
House Republicans Continue Regulation Reduction Efforts with the TRAIN Act

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins made the following statement after voting in favor of the Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts to the Nation (TRAIN) Act, which passed the House of Representatives today.
“Overbearing and frivolous regulations are forcing our job creators to slam on the breaks, when we need them to be hitting the gas to grow us out of this stagnation and get America back to work.  For proof you need look no further than the Sunflower Electric Power Corporation.  This Kansas company’s financial growth is being threatened by this Administration’s regulatory zeal and I was pleased to welcome them to the House today as they met with  House leadership to herald the passing of this important legislation,” Jenkins said.

“For years, Sunflower has attempted to build a new coal based electricity plant outside of Holcomb, Kansas. First, they encountered the regulatory strong arm of our former Governor Kathleen Sebelius. After she moved on, the project was allowed to move forward, but is now in danger of being cancelled again, this time because of an EPA rule proposed by the Obama Administration. The EPA’s proposed MACT rule will end development and Sunflower would be unable to bring 88 new permanent jobs, 2,000 construction jobs, and more than $2 billion in private investment into Kansas.” 

“It is clear these regulations are hampering growth when we need it the most.  I look forward to the results from the TRAIN Act’s study, and hope to continue rolling back these punitive regulations, so we can get our economy moving again.” 
The bipartisan TRAIN Act outlines a plan to study and analyze the real world economic impacts of certain environmental regulations, so we can better understand how these policies are impact American manufacturing, global competitiveness, energy prices, and job creation.
