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June 2014 Newsletter


Breaking News

8th Graders from Texarkana's Red Lick Middle School visit the Capitol with Congressman Hall

Ongoing Efforts

Looking Ahead

  • President Promises to Take Executive Action
    on Immigration Reform
  • Lawsuit against President’s Abuse of Power




Supreme Court Rulings

As June came to a close, the Supreme Court of the United States issued rulings on two major cases: the United States v. Quality Stores, Inc., concerning “ObamaCare’s” contraceptive mandate; and National Labor Relations Board vs. Noel Canning, regarding the President’s questionable “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board. In both cases the Supreme Court upheld the Constitution and rightfully reined in this Administration’s overreach. 

Family-Owned Business Owners’ Religious Beliefs Protected

On June 30, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of nearly 50 family-run business owners, including Hobby Lobby, who argued “ObamaCare’s” contraceptive mandate violates their religious beliefs.  This ruling upholds Americans’ First Amendment rights by protecting any family-owned business owner’s right to run his or her “closely held” business in a way that honors their religious beliefs.    

Our Constitution states that all Americans have the right to life and the right to freely express their religious beliefs.  “ObamaCare’s” contraceptive mandate violates both these rights, and I am encouraged by this ruling. However, we must remain vigilant in protecting the First Amendment and the sanctity of life. We must also continue to fight for the full and permanent repeal of “ObamaCare.”

President Obama’s “Recess” Appointees Ruled Invalid

On June 26, the Supreme Court ruled that President Obama overreached his Executive powers by appointing three people to the National Labor Relations Board without Senate confirmation. The President claimed his appointees were lawful because the higher chamber was, in his opinion, out of session, or in “recess.”   The Senate was, in fact, not out of session, and the Court unanimously ruled the President’s three appointees invalid. Due to the invalidation of these three appointees, numerous decisions made by the Board will also likely be invalid.

The President unquestionably overreached his authority, and this ruling is a win for proper checks and balances of America’s federal government.

In honor of the 70th Anniversary of D-Day, Congressman Hall joined Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon, who led the Congressional Delegation to Normandy.

ISIS Uprising in Iraq

In recent months we have seen an escalation in Iraqi sectarian (or religious) violence. U.S. political influence there has eroded considerably since our withdrawal of troops at the end of 2011. Demonstrations have escalated, and anger has overflowed as demonstrators across the Sunni region have begun to demand the resignation of Iraqi’s Shiite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

This June, the sectarian uprising reached a head and the Islamic State of Syria and al-Sham (ISIS), a fanatic faction of Al Qaeda, captured four towns and two border crossings in Iraq. These Sunni militants continue to move toward Baghdad from the north and west, capturing military hardware and half a billion dollars in wealth along the way. On June 30 ISIS declared its establishment of an Islamic state.  

I will continue to monitor this situation and, should the U.S. decide to take action, I will weigh options and represent the views of my constituents.


Evolving IRS Case

Earlier in June, House Republicans learned that the computer belonging to former IRS Director Lois Lerner – who is at the center of the IRS political targeting scandal – crashed in 2011 and an untold number of her emails between 2009 and 2011 were lost. The timeframe of the lost emails directly coincides with the timeframe of the political targeting of conservative groups. Within weeks of that crash, the IRS cancelled its email backup contract with Sonosoft, and later the IRS stated Lerner’s hard drive was recycled and the lost emails on the server were unrecoverable.

Lerner, who twice appeared before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee under subpoena, has pleaded the fifth and refused to provide testimony. The IRS’s convenient loss of crucial emails involving the political targeting of conservative groups leads further credence to claims that facts surrounding this scandal continue to be covered up. We must remain vigilant in pursuing the truth – people should not be targeted for their political beliefs.

Supporting Pro-Energy, Pro-Job Solutions

Many Americans continue to struggle under a weak economy, and my constituents’ top priorities remain job creation and economic growth. In light of the recent revision of the first quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that cited a 2.9% contraction – the worst in five years – the President should join House efforts to increase energy production and exports along with other House-passed measures.

In June I supported three pro-energy bills to strengthen America’s economy and boost much-needed job creation: the North American Energy Infrastructure Act, the Domestic Property and Global Freedom Act, and the Lowering Gasoline Prices to Fuel an America That Works Act. Not only would these bipartisan energy bills boost jobs and the economy, but they would also lower energy costs and increase America’s global security during a time of increasing political unrest in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Jobs and energy go hand in hand, which is why I am proud to promote these solutions to create a better and stronger America.

To learn more about these bills, CLICK HERE.

Congressman Hall speaks at US Steel in Lone Star, Texas

Fighting the President’s “Cap and Trade” Regulations

On June 2 the Administration announced it would enforce new rules through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that regulate carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. This is a backdoor attempt by the President to impose his “cap and trade” law that failed to pass Congress four years ago – through a Democrat-controlled Senate, no less.

The decision to circumvent Congress and the will of the American people continues a pattern with this President, and it could not come at a worse time. First quarter gross domestic product (GDP) was downward showing a 2.9% contraction in the U.S. economy. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy, the EPA’s new rule will reduce economic output by billions of dollars, kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, and raise energy prices on American families and businesses.

I will do everything I can to fight President Obama’s attempt to “cap and tax” U.S. energy. That is why I am an original co-sponsor of H.R. 3826, the Electricity Security and Affordability Act that passed the House in March, as well as a cosponsor of H.R. 621, the Ensuring Affordable Energy Act. Clean and affordable energy, a healthy economy, and job creation are what Americans need and want. To achieve these goals for American families, true comprehensive energy solutions are needed.

Providing Accountability at Veterans Affairs

We have a responsibility to take care of our veterans who have served our country and its citizens. With the release of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ nationwide audit, we now know 57,000 veterans have been waiting more than 90 days for an appointment. This is unacceptable, and our veterans requiring medical care deserve immediate action. That is why I was pleased to support two bills related to this issue in June.

The Demanding Accountability for Veterans Act will provide much-needed accountability within the VA system. The Veterans Access to Care Act – which I co-sponsored – goes a step further and would allow any veteran who has been waiting for an appointment for more than 30 days to receive health care outside the VA system. This is a particularly important improvement for veterans who live a great distance from a VA hospital, as it allows them the ability to seek care at local clinics and hospitals.

The VA waitlisting scandal is far from over, and I will continue to fight for answers, accountability, and reforms on behalf of our nation’s veterans.

Rep. Hall attends McLendon-Chisholm's Annual SpringFest held on behalf of volunteer firefighters and first responders.

Providing for a Strong, Modern Defense

As a veteran, I personally understand the importance of adequate Defense funding so that our servicemen and women are able to do their duties effectively and efficiently. A confident, capable, and modern Defense is particularly important as we witness growing political unrest abroad. That is why on June 20, I was proud to support a strong American defense bill for fiscal year 2015. The bill reflects the need to responsibly rein in federal spending without adversely affecting America’s troops and mission – it funds America’s Defense above the President’s requested level but respects recent non-war spending caps.

4th District constituents will be pleased to know that this bill expressly prohibits the use of funds to transfer prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, and that no funds can be used in violation of current-law notification requirements to Congress regarding transfers of Guantanamo detainees.  

I am also pleased that Texarkana’s Red River Army Depot is well-positioned to directly benefit from this Defense bill. Red River is a supplier for BAE Systems – one of the leading competitors currently participating in the Army’s competitive procurement for a new Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) to replace the aging Vietnam-era M113. I have been actively working with Red River and BAE, and in May I sent a letter requesting that Defense Appropriations respect the agreed-upon funding and solicitation process for the AMPV bid. This Defense Appropriations bill reflects my request.

A strong National Defense is vital to ensure the safety of all Americans. I am grateful for the brave efforts of our troops, and I will continue to support their efforts at home and overseas.

Rep. Hall joins Rockwall's Memorial Day celebrations


Since Speaker Boehner announced the House will not pass immigration reform this year, the President asserted he will take executive action to pursue his agenda on this issue. On a similar note, Speaker Boehner announced his decision to pursue a lawsuit against the President for “ignoring some statutes completely, selectively enforcing others, and at times, creating laws of his own” through executive actions. I have been vocal in my opposition to this President’s loose interpretation of the Constitution since he was first elected to office. That is why I support the Speaker’s lawsuit and why I am also an original co-sponsor of H.Res. 652, a bill condemning the President’s abuse of executive powers.

        Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. I invite you to continue sharing your views and concerns with me so that I may serve you to the best of my ability.   

        May you and your loved ones have a safe and happy Independence Day.


Ralph M. Hall

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