Congressman Steve Stockman

Representing the 36th District of Texas

Stockman warns Congress: Defy the grassroots and Cantor’s fate may await you

Jun 11, 2014
Press Release

WASHINGTON – Congressman Steve Stockman (R-TX 36) released the following statement Wednesday:

I first want to thank Eric Cantor for his service as a congressman and Majority Leader.  He is one of the kindest and brightest Members here and it is a privilege to work with him.

I also want to congratulate Dave Brat and grassroots conservatives for this resounding victory.  You are leading the fight to restore our constitutional Republic.

This should be wake-up call to GOP leadership. No one is safe if they abandon principle.  Pushing ahead with illegal alien amnesty is both political and national suicide.

Allies like Gun Owners of America also blanketed the district with phone calls highlighting Cantor’s recent vote for gun control, which fueled opposition to his reelection.  Support for gun rights has grown steadily over the decades thanks to groups like GOA.  Last night’s loss is another clear sign voting for gun control is a sure way to lose your job.

I also remind my colleagues the Tea Party doesn't have to win every challenge. They only need to pick off one compromiser every now and then, because it may be you.  If the Majority Leader can be taken out, so can you.

I know this from personal experience.  In 1994 I defeated Congressman Jack Brooks, the most powerful member of Congress, in one of Texas' most heavily Democrat districts. No one can outrun angry voters. 

Even this year I held Senator John Cornyn to the lowest vote percentage ever by an incumbent Texas Republican senator, despite filing just weeks before the election and Cornyn’s camp spending $7 million to attack me.

The GOP Establishment almost immediately tried to dismiss last night’s results as the product of Democrat crossover voting.  That is not true.  From looking at the numbers you can see Cantor crushed Brat in the most heavily Democrat portions of the district.  Brat beat Cantor in the portions of the district where there are little to no Democrats available to cross over.

Last night’s results were a victory for conservative principle and a wake-up call to my Republican colleagues.  If you follow the GOP establishment, they may lead you right out of a job.
