Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty

Representing the 5th District of Connecticut
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Rep. Elizabeth Esty Statement on Praxair’s Major Jobs Announcement

Oct 31, 2014
Press Release

DANBURY, CT – Today, Rep. Elizabeth Esty (CT-5) released the following statement on Praxair's major jobs announcement.

“I am delighted that Praxair has chosen to build its new state-of-the art world headquarters in Danbury. I am proud to have worked with Praxair, one of Danbury’s largest employers, to support high paying jobs and cutting-edge technology. Today’s announcement is a testament to our state’s highly-skilled, educated workforce, as well as to effective partnerships with state and local government. I applaud the leadership of Governor Malloy, Mayor Boughton, Commissioner Smith, and the team at Praxair. We should celebrate this major investment in the future of the City of Danbury and the state of Connecticut.”