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March 2014 Newsletter


Breaking News

Rep. Hall Recognized as
"Champion of Healthcare Innovation"
To learn more, CLICK HERE.

Ongoing Efforts

Looking Ahead

  • Budget for FY 2015
  • Fighting “ObamaCare’s” 30-Hour Work Week




Religious Family-Owned Businesses Challenge "ObamaCare's" Contraceptive Mandate

On March 25 the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for United States v. Quality Stores, Inc., also known as the “Hobby Lobby case.” This is the latest Supreme Court challenge to “ObamaCare.” The challenge comes from nearly 50 family-run business owners, including Hobby Lobby, who argue the health care law’s contraceptive mandate violates their religious beliefs and would require the family-run businesses to offer contraceptive drugs and devices, such as “Plan B,” that end human life after conception.

While the President argues that the Executive Order he signed on March 24, 2010 would prohibit federal dollars to be used for abortions under “ObamaCare,” legal experts have noted the President cannot amend legislation that is signed into law by means of an Executive Order and that federal courts will enforce what the law states. The President’s action is merely “smoke and mirrors” – making United States v. Quality Stores, Inc. a crucial case for religious freedom and an important pro-life fight.

Our Constitution states that all Americans have the right to life and the right to freely express their religious beliefs.  “ObamaCare’s” contraceptive mandate violates both rights, which is one of the many reasons why I voted against “ObamaCare” and am proud to stand with Hobby Lobby’s Green family and the other brave individuals challenging this Administration’s unconstitutional law. The Supreme Court’s ruling is expected in June.  

As a Christian, I believe in the sanctity of life and will continue to pray about this issue, fight to protect the rights of the unborn, and work to ensure no taxpayer dollars are used to end human life. This fight includes working toward the full and permanent repeal of “ObamaCare.”


Fighting Obama’s “Imperial Presidency”

This month I voted in support of several bills to combat President Obama’s “Imperial Presidency.” While many past Presidents have issued executive orders, under President Obama we have seen an accelerating abuse of power through executive actions and a broad expansion of regulatory control enforced by Federal Agencies. We have also seen a Justice Department that has been encouraging state law officials to ignore laws Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama do not like.

It is the President’s Constitutional duty to “take care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” and he has failed to uphold this responsibility to the American people many times over. In fact, the President has made over 20 unilateral delays and changes to the enforcement of “ObamaCare” in order to avoid negative political ramifications. Within the last week, he delayed the open enrollment period for “ObamaCare” exchanges because not enough Americans are signing up. I oppose “ObamaCare” and have voted to repeal it more than 50 times – one of the reasons I am ranked in the top 3 percentile in House opposition against President Obama’s initiatives (according to CQ Weekly). Rather than trying to avoid political fallout, the President should be held accountable for the disastrous consequences of this legislation.

This Administration has also failed to enforce current immigration laws to protect our border, and President Obama has personally denied his belief in the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act and stated his Administration would not defend the law. Actions like these are unacceptable.

The American people, through their elected Representatives in Congress, deserve better than to have their voices circumvented by the President through executive fiat. Our Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution to protect democracy through an equal balance of power. I will continue to uphold our Constitution and my duty to provide proper checks and balances. It is my hope that, come November, we will have a Republican-led Senate willing to work with the House to truly hold this “Imperial Presidency” accountable. To learn more about these bills, CLICK HERE.

4th District Job Creation and Protection

Promoting and protecting job creation and economic growth – both in the 4th District and across the country – are my top priorities. While I consistently vote on legislation to promote these priorities, I believe it is important that my efforts to bring local job opportunities to the 4th District go beyond the House Floor. This month we made important economic progress in the District and this certainly continues steps in the right direction, but we still have a lot of work to do in an effort to revive America’s job creation and economic growth.

Rockwall Welcomes New Jobs, to be Home of Channel Corporation Headquarters

Recently, the Channell Commercial Corporation announced its corporate headquarters is moving from California to Rockwall, Texas – a move two years in the making brought about by the Rockwall Economic Development Corporation and its President Sheri Franza, local Rockwall advocates, and Bill Channell. The development will break ground later in 2014 and is expected to initially create 200 new jobs. I have no doubt it will be a great corporate neighbor for the City of Rockwall and the State of Texas, and I was pleased to support their efforts.

Defending Jobs at Bowie County’s Red River Army Depot

Bowie County’s Red River Army Depot is vital to the local community and our country for its jobs and economic contribution, as well the necessary vehicles it provides our servicemen and women. In an effort to protect jobs at Red River Army Depot, I recently sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel requesting he honor an ongoing competitive procurement plan to provide the Army with Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicles (AMPV).

Red River is a supplier for BAE Systems – one of the leading competitors currently participating in the Army’s competitive procurement for AMPVs. However, there is an effort to delay the AMPV acquisition process in order for another group to persuade the Army to purchase a more expensive vehicle not outlined in the Army’s plan. Not only would this be unfair to Red River Army Depot, but a delay would harm our soldiers who are waiting for these long-overdue vehicles.

If BAE Systems is awarded the contract, jobs will be protected at Red River Army Depot and additional jobs could be added. I will continue to stand in support of Red River, and I know they are fully capable of winning the Army’s competitive contract. To view the letter, CLICK HERE.

Rep. Hall attends the Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice's and National Association for Home Care's Annual Briefing and BBQ

Improving Health Care for all Americans

Fighting “ObamaCare” Mandates

I am outspoken in opposition against “ObamaCare” and have been since the President’s bad health care law was introduced. I, like many Americans, fundamentally disagree with the law’s premise that Americans should be forced to buy a product. In addition to fighting for a full and permanent repeal, this month I voted in support of three bills to fight against “ObamaCare’s” mandates.

1.       H.R. 3474, Hire More Heroes Act of 2013
This bill protects veterans who are receiving health insurance through the Veterans Affairs Department and reservists covered under TriCare from “ObamaCare’s” employer mandate. It not only allows veterans to keep their current health care plan, but because veterans would not be counted toward the number of employees triggering the employer mandate, it encourages job creators to hire veterans.

2.       H.R. 3979, Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act of 2014
This bill protects volunteer firefighters from the employer mandate by clarifying that the work of volunteers for tax-exempt nonprofits does not count toward the 30-hour-a-week threshold for insurance coverage.

3.       H.R. 1814, Equitable Access to Care and Health (EACH) Act (co-sponsored by Rep. Hall)
This bill allows individuals who have “sincerely held religious beliefs” against receiving medical care to be exempt under “ObamaCare’s” religious conscience exemption. These individuals would still be eligible to receive Social Security.

Preserving the Future of Medicare

American seniors across the country count on the promised benefits of Medicare. I have been a longtime supporter of this valuable program and believe it is important that we continue to uphold these promised benefits, which is why I am pleased to co-sponsor the SGR Repeal and Medicare Payment Modernization Act. This bill, which passed the House this month, protects Medicare from harmful cuts that would otherwise be implemented at the end of March, provides a steady payment model in the future that gives physicians more certainty, and ensures seniors have access to the highest quality care.

Additionally, in order to cover the offset, H.R. 4015 delays “ObamaCare’s” individual mandate penalty until 2019. This would permit individuals to choose what health care option is best for them and directly save hardworking taxpayers $31.1 billion.

I will continue to work on behalf of Medicare recipients to ensure their contracts are honored and that this vital program is preserved for future generations.

Helping Middle Class Families by Lowering Home Heating Costs

It has been a particularly long and cold winter this year, and American families’ pocketbooks have been hit hard due to subsequently higher energy costs. While I can’t control the weather, I can help lighten the load of costly energy bills for families by co-sponsoring and passing pro-energy legislation. During tough economic times, these pro-energy bills help American families in a very tangible way.

This month I voted in support of five bills to address the difficulties middle class families are experiencing with home heating costs. These bills offer comprehensive affordable energy solutions to meet Americans’ needs by increasing access to domestic energy production, expediting permits, and limiting the Environmental Protection Agency’s overbearing regulations. Many of these bills were authored by the Energy and Commerce Committee, of which I am the senior member. To learn more about some of these bills, CLICK HERE.

Drought Monitoring Bill Signed Into Law

Recently, 4th District constituents have battled drought conditions and subsequent challenges with our water supply, agriculture production, and negative impacts to local tourism. And drought is by no means isolated to North East Texas. Over the last two years more than half the country experienced some degree of drought conditions. That is why I am pleased the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) reauthorization, which I introduced, swiftly passed the House and Senate last month and that, in less than 30 days, the NIDIS reauthorization is now law.

The NIDIS reauthorization is an important step to help Americans across the county during difficult times of drought. The program proactively and effectively works to minimize the personal and economic impacts of drought by monitoring and predicting droughts and offering resources to help mitigate related difficulties. It represents a collaborative effort between federal, state, and academic partners. As Chairman Emeritus of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, I will continue to work with my colleagues on the Committee and in the House to address this serious issue.


In April, the House will be working on a budget proposal for fiscal year (FY) 2015 that works to limit federal spending and balance the budget. In addition to the House Republican budget, the House will also consider three other budget process reform bills to rein in Washington’s out-of-control spending and improve accountability. After all, hardworking taxpayers have the right to know how this Administration is spending taxpayer dollars. 

Republicans will also continue to promote job creation and economic growth by working to stop “ObamaCare” from cutting the wages of hardworking Americans who are being affected by the President’s bad health care law. Currently, “ObamaCare” defines full-time employment as a 30-hour work week – a provision that can cost employees up to 25% of their hours or wages.  This is unacceptable, which is why I am proud to be an original co-sponsor of H.R. 2575, the Save American Workers Act of 2014 – a bill to address this issue.


I will continue working to help make the lives of 4th District constituents and the American people easier.

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. I look forward to hearing from you so that I may serve you to the best of my ability as we work together to get America back on track, promote conservative values that will strengthen our Nation,  and provide a better future for our families.



Ralph M. Hall

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