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Honorable Mark Sanford

Representing the 1st District of South Carolina

Blog Posts

Sep 18, 2014 Blog Post

I would like to support this bill. I believe in energy independence, as do the people I represent at home, and accordingly am supportive of opening up these offshore areas– but I do not think this should occur without the concurrence and input of coastal states that might be affected were something to go wrong.

Jul 24, 2014 Blog Post
Officially known as H.R. 4803: the TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act, this bill would in essence require the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to end its practice of paying higher wages to employees for skills they don’t use on the job.
May 23, 2014 Blog Post

There was a lot of action on the House floor yesterday, and I wanted to note one “first” on my end. Today was the first time since returning to Congress I voted against a bill I co-sponsored – the USA Freedom Act. In fact, so did 78 out of the 151 other co-sponsors, which is something you don’t see all that often.

May 15, 2014 Blog Post

Believe it or not, today marks one year since we took office, and I thought now might be a good time to stop and review the past twelve months. In that vein, below are a few of the highlights and some links in case you wanted to read more about any of these specific topics.

Apr 29, 2014 Blog Post
As it looks like there’s more bad weather headed towards the Lowcountry tomorrow, I wanted to take a moment and again pass along some emergency numbers that could be helpful in the event of severe thunderstorms or tornadoes.
Mar 6, 2014 Blog Post
Today the House passed a bill to provide loan guarantees for Ukraine on a vote of 385-23. While I very much applaud the underlying sentiment behind this $1 billion dollar loan guarantee package, I ultimately found myself on the dissenting side of this vote for a few reasons.
Feb 11, 2014 Blog Post
It feels like we just did this, but with more ice and winter weather headed our way I wanted to take a moment to again remind everyone of some emergency numbers and websites that could be helpful.
Jul 11, 2013 Blog Post
This afternoon I voted against the latest version of the Farm Bill to come before the House, and I applaud my colleagues in the House Agricultural Committee for their work to bring about this bill. Their efforts were earnest and in good faith, but I ultimately voted no because I have seen this dance toward reform come up short of watching out for the taxpayer since I first voted for the Freedom to Farm bill in the mid 90’s.