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Unleash American energy

The energy sector is crucial to our economic growth and high energy costs have a major impact on job creation. We have an abundant supply of natural resources in Nevada and across the country that we must use to meet our nation's energy requirements. We need policies that allow us to harness our own resources, develop new sources of energy, and create jobs here at home.

Over the past 220 years, America has created the greatest economic success story in the history of the world. Our innovative society has dramatically improved the length and quality of life for billions of people around the globe. This same ingenuity must be unleashed to meet our energy and employment challenges. House Republicans are taking immediate action through our American Energy Initiative by passing bipartisan legislation to expand energy exploration and production. This will help create American jobs, grow our economy, and enhance our security.

In Nevada, new sources of energy, such as solar and geothermal are showing promise. Geothermal in particular brings jobs and growth to Nevada with 20 plants in operation providing clean, reliable electrical capacity to the grid and significant additional capacity under development.

Beyond Nevada, I believe that we need to take action on the bipartisan Keystone XL energy project, which would immediately create 20,000 jobs, with the potential for 100,000 to 200,000 additional jobs. This project should also lower the price of oil and gasoline and enable us to increase trade with our ally Canada, as opposed to hostile regimes in the Middle East.

Sponsored legislation:

House approves job-creating strategic and critical minerals bill