Congressman Patrick Meehan

Representing the 7th District of Pennsylvania

Meehan Supports Long-Term Tax Relief

Dec 20, 2011
Press Release

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today issued the following statement after voting to send the year-long payroll tax cut extension to a conference committee:

“Today the House again took action to prevent a $1,000 tax hike on hardworking taxpayers and protect seniors’ access to doctors through Medicare.

“President Obama has called for a one-year extension of the payroll tax cut, and the House has passed a one-year extension of the payroll tax cut. The Senate, however, only passed a 60-day temporary fix. We can surely do better than a two-month band-aid. Seniors shouldn’t have to worry that come March their doctor won’t see them anymore, and hardworking taxpayers need to be able to plan their finances over a term longer than two months.

“The Senate bill will also cause small businesses huge confusion and tax compliance costs. Just this morning, I heard from a local CPA who pointed out that the Senate plan will require two sets of quarterly tax forms and huge compliance costs for small businesses and taxpayers. It will cause further job-killing uncertainty, and payroll tax experts and small businesses say the two-month fix is unworkable.

“The American people expect us to make logical choices, not punt them. And during these difficult economic times, seniors and middle-class families deserve more peace of mind than a two-month band-aid because Congress couldn’t get its work done.”

Rep. Meehan today spoke on the House floor in support of the extension. Watch the video clip here.