Statement on the Republican Vote to Repeal Healthcare Reform

May 16, 2013 Issues: Health Care

(Washington DC) – Today, Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-Calif.) released the following statement after the GOP House vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act for the 37th time in 41 months without a single vote on a jobs bill:

“The Republican controlled House today capped off probably one of the least productive weeks in the history of the House of Representatives by voting for the 37th time to repeal the Affordable Care Act even though they know this legislation will go nowhere in the Senate or with the White House.  After wasting the American people’s time all week with political theatre instead of passing a budget and creating jobs, the GOP today decided to waste the American people’s money too with another vote to repeal healthcare reform.  From the start of this Congress, Republicans have failed to pass a single jobs bill that can become law, while refusing to appoint conferees to enact a budget that’s fair and responsibly reduces the deficit.  The American people are surely growing weary with this constant desire to place politics above doing what’s right.“