Keep America Secure Act

Lousie is the author of the Keep America Secure Act, a bill designed to rebuild our nation’s domestic electronics sector, and strengthen our national defense network.  In the coming weeks, Louise intends to reintroduce the legislation for consideration during the 113th Congress. During the 112th Congress, the legislation failed to gain enough support for passage into law.

Click here to view an independent summary of the legislation as introduced during the 112th Congress.

The Keep America Secure Act directs the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to only purchase electronic components that are manufactured in the United States. These electronic components--including computer chips, communications devices, and guidance systems--are used in numerous pieces of equipment that are vital to our national security.

Two examples clearly demonstrate the danger of relying upon foreign suppliers for our national security equipment. When Operation Iraqi Freedom began in March 2003, a Swiss company stopped shipments of a crucial guidance system component for U.S. smart bombs. Similarly, during the first Gulf War, the United States was forced to turn to Japan--not once, but on three separate occasions--for essential parts in the production of the Patriot Missile. Both these incidents could have endangered the lives of U.S. armed forces, though fortunately no servicemembers were injured or killed because of these incidents.

The Keep America Secure Act would also protect our national security systems against the threat of conterfeit components. In May 2012 the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) concluded a yearlong investigation that found a substantial increase in the number of counterfeit electronic parts used in the production of sensitive military equipment. The committee noted, ``Our report outlines how this flood of counterfeit parts, overwhelmingly from China, threatens national security, the safety of our troops and American jobs." The SASC report found approximately 1,800 cases of counterfeit parts in U.S. military aircraft, and noted that both defense contractors and the Department of Defense lack an adequate understanding of the depth and severity of the problem.

The Keep America Secure Act will ensure that no counterfeit parts ever find their way into any U.S. military aircraft by requiring that these parts be made in the United States. The legislation will also require the Federal Aviation Administration to formulate rules to ensure no counterfeit parts are making their way into passenger aircraft as well.

These new requirements would also help to create new American manufacturing jobs, as more production contracts will be awarded to American manufacturers.  Between 2000 and 2010, the United States lost more than 5 million manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010.

The United States has spent more than a decade rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan while continuing to neglect our weakening manufacture sector here at home. The Keep America Secure Act will provide a boost to American manufacturing while ensuring that our national security supply chain won't be disrupted be foreign nations or others foreign actors.

During the 113th Congress Louise will work to gain support for this legislation from both sides of the aisle, and pass the legislation into law in order to keep America secure.


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