly Zone Violations  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - While world attention focuses on the looming possibility of war with Iraq, American and coalition aircrews patrolling the Northern and Southern No-fly zones over that country face potential conflict with the Iraqi military every day.


Sporadic Violence Still Possible in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Even though Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said the war on terror is "largely over," it doesn't mean his country is suddenly a safe place.


Defending Against Iraqi Chemical, Biological Threats      

WASHINGTON - If Saddam Hussein decides to use chemical or biological weapons against U.S. forces, he may well kill or injure more of his own forces than Americans.


Pentagon 9-11 Memorial to Feature Lighted Benches      

WASHINGTON - The memorial to the victims of the terrorist attack on the Pentagon Sept. 11, 2001, will feature lighted benches, reflecting pools and lots of trees.


Pakistan Captures Terror Chief, Turkey Holds Off U.S. Troops, Iraq Starts Missiles Destruction      

WASHINGTON - Pakistan reported today the arrest of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed a top al Qaeda lieutenant during a raid in Rawalpindi.


CIA Executive Tabbed to Head Threat Intelligence Center      

WASHINGTON - A veteran Central Intelligence Agency executive will head the Terrorist Threat Integration Center slated to start operations May 1.

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