Congressman Jim Bridenstine

Representing the 1st District of Oklahoma
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In The News

Oct 31, 2014 In The News

The calls can seem scary and legitimate at the beginning.  They know your name, they know the last 4 digits of your SSN, and they reference a specific amount of money you owe.  They insist on immediate payment, even threatening arrest if you hang up!  They sometimes keep victims on their cell phone the whole time they are going to the store and buying the pre-paid ca

Sep 23, 2014 In The News

TULSA, Oklahoma -Every year, 100,000 American children are sexually exploited; either forced into prostitution or made to participate in child pornography.

That's the equivalent to every single citizen of Broken Arrow being controlled, manipulated and abused in a year's time.

Jul 28, 2014 In The News

Rep. Jim Bridenstine, a freshman congressman and Navy pilot whose military awards decorate his Capitol Hill office, holds a special affection for fellow servicemen.

The Oklahoma Republican also is sympathetic to Central American children who are being smuggled into the United States from Mexico to reunite with family.

Jun 17, 2014 In The News

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” So said the great British politician and philosopher, Edmund Burke. Someone should translate Burke’s warning into French – before France sells Russia sophisticated warships. 

Jun 4, 2014 In The News

The Justice Department is updating a report on how armed the federal government is.

It will be the first time Justice has addressed the topic in six years, and it comes as conservative and libertarian complaints about an excessively gun-happy government have intensified.

May 27, 2014 In The News

Driven by shrinking budgets across all areas of government, most noticeably to the Department of Defense, President Barack Obama’s recent budget proposal reveals cuts that will reshape the U.S. military for the remainder of the decade and far beyond.

Apr 24, 2014 In The News

On March 27, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced the American Energy Renaissance Act, providing for comprehensive liberation of energy producers to maximize energy production, job creation and prosperity for America. A companion bill was introduced in the House by Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK).

Apr 16, 2014 In The News

Control a nation's energy, and you control the nation.

Apr 9, 2014 In The News

The Ambassador from Azerbaijan to the United States is joining U.S. Congressman Jim Bridenstine for a town hall in Tulsa Sunday afternoon, April 13th.  In light of the Ukrainian crisis, Ambassador Elin Suleymanov and the Congressman will highlight the linkage of energy security to global political stability.

Apr 1, 2014 In The News

Over the past few years, energy production has been one of the bright spots in the American economy. The U. S. is now the world’s largest natural gas producer and will soon be the world’s largest oil producer.

