
Jenkins Reacts to President Obama's Joint Address

WASHINGTON - Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins made the following statement in response to the President’s Joint Address on jobs:

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“Tonight we heard the President’s most recent plan to pivot towards job creation and get America back to work.  There were several ideas proposed this evening, some I agreed with and others I did not.  Yet, to me the most important development of the night was that all of Washington seems to finally agree that the top priority of the Federal Government needs to be addressing this jobs crisis, in order to get our economy moving.

“This goal, however, will only be accomplished if Washington can work together, stop proposing poison pills that politically attack the other side, and work together to craft solutions. There are parties on all sides that agree we must pass the pending trade agreements that remain stalled in the White House.  There is broad consensus that we can reform our tax code so it’s fairer, flatter, more competitive internationally, and doesn’t place an unfair burden on the middle class, and even the most stalwart big government progressive can agree that many of these Government regulations on businesses are stifling growth when we need it the most.  While I still reject the notion that a massive spending bill will solve this jobs problem, I do believe there are real solutions on the table, and I look forward to working together to put these ideas into action.”
