Van Hollen Statement on GOP Budget

Apr 1, 2014 Issues: FY15 Republican Budget

Washington, DC – Today Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee, released the following statement about the House Republican Budget:

“This reckless Republican budget casts a dark shadow over the American Dream. By gutting vital investments in our future, it is a direct attack on job creation and a recipe for our nation’s economic decline. It provides perverse incentives for companies to ship American jobs overseas while shortchanging investments in jobs here at home. China and other economic competitors will eat our lunch in the global arena if we make deep cuts in areas that help power our economy – scientific research, innovation, education, advanced manufacturing, clean energy, and modernizing our core infrastructure. The Republican budget also rejects one measure that could immediately unleash more economic activity and grow our economy – comprehensive immigration reform.

“Students will see deep cuts to education. Seniors on Medicare will immediately pay more for preventive health services, those with high prescription drugs costs will see prices skyrocket, and it will mean the end of the current Medicare guarantee. Millions of seniors in nursing homes will be especially hurt by the irresponsible cuts to Medicaid. This dog-eat-dog budget is nothing short of an assault on Americans struggling to stay afloat economically. Finally, the Republican claim that their budget balances in ten years is simply a fraud. Their budget would not balance without the reforms and savings we made in the Affordable Care Act, which they have voted to repeal or undermine more than 50 times and claim to repeal again in their budget. They cannot have it both ways.

“This budget is the Republican declaration of class warfare – it protects the elites at the expense of the rest of the country. By rigging the game in favor of the wealthy and privileged special interests while dismantling the ladder of opportunity for everyone else, it violates the fundamental promise that every hard-working American should have a fair shot at success. The Koch brothers could not have written a better plan to serve their special interests.”