Congressman Hakeem Jeffries

Representing the 8th District of New York


Affordable Housing

Affordable housing is an important issue in New York City. On a daily basis, residents face soaring rent costs and are finding themselves without an affordable place to live.
US Capitol Building

Congressional Issues

Information and content related to Congress and the operations of the House of Representatives.
schoolroom desks and chairs


Learn about my work in Congress on Education issues.
Wind turbine and blue sky

Energy and Environment

Learn about my work in Congress on Energy and the Environmental issues.
scissors cutting a credit card

Fiscal Responsibility

Learn about my work in Congress on Fiscal Responsibility issues.
stethoscope on a clipboard

Health Care

Health care is important to our district and my work in Congress. Learn more about my views on this issue.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) is an essential part of the bedrock of American innovation and our economy. Our entrepreneurs, business owners, and the general public are best served by an economy that fosters and enhances our global competitive advantage, while protecting intellectual property rights and safeguarding creativity. Reforming our broken patent system is a top priority of mine from my seat on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Courts, and the Internet.
construction workers smiling

Jobs and the Economy

Good jobs and a strong economy are very important to our district and to my work in Congress. Learn more about my views on this issue.
Sign saying Neighbors Lane

Local Issues

Learn about my work in Congress to support our community.
soldier in silouhette

National Security

Learn my views on National Security.
senior citizens smiling

Seniors Issues

Learn about my work in Congress to support Seniors.
soldier saluting the US flag

Veterans Issues

Learn about my work in Congress to support our Veterans.