U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Senator Coons talks faith, community at DSU 3rd Annual Prayer Breakfast

Senator Coons stands with former DSU President Dr. William B. DeLauder and current DSU President Dr. Harry L. Williams at DSU's 3rd Annual Prayer Breakfast on September 20, 2013

Senator Coons delivered welcoming remarks Friday at Delaware State University’s 3rd Annual Presidents Prayer Breakfast, hosted by President Dr. Harry L. Williams. The theme of the breakfast, “One Body, One Community, One DSU Family,” brought together University, faith, and business leaders to raise money for DSU’s student scholarship fund. 

Chris addressed this year’s theme by evoking a verse from Corinthians 1:12: “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.”

“It is ours to know and to learn and to be patient about what piece we are called to be,” said Chris. “Are we called to prophesy? Are we called to witness? Are we called to work? Are we called to be the hands to lift up and hold up others? This is a body that knows how to be a body united in faith, a community united in faith and a family to one another.”   

Chris also referenced last year’s theme of faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. One year later, the results of the DSU community’s faith are evident on campus. This was a year full of accomplishments for the school, as it was ranked 9th among Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the U.S. by the U.S. News and World Report, developed a new Living and Learning Commons for students, and was awarded its latest Fulbright scholarship, to Professor Constant D. Beugre.

“I could stay here all morning and read off the list of things that have been accomplished here in the last three years,” said Chris. “The federal grants, the new students taught, the new centers created and the latest campus addition in New Castle County. These are good, great, and remarkable things.”

Senator Coons joined keynote speaker Rev. Dr. Christopher A. Bullock and Rev. Dr. Silvester Beaman in addressing attendees at the event.

More information about Delaware State University can be found here: www.desu.edu.  

Delaware State University
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