Press Releases

Nov 25, 2014

Congressman Duncan Issues Statement on the Resignation of Secretary Hagel

South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan comments on the resignation of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.

Nov 24, 2014

Duncan Issues Statement Following the President's Immigration Announcement

South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s executive action on immigration.

Nov 18, 2014

Rep. Jeff Duncan to Hold Congressional Hearing on Emergency Preparedness

South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan will hold a Congressional Hearing at Clemson University at 1:00pm on Friday, November 21st on emergency preparedness.

Oct 21, 2014

Op Ed: An "invisible" Iran in the Western Hemisphere: America's strategic blind spot

Recently, we have seen a hydra of terrorist organizations wreak havoc around the world. Such an uptick in terrorism was reflected in an April report published by the State Department, which found attacks up 40% worldwide.

Oct 17, 2014

Duncan Urges Suspension of Visas from Ebola Countries

Rep. Jeff Duncan calls on Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Department of State Secretary John Kerry to temporarily suspend the travel visas of individuals traveling from Ebola stricken areas of Africa.

Oct 9, 2014

Jeff Duncan Receives Guardian of Seniors' Rights Award

Issues: Health

Legendary entertainer Pat Boone, spokesman for the non-partisan senior citizen group the 60 Plus Association announced that Congressman Jeff Duncan of South Carolina has earned Guardian of Seniors’ Rights award.

Sep 22, 2014

Duncan Holds Hearing on GAO Report on St. Elizabeths

Congressman Jeff Duncan, held a hearing today to hold senior Administration officials accountable for the mismanagement of the Department of Homeland Security project at St. Elizabeth's campus in DC.

Sep 11, 2014

Duncan Releases Statement on 9/11 Anniversary

It’s been 13 years since the September 11th attacks, but the memory, anger, and sadness of that fateful day remains.

Aug 1, 2014

Congress Calls for Aggressive Five Year Offshore Leasing Plan from Interior

Issues: Energy

Congressman Jeff Duncan along with Congressmen Bill Flores, Scott Rigell, and Richard Hudson sent a letter of support to the Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell urging the Department to proceed with a “rigorous lease sale schedule”

Jul 23, 2014

Congressman Duncan’s Legislative Priorities Would Cut Government Spending by $250 Billion per Year

"Congressman Jeff Duncan would save the taxpayers $250 billion per year if legislation he cosponsored was signed into law. That savings total was the highest of all but one other House Member in the 113th Congress."
