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234 Ford House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-6460
Hon. Benjamin L. Cardin, Chairman
Hon. Christopher H. Smit, Co-Chairman
Media Contact: Shelly Han
May 6, 2014


Commission to hold briefing on Moldova
 (Washington, DC)—Today the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe announced the following briefing: 

Georgia 2008, Ukraine 2014: Is Moldova Next? 

 Tuesday, May 6, 2014 

 12:00 p.m. 

 Capitol Visitor Center, Room 268, North Congressional Meeting Room

 Russia’s annexation of Crimea has raised concerns that a scenario whereby Russia annexes Transnistria, Moldova’s secessionist region, is a very realistic possibility. Similar to Russia’s de facto annexation of Georgia’s two secessionist regions and Ukraine’s Crimea, Russia’s aggression against Moldova would be occurring as citizens of Moldova are considering accession to the major Euro-Atlantic institutions. The Transnistria “Parliament” has called for Russia to annex. 

The briefing offers a timely opportunity to examine Russia’s intentions with regard to Transnistria and Moldova given President Putin’s recent assertion to President Obama that Transnistria remains under an economic blockade and that the residents of the region suffer severe hardships as a result. This was the principal justification advanced by Russia at the OSCE during 2008, shortly before Russia provoked Georgia into military action. The following panelists are scheduled to participate:
Mr. Eugen Carpov, Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova, Minister for Reintegration 

Mr. Paul Goble, Specialist on ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia; Editor of “Window on Eurasia” 

 Dr. Stephen Blank, Senior Fellow, American Foreign Policy Council, formerly, Professor of Russian National Security Studies at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College

 This event is open to the public. 


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