Internships and Fellowships

Rep. Karen Bass interns

Internships and fellowships run throughout the fall, spring or summer semesters for college students. Although programs in all offices are unpaid, students gain invaluable work experience. The hours are flexible to accommodate students' hectic course schedules, but generally run 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Washington, DC

This is ideal for candidates interested in learning about the legislative process, passionate about social and economic justice, and committed to public service. Responsibilities include drafting constituent letters, tracking bills, conducting legislative research, drafting statements, assisting with social media, sorting mail, answering incoming calls, and contributing to daily office operations. Ideal candidates are mature, detail-oriented, and motivated. Candidates should also possess an ability to prioritize multiple tasks under tight deadlines, work well with others, and have a good sense of humor. Graphic design skills are a plus.

Winter/Spring 2014 internships are currently closed. We are accepting applications for Summer 2015.

To apply for a position in my Washington, DC office, please email Elsa O'Callaghan your resume and cover letter, and indicate the dates and times of availability in the body of the email.

Los Angeles, California

In my California office, interns may be asked to do a variety of things, including day-to-day office work such as answering phones, writing letters and assisting with media clips. In addition, interns will be assigned to assist in various constituent case work and work on District-based special projects. Bilingual Spanish and Korean speakers are encouraged to apply.

We are accepting applications for Spring & Summer 2015.

If you would like more information on programs in Los Angeles, please email Charles Erwing your resume and cover letter, and indicate the dates and times of availability in the body of the email.


Shahe Sandjian, Fall 2013 

"My internship with Congressmember Bass highlighted the importance of teamwork, communication, and commitment to improving the lives of the people of our nation. As an intern, I gained firsthand experience of the legislative process and through my duties I was able to learn about the change that constituents can make in our government. The office strengthened my desire to continue to learn about the structure of our government and the important position constituents hold in advocating for a better governing body. Interning with the Congressmember  was a valuable experience that taught me skills that were not only helpful in a political setting, but that will surely be useful in my future career.”


Tatiana Cole, Summer 2013

"Interning with the office of Congressmember Bass was an enriching experience. During my tenure at the office, I was granted the opportunity to work with individuals whose work ethic, expertise and commitment to policy help move the country forward. I was able to tap into the knowledge and experiences of these individuals and receive helpful guidance for my future professional endeavors. Although interning with the office equipped me with firsthand knowledge of life on 'The Hill,' my favorite takeaway from this experience was being fortunate enough to work with an authentic and fast-paced office. I remain truly inspired by the tone that the Congressmember set for her office, and the individuals that make it welcoming and productive."


Anna Stolitzka, Fall 2012 

“Congressmember Bass’ Washington, DC office gave me the opportunity to be a part of the legislative process within a culture centered on a shared desire to create change. As an intern I answered phone calls, responded to constituent mail, provided research for the legislative assistants, attended briefings and policy strategy sessions. I supported the office in unique ways and ultimately each task allowed me to better understand the inner workings of a Member’s office on Capitol Hill and be a part of the democratic process. The internship equipped me with the tools I need to navigate the U.S. political system and subsequently identify how I can best bring about effective change for the people who need it most. I learned that change is about working towards progress and not perfection.”


Sophie Green, Summer 2013 

“Interning in the district office of Congressmember Bass has been an amazing experience. I learned so much about working with constituents and saw firsthand what the government can do to help people in need. The staff is friendly and eager to help further my knowledge of government and organizing. My favorite part of the internship was attending a town hall because I had the opportunity to work with constituents face to face as well as hear Congressmember Bass speak about issues that are relevant to the community.”