United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

 October 2010 More Stories | Archive



NORAD Dispatches Fighters to Escort Suspicious Aircraft      

WASHINGTON - The North American Aerospace Defense Command ordered four fighter jets to escort a civilian aircraft with suspicious cargo.


Panel Notes Progress in Fight Against Post-traumatic Stress      

WASHINGTON - Experts noted significant progress in the efforts of the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments to help troops, veterans and their families affected by post-traumatic stress disorder.


Keep Focus on Troops, Mullen Tells Joint Forces Command      

WASHINGTON - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, praised the members of U.S. Joint Forces Command for their efforts on behalf of the nation’s warfighters while urging them to maintain that focus going forward.


‘Stop Loss’ Special Pay Application Deadline Approaches      

WASHINGTON - Veterans and troops involuntarily retained in the military under the so-called “Stop Loss” program have until Dec. 3 to apply for special pay.


Joint Forces Command Mission Remains Clear, Odierno Says      

WASHINGTON - As Army Gen. Raymond T. Odierno assumed command of Joint Forces Command, which is slated to close next year, he acknowledged the heavy responsibility before him as the organization transforms and transfers functions.


Forces Target Insurgents in Southeastern Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Afghan forces killed nearly two dozen enemy fighters and captured at least one Taliban leader in southeastern Afghanistan.


Mullen Renews Commitment to ‘Military Health Issue of Our Era’  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called post-traumatic stress disorder the "military health issue of our era" in remarks before the Pentagon premiere of the HBO documentary “Wartorn, 1861-2010.”


Army Logistics Leaders Review Progress, Way Ahead      

WASHINGTON - A panel of senior Army logisticians praised advances they’ve seen in the field while stressing the need to retrain the force in military property management.


Face of Defense: Airman Shares Fitness Success Story  This story contains photos.    

MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. - In 2009, Air Force Staff Sgt. Michelle Rose was one point from a failing fitness score. But she transformed herself into a fitness success by training six days a week.


Air Force School Focuses on Cybersecurity      

WASHINGTON - The concept of cyberwar may sound like a plot from a bad sci-fi movie 20 years ago, but it's a reality in which the Air Force leads the fight.


Lynn Sees Counterinsurgency Success in Afghan Village  This story contains photos.    

NAWA, Afghanistan - Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III toured Nawa, in Afghanistan's Helmand River Valley, and found great reason for hope in the future of the rest of the country.


DOD Names Best in Information Management, Technology  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Department officials announced recipients of this year’s DOD Chief Information Officer awards - the Pentagon's highest achievement in information management and information technology.


Command’s Relocation Aids ‘Strategic Velocity’      

WASHINGTON - The Army’s Surface Deployment and Distribution Command has moved to Illinois to better integrate with the U.S. Transportation Command in an historic undertaking of moving equipment and supplies between war theaters.


Elders Could Fuel Stability in Kandahar, General Says      

WASHINGTON - Elders in Kandahar are returning home and could support stability there years after being forced from their homeland by the Taliban.


Military Reaches Pakistan Flood Relief Milestone      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. military has delivered more than 20 million pounds of relief supplies to flood-stricken areas of Pakistan.


Casey Pledges Ongoing Support of Survivors      

WASHINGTON - Army leaders are committed to expanding programs to support the families of the military fallen, said Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey Jr., who has been inspired to help other survivors because his own father died in combat.


Motorcycle Group Supports Military Funerals  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A motorcycle group still attends military funerals as a show of support, undeterred by recent controversy over the rights of protestors at such events.


Air Strike Targets Haqqani Leader      

WASHINGTON - NATO officials are investigating whether a coalition air strike over Afghanistan’s Khost province killed a senior Haqqani Network terrorist leader.


Face of Defense: Father Accompanies Son to Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Army Sgt. Jason Hudgins, a Delaware National Guardsman, serves in Afghanistan with his father, Army Spc. Dale Hudgins, and still goes to him for advice.


DOD Unveils Smart Phone Mental Health Application      

WASHINGTON - A free smart phone mobile application that will help servicemembers, veterans and family members track their emotional health is now available.


No Significant Threat From Missile Glitch, Officials Say      

WASHINGTON - The public was never endangered when launch control center lost communication with ballistic missiles Oct. 23, said a Global Strike Command spokesman.


Chairman Notes Persistent Conflict’s Long-term Impact  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff outlined the costs of nearly a decade of war, including the emotional toll on soldiers and families, and warned that the military must put pyschological fitness on par with physical fitness.


U.S.-India Exercise Exemplifies Growing Cooperation  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The upcoming annual Yudh Abhyas exercise in Alaska between the U.S. and Indian armies is designed to improve bilateral readiness and show America's commitment to South Asia and the Asia-Pacific region.


Training Brings Counterinsurgency Strategy to Afghans      

WASHINGTON - In the last 10 months, NATO has trained more than 20,000 coalition personnel in counterinsurgency skills, including about 14,000 from the Afghan forces.


Trainers in Afghanistan Work to Develop NCOs      

WASHINGTON - Leaders in Afghanistan are working with the country’s security forces and NATO trainers and advisors to develop noncommissioned officers.


Insurgents Lose Momentum in Helmand, NATO General Says      

WASHINGTON - NATO and Afghan forces plan to capitalize on the momentum in Helmand province as they battle the Taliban.


Army Announces New Policies on Energy Efficiencies      

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Army has issued two new energy policies: one that improves high-performance green buildings standards for the Army and another that improves the energy efficiency of lighting.


DOD Website Helps Young People Plan Futures      

WASHINGTON - A new Defense Department website gives military service equal billing with colleges and careers for people ages 16 to 24 who are exploring options for their futures.


Partnered Forces Kill Insurgents in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - A security force targeting the head of a Taliban district commission killed multiple insurgents during an intelligence-driven overnight operation.


Deployments Can Impact Students’ Academic Success      

WASHINGTON - Parents’ deployments affect military children not only on an emotional level, but also on an academic level, an Army study has revealed.


Face of Defense: Airman Conquers Sahara Race  This story contains photos.    

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. - Air Force Capt. Carrie Zederkof completed, without injury, one of the hardest endurance competitions: a 155-mile foot race through the Sahara Desert.


Afghans Begin to Feel Pride of Ownership, General Says      

WASHINGTON - Afghans living in the province of Helmand, once wary of police and other leaders, now are beginning to take ownership of their security.


FBI Opens Investigation into Pentagon, Marine Site Shootings      

WASHINGTON - FBI officials are opening an investigation into three shootings in Northern Virginia targeting the Pentagon and two Marine Corps sites.


Afghan, Coalition Troops Capture Haqqani Leader      

WASHINGTON - An Afghan and coalition security force captured a Haqqani network leader who handled the command and control of insurgent attacks during an overnight operation in Afghanistan’s Paktiya province, military officials reported.


Face of Defense: Coast Guard Civilian Tackles Tough Trash Issues      

WASHINGTON - When David Condino began working with the U.S. Coast Guard, he had little idea that he would tackle some of the most important maritime environmental issues.


Military Spouses are Heroes, First Lady Says      

WASHINGTON - The needs and concerns of military spouses, whose sacrifices benefit the nation, should be of concern to all Americans, First Lady Michelle Obama said at the 2010 Womens Conference.


Lynn Examines Transitions Facing U.S., Iraqis  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - It’s a time of transitions in Iraq, and Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III is visiting the country to make sure all of the transitions are on track.


Families Voice Issues, Concerns to Army’s Top Leaders      

WASHINGTON - Military families voiced concerns ranging from mental health care to child care to the people able to initiate change at the Association of the U.S. Army Annual Meeting.


U.S.-South Korea Exercises Will Resume, Commander Says  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The top U.S. commander in South Korea said he believes the next in a series of U.S.-South Korean exercises designed to improve readiness and send a deterrent message to North Korea will proceed soon.


Afghanistan Strategy Works, Needs Time, General Says      

WASHINGTON - Coalition forces’ counterinsurgency strategy is working but the approach needs time to build on the past year’s gains.


Former al-Qaida Fighter Pleads Guilty to Murder      

WASHINGTON - A former al-Qaida fighter in Afghanistan has pleaded guilty to multiple charges for his role in a battle with coalition troops in Afghanistan in 2002.


Ward: Guard, Reserve Make Vital Contributions in Africa  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The National Guard and Reserves are making a vital contribution in Africa, said Army Gen. William E. “Kip” Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command.


Army Pledges Not to Cut Family Programs  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Army Secretary John McHugh pledged not to cut funds used to manage his service's family programs as the Army finds ways to reduce its budget.


Lynn Arrives in Baghdad for Talks, Troop Visit  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III arrived in Baghdad for meetings with American officials and to visit a U.S. "advise and assist" brigade.


WikiLeaks’ Redaction Doesn’t Remove Danger      

WASHINGTON - Despite WikiLeaks’ attempt to redact the names of Iraqi informants from its recent leak of classified military reports, some of those people are still in danger.


Afghan, ISAF Troops Kill 15 Insurgents in Helmand      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and NATO troops killed 15 insurgents and detained several suspects during a joint operation that targeted a senior Taliban leader.


Program Helps Guard, Reserve Couples Cope With Deployments  This story contains photos.    

HOUSTON - Learning how to parent as a couple again after one has been deployed is tackled in the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program couples seminars.


Program Aims to Support Single Guard, Reserve Troops  This story contains photos.    

HOUSTON - Soldiers learn how to not isolate themselves and speak without using military jargon as part of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program.


Commander Lauds Guard, Reserve Reintegration Program  This story contains photos.    

HOUSTON - The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program is an asset for soldiers in the Texas Army National Guard, according to Col. Mark Campsey, commander of the 72nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team.


Navy Demonstration Highlights Bio-Fuels Capability  This story contains photos.    

NORFOLK NAVAL STATION, Va. - The U.S. Navy conducted a demonstration featuring an experimental riverine command boat, which uses an alternative fuel blend of 50 percent algae-based and 50 percent NATO F-76 fuel oil.


Face of Defense: Disc Jockey Keeps on Rockin'  This story contains photos.    

MARINE CORPS AIR STATION IWAKUNI, Japan - Disc jockey Bob Bullion, known today as DJ Bob, has worked the airwaves on Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, since 1990, when he retired from the Marine Corps.


Program Fills Gap for Returning Guard, Reserve      

WASHINGTON - The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program has eased the post-deployment process for thousands of Guard and Reserve members and their families.


Press Secretary Calls WikiLeaks Release Shameful      

WASHINGTON - WikiLeaks full public release on its website of 400,000 classified military documents from Iraq war operations is “shameful,” the Pentagon press secretary said.


Army Releases September Suicide Data      

WASHINGTON - Army officials reported 18 suspected suicides among soldiers in September, compared to 13 in August.


Amos Succeeds Conway as Marine Commandant  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Gen. James F. Amos received the battle flag of the U.S. Marine Corps from Gen. James T. Conway to become the corps' 35th commandant. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised both for their military careers.


Pentagon Prepares for Possible WikiLeaks Publication      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is preparing for an additional publication by WikiLeaks of classified military documents from Iraq operations.


ISAF Condemns Fatal Attack on Afghan District Governor      

WASHINGTON - NATO’s International Security Assistance Force condemned an insurgent attack on the district governor of Dur Baba, Nangahar province.


Military Training Lays Foundation for Later Lifesaving  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A retired Marine who saved a man's life is one of many servicemembers who say they drew on their military training to become heroes off the battlefield.


Poll Shows High Public Confidence in Military      

WASHINGTON - The results of a recent national poll of 1,000 adults show Americans have more confidence in the military than they have in banks, the media, public schools and organized religion.


Face of Defense: Sailor, Working Dog Go to Djibouti  This story contains photos.    

SANTA RITA, Guam - Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Daniel Padilla and his partner Brit, a German shepherd explosives-detecting dog, are en route to Djibouti.


Gates Memo Changes Discharge Authority for ‘Don’t Ask’ Law      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has directed that any discharges made under the so-called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law be made by the service secretaries.


General Sees Progress in Counter-IED Fight      

WASHINGTON - More technology and stronger civilian ties have fueled progress in the battle against roadside bombs.


Training Puts Afghan Police on Track to Take Over Security      

WASHINGTON - Significant progress in training the Afghan National Police has put Afghanistan’s interior ministry on track to care for its country’s own security by 2014.


Navy Announces First Sub Officer Assignments for Women      

WASHINGTON - Two dozen women will begin reporting to four submarines by the end of next year, marking a new milestone in the 110-year history of the U.S. Navy's submarine force.


Combined Forces Kill Insurgents, Detain Numerous Suspects      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and coalition forces searching for Taliban and Haqqani members killed several insurgents and detained numerous suspects.


Program Links Reservists, Guardsmen, Families to Jobs      

WASHINGTON - A program that links reserve and National Guard members, their families and veterans with civilian employers has reached a milestone, with more than 1,000 employers now signed up to hire qualified job-seekers.


Appeals Court Issues Stay on ‘Don’t Ask’ Order      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department supports a federal appeals court decision to temporarily block a judge’s order that put an immediate end to the so-called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law that bans gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the military.


Face of Defense: Soldier Shows Courage Under Fire  This story contains photos.    

PAKTIA PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Army Pfc. Phillip Mexcur, a Vermont National Guardsman, continued his mission after his body armor stopped two enemy sniper's rounds in Afghanistan.


Official Details DOD Cybersecurity Environment      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is working to understand the threats and opportunities in the new world of cyberspace.


Government Files Emergency Appeal on ‘Don’t Ask’ Injunction      

WASHINGTON - The Justice Department filed an emergency appeal on behalf of the Defense Department to halt a federal judge’s injunction against the so-called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law.


Military Leaders Discuss U.S.-Pakistani Partnership  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and other senior Pentagon leaders met with Pakistani Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and his staff as part of the Third U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue.


Operational Reserve Makes Business Sense, General Says      

WASHINGTON - Army Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz, the Army Reserve's top officer, makes a business case for maintaining an operational Army Reserve for the long term.


Army Announces Changes at Arlington National Cemetery      

WASHINGTON - Arlington National Cemetery employees will participate in the VA's National Cemetery Administration's training program in the wake of an Army report that cited 76 deficiencies in operations.


Paktika Operation Leaves Enemy Fighters Dead      

WASHINGTON - An operation targeting a Haqqani terrorist network facilitator in Paktika province left more than 10 enemy fighters dead.


Face of Defense: Army Driver Keeps on Trucking  This story contains photos.    

PAKTIKA PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Army Spc. Martin Jackson, a South Carolina Guardman, puts his commercial truck driving skills to work in Afghanistan by driving convoys.


Officials Tout Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits      

WASHINGTON - With more than 260,000 students attending about 6,000 colleges and universities this fall under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, officials are continuing an active outreach effort to ensure current military members and veterans don’t miss out on the new program’s education benefits.


Strategic Dialogue Advances U.S.-Pakistan Relations, Goals      

WASHINGTON - The Third U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue is underway with discussions ahead on U.S. flood aid to Pakistan as well as mutual goals.


Ruling Allows Openly Gay Men, Women to Sign Up      

WASHINGTON - Openly gay men and lesbian women now can apply to join the military, Defense Department officials said, days after a federal judge ordered DOD to stop enforcing the so-called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell Law.'


Shooting Incident Likely Was Random, Pentagon Says      

WASHINGTON - A shooting at the Pentagon’s exterior walls likely was a random event and no one was injured.


Army Manages Leading Breast Cancer Research  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Every year since 1992, Congress has added millions of dollars to the Defense Department’s budget so the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command can help scientists fight breast cancer.


Online Ballots Can Help Overseas Votes Count      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department’s Federal Voting Assistance Program has a solution for overseas troops who haven’t received an election ballot: get it online.


Airstrikes Kill Taliban Leaders, Other Insurgents      

WASHINGTON - NATO confirmed that airstrikes over Baghlan province killed two senior Taliban military leaders and 13 other armed insurgents.


Philippines Requests Aid in Killer Typhoon’s Aftermath      

WASHINGTON - The Philippine government has asked for assistance after Typhoon Megi struck the island nation with sustained winds of 140 mph.


President to Award Soldier Medal of Honor Nov. 16      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama will award the Medal of Honor to Army Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta, the first living soldier since the Vietnam War to receive the honor, in a Nov. 16 White House ceremony.


Family Care Plan Change Addresses Custody Questions      

WASHINGTON - A change in Defense Department policy highlights why servicemembers may want to seek legal help in arranging their children’s care during deployment.


Face of Defense: Broadcaster Lets Her Voice Be Heard  This story contains photos.    

PAKTIKA PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Air Force Staff Sgt. Alana Ingram says her years in the military have given her incalculable lessons that will serve her well as she prepares for civilian life as a teacher.


Military Must Reduce Its Use of Fossil Fuels      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department’s reliance on expensive, difficult–to-transport and finite fossil fuels affects cost-reduction efforts as well as war-fighting operations.


U.S-Turkish Alliance in Good Shape, Gates Says      

WASHINGTON - The U.S.-Turkey alliance is built on fundamental common interests, and the defense partnership between the two nations is as close as it has ever been, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.


Mullen: U.S. Military Needs More Diversity  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Diversity is all about opportunity and the U.S. armed services “can’t go fast enough” to increase it, Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a group of senior military leaders.


Spending Reforms Top Defense Priorities, Lynn Says      

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon should start seeing results from the major spending reforms Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates launched this summer, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III said.


Lynn: Cyberspace is the New Domain of Warfare  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is ready to add cyberspace to sea, land, air and space as the latest domain of warfare as work continues to finalize the nation's defense cyberstrategy, said Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III.


Afghan, Coalition Troops Find Insurgent Weapons Factory      

WASHINGTON - An Afghan and coalition force discovered an insurgent weapons factory in Sangin district, Helmand province.


Face of Defense: Air Force NCO Returns to Old Unit  This story contains photos.    

GRAF IGNATIEVO AIR FORCE BASE, Bulgaria - Nearly 20 years later, Air Force Master Sgt. Michael Patrick has come full circle and is humbled by the fact that he has filled the boots of his first Air Force mentor.


Advisers Help Afghan Police to Become Self Sufficient      

WASHINGTON - Advisers are creating development plans to increase Afghan capability in running the government’s Ministry of Interior on a self-sufficient basis.


Mullen: Nation Must Recognize Sacrifices of Troops, Families  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Americans must recognize the sacrifices and struggles of today's troops and their families and work harder to reintegrate them into their communities, said Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Injunction Stands During ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Appeal      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department will abide by the injunction issued by a California judge on the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law while the Justice Department appeals the decision, DOD officials said.


Marines Deploy ‘Green’ Forward Operating Base to Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Marine Corps has set up an experimental forward operating base in Afghanistan as a tent complex that runs solely on solar-powered generators and other green energy.


Zabul Province Blast Kills Several Afghan Villagers      

WASHINGTON - Several Afghan civilians were killed in an improvised explosive device blast in the Qalat district of Zabul province.


Immersive Training Builds Small-Unit Decision-Making Skills  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - A new virtual reality-based training program will help Marines better prepare for combat by making ground-based simulation as realistic as possible.


Face of Defense: Officer Uses Teaching Skills in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - Army 1st Lt. Rachel Adair employs her skills as a former teacher in her new career as an Army transportation officer, currently deployed to Iraq.


Agency Director Offers U.S. Missile Defense Outline      

WASHINGTON - The layered missile defense approach President Barack Obama approved last year increases protection against medium- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles traveling as far as 3,400 miles above the earth's atmosphere.


NATO Must Adapt to Shifting Security Challenges, Clinton Says      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - To remain relevant and effective, NATO must be able to anticipate and protect against a variety of shifting security challenges, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said.


Department Abides by ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Injunction      

WASHINGTON - Pending an appeal, the military services have halted discharges under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law.


Clinton, Gates Voice Support for Afghan Reconciliation      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates expressed support for the Afghanistan government’s efforts to reconcile with the Taliban.


Saving Energy Saves Lives in Theater      

WASHINGTON - In Afghanistan, the Army's energy efficiency doesn't just translate to a savings in fossil fuels - it translates to saving lives.


Department Launches Online Sponsor Program      

WASHINGTON - An online training and resource tool will aim at boosting the quality of the decades-old sponsor program and better assist relocating military families.


Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill, Detain Insurgents      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and NATO troops killed several insurgents and detained numerous others during an operation in the Nahr-E Saraj district of Helmand province.


Face of Defense: Deployed NCO Hones Managerial Skills  This story contains photos.    

BAGHDAD - Army Staff Sgt. Michael Garutti is no stranger to wearing multiple hats. But even he couldn't have guessed how different those hats would be in Iraq.


Australia Takes Command of Combined Task Force  This story contains photos.    

MANAMA, Bahrain - Commodore Gregory Sammut of the Royal Australian navy has assumed command of Combined Task Force 150, which works to fight terrorism and smuggling in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Oman.


Gates: Resources Must Match Words in NATO Strategic Concept      

WASHINGTON - The draft of NATO's new long-term security strategy captures the complexity and uncertainty of today's security environment but those words must be backed by resources, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in Brussels, Belgium.


Service Leaders Discuss Way Forward on Energy      

WASHINGTON - Military and civilian service leaders gathered at the Pentagon discussed their plans for energy conservation that include leading the nation and the world into a more sustainable environmental future.


DOD, DHS Join Forces to Promote Cybersecurity      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano vowed their departments will work together to fight cyber threats to military and civilian networks.


NATO Official Discusses Way Ahead in Afghanistan      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - As slow but significant progress continues in Afghanistan, coalition forces continue their efforts to transition areas and institutions to Afghan control, a senior NATO official said in Brussels, Belgium.


NATO Seeks More Nimble Ways to Meet Challenges      

WASHINGTON - NATO policy director Jim Townsend Jr. says the alliance is seeking more nimble ways to confront the unexpected challenges of the future.


Gates, NATO Defense Ministers Discuss New Strategic Concept      

BRUSSELS, Belgium, - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and his fellow NATO defense ministers are meeting in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss the alliance's future in anticipation of next month’s summit of NATO heads of state.


Gates Reaffirms Position on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’      

BRUSSELS, Belgium - As the Justice Department considers the implications of a federal court order for the Defense Department to stop enforcing the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said that whether the law is repealed is for Congress to decide.


Mullen: Military Has ‘Strategic Imperative’ to Save Resources      

WASHINGTON - Conservation of natural resources is so central to the world’s future that it requires American leaders -- and the U.S. military - to lead the change, said Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Petraeus Cites ‘Hard-Won’ Progress in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Hard-won progress has taken place in Afghanistan as international forces put the Taliban on the defensive, said Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, the commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.


Coalition Forces Obtain More Contraband Munitions      

WASHINGTON - International Security Assistance forces discovered 100, 100 mm high-explosive rounds while conducting a patrol in Kandahar province’s Spin Boldak district.


Face of Defense: Air Force Officer Pursues NBA Dream  This story contains photos.    

SAN ANTONIO - Air Force Capt. Antoine Hood, a reservist with the 919th Special Operations Wing, has played in the NBA, and is on his way to realizing his dream once more.


DOD Lawyers Study Judge’s 'Don’t Ask, Don't Tell' Injunction      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department will confer with the Department of Justice over a federal judge's ruling to stop enforcing the so-called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law immediately.


2010 Proves Banner Year for Recruiting      

WASHINGTON - The military services had a banner year for recruiting and retention in fiscal year 2010, Defense Department officials said.


Schwartz Discusses Change in the U.S. Air Force      

WASHINGTON - The world has changed and the United States Air Force must change too so it can be more agile and faster than in the past, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz said at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.


Obama Honors USS Cole Victims, Vows Continued Vigilance      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama remembered the 17 sailors lost a decade ago during the attack on the USS Cole by vowing to remain vigilant in working with Yemen and other global partners to counter the al-Qaida threat.


Pentagon, Warfighters Work to Cut Energy Needs      

WASHINGTON - The military is working to reduce its use of fossil fuels, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq where transporting fuel is dangerous and expensive.


Suicide Survivors Find Comfort With TAPS  This story contains photos.    

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - The annual TAPS Suicide Survivor Seminar and Good Grief Camp is a place where many say they start living again after a loved one's suicide.


Navy Honors Killed, Injured in USS Cole Attack  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Navy officials, current and former crew members and families of the fallen gathered at Norfolk Naval Station, Va., to remember the 17 sailors killed and 39 others wounded in the al-Qaida attack on the USS Cole 10 years ago.


Afghanistan Shows Progress on Economic, Governance Fronts      

KABUL, Afghanistan - Signs of improvement in Afghanistan's economy and ability to govern is being seen throughout the country, as outlined in a recent NATO International Security Assistance Force release. NATO International Security Force


Military Earns White House, Energy Department Awards      

WASHINGTON - Defense Department efforts to save energy and help the environment around the world are receiving notice from the White House and the Energy Department.


U.S. General Leads Hostage Death Investigation      

WASHINGTON - The investigation into a kidnapped aid worker’s death during an Oct. 8 attempt to rescue her will be “as expeditious as possible,” said a Defense Department spokesman.


Afghans Turn-in Numerous Weapons, Explosives      

WASHINGTON - Afghan civilians have turned in numerous weapons and explosives while forces have detained several insurgents in recent days in Afghanistan.


VA Campaign Urges Vets to Use Benefits, Services  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The Department of Veterans Affairs has launched a campaign to encourage veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan to take advantage of services.


Face of Defense: ‘Team Mom’ Supports Soldiers  This story contains photos.    

NAVAL AIR STATION PENSACOLA, Fla. - Debra Rogers found a bit of golden respite in her battle against cancer: a week watching her son and his friends - all soldiers - play softball.


Gates Emphasizes Value of Expanded Regional Dialogue      

HANOI, Vietnam - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for inviting defense ministers from outside its membership to discuss regional security issues.


Gates Spotlights Maritime Security in Hanoi Forum      

HANOI, Vietnam - Disagreements over territorial claims and the appropriate use of the maritime domain pose a challenge to stability and prosperity in Southeast Asia, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told a group of regional defense ministers in Hanoi, Vietnam.


Petraeus Launches Investigation Into Aid Worker Death      

WASHINGTON - The commander of U.S. Forces Afghanistan has launched an investigation into the circumstances that led to the death of a British aid worker.


Bilateral Meetings Mark ‘Full Day’ for Gates in Hanoi      

HANOI, Vietnam - In what he described as “a very full day,” Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates met with Vietnamese leaders and some of his counterparts who have gathered for the first “plus” conference of defense ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.


Gates Receives, Accepts Invitation to Visit China  This story contains photos.    

HANOI, Vietnam - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said he has accepted an invitation from his Chinese counterpart to visit Beijing.


Gates Seeks Expansion of U.S.-Vietnamese Cooperation  This story contains photos.    

HANOI, Vietnam - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates noted the level of cooperation in the military relationship between the United States and Vietnam and said he sees potential for that relationship to expand even further.


MIA Issue Aided U.S.-Vietnam Relationship, Gates Says      

HANOI, Vietnam - Efforts to recover those missing from the Vietnam War have helped to transform the U.S.-Vietnamese relationship in the years since the conflict ended, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.


Gates Arrives in Vietnam for Bilateral Meetings, Conference  This story contains photos.    

HANOI, Vietnam - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates arrived in Vietnam to meet with Vietnamese leaders and some of his counterparts in the region and to participate in the first “plus” conference of defense ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.


Coalition Condemns Afghanistan Mosque Killings      

WASHINGTON - The International Security Assistance Force condemned the brutal attack by insurgents at a mosque in Afghanistan that left 12 dead, including the governor of Kunduz.


General Calls for Better Suicide Prevention Efforts      

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - The military must address the stress on warfighters and end the stigma surrounding mental health care to combat rising suicide rates, said the chairman of the Defense Department task force on suicide prevention.


Colonel Outlines Construction Hurdles in Afghanistan      

WASHINGTON - Getting a construction project up and running is thorny enough stateside. Yet, the projects U.S. Army Col. Mike Wehr oversees can be even more difficult.


Tricare Promotes Mail-Order Pharmacy Option      

WASHINGTON - As Tricare officials explore ways to control costs, they’re encouraging beneficiaries to have their prescriptions delivered.


Obama Praises Jones’ Tenure as National Security Advisor      

WASHINGTON - Retired Marine Gen. Jim Jones is stepping down as National Security Advisor and will be replaced by his deputy, Tom Donilon, President Barack Obama announced at the White House.


Postal Service Sets Holiday Mail Deadline      

WASHINGTON - The recommended mailing deadline for sending economy-priced holiday packages to servicemembers in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places around the world is Nov. 12.


USO Gala Honors Military Members, Families  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, praised the USO at its annual gala, noting that wherever America sends troops, "we can count on the USO to be out in front with us."


U.S.-South Korea Alliance Remains Strong, Leaders Say  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - The United States and South Korea are ready to counter any instability caused by a leadership succession in North Korea, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and his South Korean counterpart said.


Historian Captures Evolving Story in Iraq  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - With a front-row seat to the history unfolding in Iraq, Army Lt. Col. Les’ Melnyk is capturing it so the American public knows the full story of what happened.


Face of Defense: Marine Cites Pride in Service  This story contains photos.    

MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. - Marine Corps Lt. Col. Rex Sappenfield, a 24-year veteran with prior-enlisted experience, believes that "serving your country is a great endeavor."


Medal of Honor Recipient Inducted Into Hall Of Heroes  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised the bravery and sacrifice of Medal of Honor recipient Army Special Forces Staff Sgt. Robert J. Miller, whose name was inscribed into the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes.


Tricare Official: Early Flu Shots Key to Prevention      

WASHINGTON - With flu season under way, a top Tricare military health plan official encourages the system’s beneficiaries to get their flu shots as soon as possible.


Forces Kill, Detain Insurgents in Kandahar      

WASHINGTON - An Afghan and International Security Assistance Force patrol killed three suspected insurgents and detained several more in southern Afghanistan.


Pakistan Relief Focus Shifts From Air to Ground  This story contains photos.    

PAKISTAN AIR FORCE BASE CHAKLALA, Pakistan - The Pakistani government has announced that it no longer requires U.S. military fixed-wing aircraft support for delivery of flood-relief supplies, but U.S. military helicopters will continue to support Pakistan flood-relief missions.


Chairman’s Corner: Community Colleges Play Vital Role      

WASHINGTON - Returning combat veterans attending the nation's community colleges say they have unique campus-support needs, Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said after attending the White House Summit on Community Colleges.


Mullen Expresses Condolences to Pakistan Army Chief      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed his condolences for the deaths and injuries of Pakistani soldiers involved in a Sept. 30 border incident in a letter to Pakistan's chief of army staff.


Face of Defense: Civilian Opts for Deployment to Iraq  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Barbara Eberly, a 58-year-old Defense Department civilian, volunteered to deploy to Iraq as part of the Civilian Expeditionary Workforce program.


Leaders Work to Develop Afghan National Police      

WASHINGTON - NATO trainers and the Afghan National Police are working to expand leadership development thorough instructional courses and mentoring programs.


Efficiencies Will Keep Military Strong in Tight Economy, Lynn Says      

MCLEAN, Va. - Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III reiterated the need for efficiencies as a way to keep the military strong during tight economic times.


NSPS Office Reaches Milestone in Transition      

WASHINGTON - Three-quarters of the employees under the outgoing National Security Personnel System have transitioned to the General Schedule system.


Obama Awards Posthumous Medal of Honor to Green Beret      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor to Army Special Forces Staff Sgt. Robert J. Miller, whose actions saved the lives of his fellow soldiers.


Mullen Praises Trailblazing Military Women      

WASHINGTON - Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, honored the important contributions of past and present military women at Fortune magazine’s Most Powerful Women summit.


Troops in Korea Train on Casualty Reporting System  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - U.S. military medical personnel in South Korea are training on a casualty reporting system that captures details about medical care provided to all forces.


ISAF Releases Review of Pakistan Border Shooting      

WASHINGTON - A review of last week’s Pakistan border shooting in which two of the country’s forces were killed and four were wounded concluded that coalition helicopters likely fired on the troops after mistaking their warning fire for hostile fire.


Intelligence Reports, Tips Lead to Insurgent’s Capture      

WASHINGTON - Multiple intelligence sources and tips from local residents led Afghan and coalition forces in the Muhammad Aghah district of Afghanistan’s Logar province to arrest a man who allegedly facilitates and conducts roadside-bomb attacks, military officials reported.


Gates, South Korean Counterpart to Discuss Exercises, Plans      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and his South Korean counterpart Kim Tae-young will meet to assess recent exercises designed to send a deterrent message to North Korea, said Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell.


Summit Highlights Veterans’ College Successes, Challenges      

WASHINGTON - The first White House Summit on Community Colleges spotlighted the key role that local colleges play in American education including teaching military veterans returning to school.


Face of Defense: Marine Takes Service to New Heights  This story contains photos.    

TWENTYNINE PALMS, Calif. - Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Robert Hofmann, also a member of the Civil Air Patrol, routinely mentors children and young adults who participate in CAP programs.


Work Continues to Re-Open Torkham Gate      

WASHINGTON - The United States and the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan are working with the Pakistani government to re-open the Torkham Gate crossing from Pakistan to Afghanistan.


Department Increases Efforts to End Domestic Abuse      

WASHINGTON - Whether a withering comment or a fist raised in anger, the Defense Department is working to put an end to all levels of domestic abuse within the military.


Gates May Meet Chinese Counterpart in Hanoi      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates will participate in an upcoming Southeast Asian defense leaders' conference, marking the first time ministers from that region will formerly gather.


Helmand Province Sees Governance, Economic Improvements      

WASHINGTON - Helmand province is experiencing significant progress in local governments, justice institutions and economic indicators.


Guard Bolsters Homeland Response Capabilities  This story contains photos.    

ARLINGTON, Va. - The National Guard has bolstered its chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive response capabilities, which will help to provide a more robust response to any homeland incident.


Gates Urges Servicemembers to Claim Stop-Loss Pay      

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates urged troops whose military service was involuntarily extended between 2001 and 2009 under the “Stop Loss” program to claim the special pay to which they’re entitled before the Dec. 3 deadline.


Forces Capture Taliban Kidnapping Suspect      

WASHINGTON - Coalition and Afghan forces apprehended several insurgents including a Taliban district leader suspected in the kidnapping of a British news reporter.


Program Bolsters Department’s Language Capabilities      

WASHINGTON - The National Security Education program awards scholarships and fellowships for the study of languages and cultures aiding national security.


Face of Defense: Airman Saves Man's Life  This story contains photos.    

SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. - Air Force Airman 1st Class Brandon Horne used his military first-aid training to save the life of a civilian, who was unconscious following a vehicle accident.


Military Launches Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign      

WASHINGTON - The Defense Department is observing National Domestic Violence Awareness Month by reminding the military about resources and programs to help in preventing or stopping domestic violence.


Officials Provide Afghan Operations Update      

WASHINGTON - An insurgent leader and roadside-bomb expert was killed after firing upon coalition forces in Badghis province.


Face of Defense: Bulldog Helps Airman Cope  This story contains photos.    

KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. - Air Force Master Sgt. Justin Jordan's female English bulldog, Dallas, helps him to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder.


Mullen Expresses Confidence in U.S.-Pakistan Relationship      

WASHINGTON - U.S. Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he’s confident the U.S. and Pakistan can resolve the issues that led to Pakistan closing a major supply route for operations in Afghanistan.


Mullen: Communities, Veterans Can Help Each Other  This story contains photos.    

WASHINGTON - Veterans have a lot to offer communities, and local leaders can help the nation's debt to those who served by providing employment and support, Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff, told an audience of hundreds at the University of Arizona.


Afghan, Coalition Troops Find Narcotics Cache      

WASHINGTON - Afghan and International Security Assistance Force troops found and secured a large amount of narcotics during a combined operation in the Nangarhar province.


Obama Proclaims Cybersecurity Awareness Month      

WASHINGTON - Americans everywhere prosper because of the nation’s digital infrastructure, and therefore all citizens must defend it, President Barack Obama told the nation


Absentee Ballot Program Helps Overseas Military Voters      

WASHINGTON - Absentee Voting Week, which runs through Oct. 4, is designed to remind military and defense personnel deployed or serving overseas about absentee ballot options for the November elections.


Face of Defense: Guardsman Serves in the Classroom  This story contains photos.    

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq - Georgia National Guard Spc. Doug Lane is an intelligence analyst deployed to Iraq, but he's still teaching college algebra at night and working on his own divinity degree to become a chaplain.


New Medical Center Serves Military, Veterans      

WASHINGTON - The Defense and Veterans Affairs departments dedicated a new medical center serving active-duty servicemembers, families and veterans.


Dangers Abound With Huffing Chemicals, Using 'Spice'      

WASHINGTON - Military officials are warning that misusing legal substances, by, for example, sniffing glue, can have serious ramifications and that some legal substances may not be legal for use if you're in the service.


Mullen: Terror Groups Seeking Global Reach      

WASHINGTON - Terror groups in the Middle East are seeking to expand their influence and operations beyond their borders to the rest of the world, said Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Pakistan Gate Closure Doesn’t Affect Afghan Mission      

WASHINGTON - U.S. and NATO operations in Afghanistan continue without issues despite the loss of access to a major supply route through Pakistan.


Lynn: Cyberwarfare Extends Scope of Conflict      

WASHINGTON - Information technology, and the world’s reliance on it, has redefined the front lines of national security, Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III said at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City.


Amos Confirmed as Marine Corps Commandant      

WASHINGTON - The Senate confirmed Marine Gen. James F. Amos as the 35th Marine Corps commandant, to replace retiring Marine Gen. James T. Conway who has served in the post since November 2006.


Logistics Agency Aims for Efficiencies, Savings      

FORT BELVOIR, Va. - Defense Logistics Agency Director Navy Vice Adm. Alan S. Thompson is urging the ageny to increase efficiencies and savings.


Pennsylvania Readies Emergency Assets for Flooding      

HARRISBURG, Pa. - Pennsylvania Gov. Edward G. Rendell ordered the National Guard to stand by to assist local municipalities, governments and residents in dealing with flooding from heavy rainfall.


Legislation Extends Special Stop-Loss Pay Deadline      

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama signed legislation extending the deadline for servicemembers and veterans to apply for Retroactive Stop-Loss Special Pay through December 3.


NATO Command Strengthens Afghan Air Force      

WASHINGTON - Members of the NATO Air Training Command- Afghanistan are working to expand the strength and missions of the Afghan air force.


Department Monitors Substance Abuse Trends      

WASHINGTON - Synthetic marijuana, marketed as “spice,” or “K-2,” is one of several possibly dangerous "designer drugs" that servicemembers should be made aware of.

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