United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

 November 2002 More Stories | Archive



Zakheim Speaks of U.S. Support for Afghan Reconstruction Plan      

WASHINGTON - Building security is at the heart of rebuilding a terrorist-free Afghanistan, said Dov Zakheim, DoD's comptroller and point man for the effort.


Soldiers Explain Army Urban Warfare Doctrine      

WASHINGTON - When it comes to military operations of the future, enemy forces will not be in for a "fair fight," a senior Army officer said in a Pentagon press briefing Nov. 26.


Enemy Troops Use Hit-and-Run Tactics in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - American service members and their coalition allies continue operations in Afghanistan.


DeCA's Web Site Posts Food Safety Information      

FORT LEE - Nov. 27, 2002 Food customers can get more information about product recalls, courtesy of a new Web site from the Defense Commissary Agency.


Wolfowitz to Meet With NATO Officials, British and Turkish Governments      

WASHINGTON - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz will depart here Dec. 1 to meet with officials in NATO headquarters, and with leaders in Great Britain and Turkey, a senior U.S. official announced today.


New Security Department Reinforces NORTHCOM Mission  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The National Guard has given the U.S. Northern Command a base that it can build on, one of that new organization's high-ranking officers said recently.


Rumsfeld: Strengthening Democracy is Work of All Free Peoples      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said strengthening democracies is the work of both NATO and the Inter-American System.


Federal Agencies Honored at President's Quality Award Ceremony      

WASHINGTON - "Doing the job that taxpayers expect," is what earned three federal organizations the 2002 President's Quality Award, said George W. Bush today. The annual award is given each year to those government organizations that have demonstrated efficient business and management practices.


Bush Signs Homeland Act, Nominates England as Deputy      

WASHINGTON - When President Bush signed the Homeland Security Bill into law today, he established a new cabinet-level department to ensure the safety of the American people.


Veterans History Project Keeps War Memories Alive      

There are over 19 million veterans living in the U.S. today. With each is a personal story of batt - The center needs contributions of civilian volunteers, support staff, and war industry workers also.


Al Qaeda, Taliban Sympathizers Strike U.S. Camps      

WASHINGTON - Three U.S. camps in Afghanistan came under Taliban and/or al Qaeda fire Nov. 24. There were no U.S. casualties in any of the incidents.


Thanksgiving Message to the Troops from the Secretary of Defense      

WASHINGTON - Holiday greetings to the men and women of the Armed Forces, as you gather to celebrate this day of friendship and worship.


Seven Nations Bring Capabilities-Enthusiasm Mix to North Atlantic Alliance      

LJUBLJANA, Slovenia - "Our people have been tested in the fires of history; they have been tempered in the furnace of suffering and injustice," said Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. "They know the meaning and the value of liberty. They know that it is worth every effort to support it, to maintain it, to stand for it and to fight for it."


Media Cover Media Learning to Cover War  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The scene atop Cardiac Hill at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va., was somewhat surreal today. A group of about 30 media representatives were poised at the summit waiting to photograph and interview trainees on a road march.


Bush Says Terrorists Will Face Justice      

WASHINGTON - Al-Nashiri is a killer who has been brought to justice, President Bush said today.


Rumsfeld Pleased With Summit, but Wants to Do More      

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said he is "very pleased" about some aspects of NATO's Prague Summit, but he's not satisfied.


Coalition Forces Strike Iraqi Communications Facilities  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Coalition aircraft used precision-guided weapons today to target unmanned communications facilities located south of Al Amarah, about 165 miles southeast of Baghdad, U.S. Central Command officials said.


Indians Fight America's Wars Because 'This is Our Country, Too,' Choctaw Says  This story contains photos.    

CHOCTAW, Miss. - He didn't call it patriotism, but that's exactly what it was when Frank Henry joined the Army at age 17 in November 1944. Though his people were among the first to inhabit this country, he wasn't a citizen then and didn't have a draft card or any of the other things citizens have.


Pentagon Makes Grand Entrance, Opens New Metro Entrance Facility  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Although its aesthetics are quite pleasing, it still lacks the opulence of Grand Central.


DoD Preparing Fiscal 2004 Budget Request for White House      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials are in the final stages of preparing the DoD fiscal 2004 budget request for the president, a senior adviser said today.


Summit Puts NATO Transformation in High Gear      

PRAGUE, Czech Republic - While enlargement was the marquee event at the North Atlantic Alliance summit, it really served to highlight that this gathering was a "Transformation Summit," in the words of NATO Secretary-General George Robertson.


Two Soldiers Shot in Kuwait; Coalition Returns Fire Again in Iraq      

WASHINGTON - Two U.S. soldiers were shot this morning in Kuwait. Defense Department officials described their injuries as not life- threatening.


NATO Showcases New Nuclear, Chemical, Biological Defenses      

PRAGUE, Czech Republic - Building new capabilities to meet new threats is a theme of the NATO Summit here.


NATO Invites Seven Nations to Join      

PRAGUE, Czech Republic - NATO heads of state have invited seven countries to join the alliance.


NATO Faces Different Threats Today From 50 Years Ago      

WASHINGTON - The dangers facing NATO today are vastly different from those the alliance faced when it was formed, President Bush said today in Prague, Czech Republic.


U.S. Forces Take Fire in 3 Afghanistan Incidents      

WASHINGTON - U.S. forces in Afghanistan took enemy fire Nov. 19 in three different incidents. No Americans were injured.


Bush Lauds Passage of Law Approving Homeland Security Department      

WASHINGTON - President Bush hailed the Nov. 19 passage of a law authorizing the Cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security as a "historic and bold step."


Former Sergeant Leads Destitute Tribe to Economic Prosperity, Self-Respect  This story contains photos.    

CHOCTAW, Miss. - Gone are the days when about three-quarters of the people on the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indian Reservation were unemployed and one-third of them had no formal education. And gone are the days when Choctaws were relegated to a livelihood of sharecropping, labor-type jobs and welfare lines.


DoD Saves Millions With Computer Software Initiative      

WASHINGTON - Do you know about ESI? DoD purchasing agents looking for the best deals in commercial computer software products and related information technology services certainly do.


Time Will Tell on Iraqi Inspections, Rumsfeld Says      

WASHINGTON - What ultimately happens in reference to the U.N. Security Council resolution on Iraq is up to the member states and the Security Council itself, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Nov. 19.


DoD Research Project Necessary Adjunct to War on Terror      

WASHINGTON, June 20, 2002 -- Stopping terrorists before they can strike depends on government offic - passport, visa and drivers license applications, airline ticket or rental car reservations, medical data, and even credit and debit card purchases, for instance.


Iraq At It Again: Coalition Aircraft Report Second Firing Incident This Week      

WASHINGTON - For the second time this week, Iraq trained its anti-aircraft guns on coalition aircraft patrolling the Southern No-fly Zone over Iraq, DoD officials reported today.


Construction Begins on Major Afghan Highway      

WASHINGTON - Construction began last week on a major thoroughfare connecting the Afghan cities of Kabul, Kandahar and Herat, Defense Department spokeswoman Victoria Clarke said today.


Prague Summit Poised to Remake NATO, Make History      

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, Nov. 20, 2002 -- The NATO Summit here is historic because it will allow the - meaning they cannot perform all missions equally well. But that fits, he said.


Everyone Counts -- DoD Aims for Fewer Suicides      

WASHINGTON - The rate of suicides in the military has declined in recent years to 12 per 100,000 -- two-thirds the national average. But that's still not good enough for Department of Defense health care officials.


Thanksgiving Message to the Troops From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff      

WASHINGTON - Each November, Americans gather together family and friends to give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy as citizens of this great land.


Thanksgiving Day Message From the President      

I am honored to have this opportunity to thank the brave men and women of America's Armed Forces f - We will root out all the terrorists who threaten America and our allies. We will not be secure as a nation until all these threats are eliminated. And no matter how long it takes, we will fight the enemies of freedom, and we will win.


Freshmen Congressmen Visit Pentagon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Listening to a confidential briefing on Iraq and other national security threats was "eye-opening" and a "beneficial experience," according to Artur Davis of Alabama, one of the more than 25 representatives-elect who visited the Pentagon today.


Military Looks at 'Rebalancing' Reserve Component, Active Force      

WASHINGTON - Certain military job specialties, including military police and civil affairs, are being overburdened in the reserve components and may need stronger representation in the active duty force, the Defense Department's senior adviser on reserve affairs said today.


Rumsfeld Proposes Initiatives to Strengthen Hemisphere's Capabilities      

SANTIAGO - All democracies benefit from security, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld offered two initiatives to foster security and draw Western Hemisphere nations closer together.


Professional Screeners Hired to Improve Airport Security      

WASHINTGON - Starting Nov. 19, all of the nation's 429 commercial airports will be staffed and secured by professional screeners, Homeland Security Adviser Tom Ridge announced today.


Ridge: Terrorist Threat Persists; Nation Must Be Prepared      

WASHINGTON - The spectacular attack in Indonesia, the limited attack in Kuwait and the assault on the French tanker off the shores of Yemen all show terrorists' capabilities, Homeland Security Adviser Tom Ridge said Nov. 17.


U.S. Medevac Crews Stay Busy in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - U.S. medical evacuation aircraft crews stayed busy in Afghanistan over the weekend, proving how dangerous a place the war-torn country remains.


Iraq Fires on Northern Watch Pilots      

WASHINGTON - Iraqi forces fired anti-aircraft artillery Nov. 17 and today at coalition airplanes enforcing the Northern No-fly Zone over Iraq.


Rumsfeld Discusses U.N. Resolution, Patterns of Iraqi Behavior      

SANTIAGO, Chile - The United Nations Security Council will be interested in "patterns of behavior" that Iraq exhibits, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Nov. 17.


Closer Ties at Heart of Ministerial of the Americas      

SANTIAGO, Chile - Closer maritime cooperation and the building of a hemispheric peacekeeping capability are two items Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wants to discuss at the Defense Ministerial of the Americas here Nov. 19.


Media Representatives Get Taste of Military Training      

WASHINGTON - Fifty-eight reporters, photographers and cameramen are getting a view of military training they don't usually see -- they're doing it, not watching it.


Rumsfeld Says Don't Sweat DARPA Info Awareness Experiment      

SANTIAGO, Chile - "It's a case of 'Ready' 'Shoot,' 'Aim,'" Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Nov. 17 while talking about the new Information Awareness Office.


Rumsfeld, Chileans Discuss Iraq, Mutual Interests  This story contains photos.    

SANTIAGO, Chile - Iraq has no business firing on coalition aircraft engaged in activities that support U.N. Security Council resolutions, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said here Nov. 18.


U.S. Seeks to Strengthen Inter-American Systems      

SANTIAGO, Chile - The United States is seeking ways to strengthen inter-American systems, a senior DoD official said Nov. 18.


Containing Saddam Is a Dangerous Notion, Wolfowitz Says      

WASHINGTON - Critics opposed to using force to topple Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein are wrong -- possibly dead wrong, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz said in Florida yesterday.


Wolfowitz Praises Sailors, Inspects New Army Helicopter  This story contains photos.    

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz flew to the Sunshine State Nov. 15, first meeting with sailors at Naval Station Mayport here, then traveling further south to see the Army's newest helicopter.


U.N. Chief Details Plans for Iraq Inspections      

WASHINGTON - Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix told reporters today about the process his group will go through as they begin to ascertain the ground truth in Iraq.


American Public 'First Line of Defense' Against Attacks      

WASHINGTON - Recent government warnings about possible terrorist threats are not necessarily based on new information and are not specific, a senior presidential adviser said today.


Muslim Service Members Gather at Pentagon  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The group was quiet. Some people wore military uniforms; some wore headscarves denoting their Muslim faith. After the call to prayer, known as Adhan, they sipped water as bowls of dates were placed on each table.


Americans Engage Enemy Forces in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan engaged in two firefights Nov. 14, DoD officials said today.


Four DoD Programs Make Semifinals for Harvard Innovation Award      

WASHINGTON - Four Defense Department programs are among the 99 semifinalists named Nov. 13 for the 2002 Innovations in American Government Awards.


Rumsfeld to Attend Meetings in Chile, Europe      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will meet with defense leaders of the Americas on Nov. 18 and 19, then travel to Prague, Czech Republic, for the NATO Summit, Pentagon officials said today.


Americans Quiz Rumsfeld on Radio Call-in Show      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today explained the threat Iraq poses to the United States on a call-in radio program broadcast around the world.


Rumsfeld Dismisses Iraqi Claims of Innocence Regarding WMDs      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today dismissed Iraq's claims that it has no weapons of mass destruction.


Osama or Not, U.S. to Take Threat Seriously, Prez Says      

WASHINGTON - U.S. experts are studying a tape broadcast from Qatar that may have been made by Osama bin Laden.


Military Clergymen Dedicate Pentagon Memorial Chapel  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Clergymen from all services and several religions joined today in dedicating a chapel built at the site where American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.


Bush: 'The Man Must Disarm'      

WASHINGTON - Zero tolerance is America's current policy toward Iraq, President Bush declared this morning.


Bush Outlines 'New Reality' Steps to Improve Homeland Security      

WASHINGTON - In the first war of the 21st century, "the battlefield is here at home," and America's police, firefighters and rescue workers are on the front lines, President Bush said this morning.


Civilized Nations' Interests Overlap in Fight Against Terrorism      

WASHINGTON - Most serious threats to security affect many nations, and they "are best deterred and defended against by working together," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Nov. 11.


Defense's Big Four Answer Pentagon Workers' Questions      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department's Big Four took questions from the rank and file during a Pentagon Town Hall meeting Nov. 12.


Wolfowitz: U.S. Will Win Fight Against Terrorism      

WASHINGTON, Nov. 12, 2002 - American patriotism and citizens' willingness to serve their country i - have made it clear that they'll be with us."


Wolfowitz: Terrorists Destined for "Dust Heaps of History"  This story contains photos.    

PHILADELPHIA - Rainy, gray and blustery skies didn't deter Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz from flying here today to attend a Veterans Day ceremony honoring Revolutionary War-era troops.


Vote Proves World United Against Saddam, Bush Says      

WASHINGTON - The unanimous U.N. Security Council vote shows that concerns about Saddam Hussein are not limited to the United States. It shows Iraq that the world is united against him, President Bush said during his radio address Nov. 9.


Myers: America Must Never Forget Its Veterans      

WASHINGTON - Americans must never fail to honor this country's veterans on this important holiday, the nation's top general said today.


Bush Honors America's Veterans  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY - Before a rain-soaked crowd here, President Bush pledged that the United States will continue the war on terrorism until those who struck America "are fully and finally defeated."


Breakthrough Could Lead to Faster Ships      

ARLINGTON, Va. - The idea's not ready for prime time, but Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency researchers here have made a breakthrough that could mean faster, longer-range ships and millions of dollars in fuel savings.


DoD Honors Employer Support for Reserve-Component Members      

WASHINGTON - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz honored four companies who sacrificed the bottom line to allow reserve-component service members to serve their country.


Virtual Wall Allows Public to Reach Out to Vietnam Dead      

WASHINGTON - Each year, visitors to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial here leave thousands of mementos at the base of the Wall. Since 1997, visitors to a non- profit Internet site can do the same virtually.


Taliban, al Qaeda Forces Fire on Special Forces Troops      

WASHINGTON - Armed enemy Afghans fired on Special Forces soldiers in two instances, Nov. 7, DoD officials said Nov. 8.


Rumsfeld Warns Iraq Not to Threaten U.N. Inspectors      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned Iraq not "to take or threaten hostile action against inspectors or coalition aircraft upholding U.N. inspections" under the U.N. Security Council resolution signed today.


Dagwood and Blondie Wish Service Members Good Cheer  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - College students and members of Congress combined to send giant Thanksgiving greeting cards to deployed service members as part of Operation Grateful Nation.


Last WWII Comanche Code Talker Visits Pentagon, Arlington Cemetery  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - After meeting with the defense secretary and other top Pentagon officials on Nov. 5, Charles Chibitty, the last surviving World War II Comanche code talker, donned his feathered Indian chief's headdress and offered a prayer in the Pentagon Chapel for those killed in the terrorist attack on the building.


U.S. Military Working to Help Afghan Civilians      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military is working hard to improve the living conditions of Afghan civilians, the Pentagon spokeswoman said today.


U.N. Resolution on Iraq Places Tough Standards      

WASHINGTON - The United Nations Security Council resolution passed today is Iraq's last chance to comply with disarmament provisions passed earlier, according to information in the resolution.


Security Council Passes Tough Iraq Resolution      

WASHINGTON - The United Nations Security Council today unanimously passed a strong resolution designed to force Saddam Hussein to disarm his weapons of mass destruction and obey previous Security Council resolutions.


Veterans Day Message from the Secretary of Defense      

WASHINGTON - Ever since the first Veterans Day – originally "Armistice Day" – was established in 1919, Americans have paused to salute the service and remember the sacrifice of the men and women who have kept us free.


Nov. 12 Pentagon Town Hall Meeting Set      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld will host a town hall meeting Nov. 12 in the Pentagon auditorium at 11 a.m. Eastern time.


U.N. to Vote on Iraq Resolution, Bush Says      

WASHINGTON - The United Nations Security Council will vote Nov. 8 on a U.S. and British proposal to disarm Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, President Bush said today.


Major Publishers Join to Send Books to Troops  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Three major publishers have revived the World War II practice of publishing special editions of their books for U.S. troops serving overseas.


Panel Says Perstempo, Marital Discord Contributed to Bragg Murders      

WASHINGTON - Marital discord, high personnel tempo and fear of counseling contributed to five murders at Fort Bragg, N.C., Army officials said today.


Coalition Planes Respond to Iraqi Provocations      

WASHINGTON - For the second day in a row, coalition fliers patrolling the Southern No-fly Zone responded to Iraqi fire.


State Department Issues Worldwide Cautions to Americans      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. State Department issued a worldwide caution Nov. 6 warning Americans to be alert for possible terrorist attacks.


On Veterans Day      

WASHINGTON - Up until the 1960s veterans groups used the red poppy as the symbol of Veterans Day. In Great Britain, it still is.


Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Reaches Out to Indonesians      

WASHINGTON - Terrorism is a "great challenge" to democracy and unity in Indonesia, but Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told the Indonesian people today that he thinks they are up to the challenge.


Veterans Day 2002 Message From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff      

WASHINGTON - Veterans Day is always a solemn occasion to reflect on and to show our gratitude for those who have fought to preserve the freedoms all Americans enjoy today.


U.S., Coalition Forces Respond to Enemy Fire      

WASHINGTON - Coalition bases continue to receive sporadic fire from Taliban and al Qaeda sympathizers, DoD officials said Nov. 4.


Commissaries Ready to "talk turkey"      

FORT LEE, Va., Nov. 4, 2002 - Commissary shoppers around the world might as well plan now to loosen their belts because there's plenty of food - like 8 million pounds of turkey - ready to be bought for Thanksgiving.


A Personal View of Ramadan  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The sun is setting and in my home everyone is gathering at the table. Completing last minute preparations we share in a quiet mixture of joking, enjoying each other's company and prayer. Then, my father speaks up.


Iraq Remains a Threat to No-fly Zone Pilots, Aircrews      

WASHINGTON - Iraq continues to threaten coalition forces patrolling that country's northern and southern no-fly zones, top defense officials said today.


Popular Moose Lodges Success in Other 'National' Setting  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - The police chief for Montgomery County in Maryland who led the high-profile manhunt for the snipers who killed 10 people and terrorized the Washington, D.C., region for most of October is also a highly regarded officer in the Air National Guard.


Rocket Attacks Launched on U.S. Bases in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Opposition groups launched two hit-and-run rocket attacks against U.S. forward operating bases in Khowst and Gardez today.


New Online Pay Site Features Improved Customer Service      

ARLINGTON, Va. - A new online pay account management system debuted Oct. 15 and promises improved service and information security to military members, DoD civilians, military retirees and annuitants.


Study Could Reduce Anthrax Shots, Decrease Side Effects  This story contains photos.    

FORT DETRICK, Md - A study to decrease the required number of Anthrax shots and its accompanied side effects is being conducted at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Maryland.

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