Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty

Representing the 5th District of Connecticut
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Rep. Elizabeth Esty Applauds $1.1 Million Federal Job-Training Grant for New Britain

Aug 8, 2014
Press Release
Capital Workforce Partners’ YouthBuild Project in New Britain supports apprenticeship programs in construction

NEW BRITAIN, CT – Today, Rep. Elizabeth Esty (CT-5) applauded a $1.1 million U.S. Department of Labor grant for Capital Workforce Partners’ YouthBuild Project in New Britain. Esty advocated for this grant to provide critical job-training programs for at-risk youth in New Britain.

"I'm very proud to help secure the $1.1 million grant for the YouthBuild Project in New Britain, which supports critical job-training and apprenticeship programs,” Esty said. “The YouthBuild Project will train young people with the skills they need to get good-paying jobs right here in Connecticut. Apprenticeships are a proven way to develop a new generation of workers helping our economy grow and our communities flourish.”

Capital Workforce Partners’ YouthBuild Project in New Britain will provide an apprenticeship program in construction for 70 at-risk youth in the New Britain area.

The YouthBuild Project is a non-residential, community-based alternative education program that provides classroom instruction and occupational skills training to youth ages 16 to 24 who have been in the juvenile justice system, are aging out of foster care, have dropped out of high school or are otherwise at-risk of failing to reach key educational and career milestones. The classroom-training component leads to a high school diploma, general education development or other state-recognized equivalency diploma. The occupational skills training component provides YouthBuild participants with industry-recognized certifications in construction. Leadership development and community service are also key elements of the YouthBuild program, helping to ensure that participants maintain a connection to their communities through public service and volunteerism.