Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving

Dear friend,

Thanksgiving is a time for us to gather with our families and loved ones, enjoy each other's company, and pause to count our blessings. As we enjoy a well-cooked turkey feast, we should also remember those who are not as fortunate and those that remain in need. And we should all remember those who cannot be with their families because they are protecting our country and our freedom overseas, as well as those who have done so in the past. But we cannot forget one more group who are also unable to be with their families: those serving unfairly long prison sentences that Congress and the President believe no longer fit the non-violent crimes they committed. I wrote about what the President can do to help fix this injustice in The Hill this week. I hope you'll read my column here.

Working for the Ninth District

I also want to update you on my work in Congress for the Ninth District. This week, I urged Congressional appropriators to ensure that as they negotiate a budget for next year they include an additional $5 million to fight the rape kit backlog. Earlier this year, the House of Representatives passed an amendment I authored to add this funding to cut through the backlog. The Senate Appropriations Committee recommended the full Senate pass it as well. With time running out for us to pass next year's budget, it is very important that Congress include as much of this vital funding as possible to help achieve the goal of eliminating the untested rape kit backlog in Memphis and around the country.

And because one of the wealthiest nations in the world should not send its children to bed hungry, I have also asked appropriators to include $3 million to help prevent youth hunger that I secured in the House-passed Agriculture Appropriations Bill. The amendment I authored that added this funding cut through partisan gridlock to help prevent hunger and make sure that children in Memphis and throughout the United States get the nutritious meals they need to live happy and healthy lives, and it should be included in next year's budget.

Also this week, Shelby County reached an agreement with CSX to purchase abandoned railway and extend the Shelby Farms Greenway to Cordova. The Greenway, which has been paid for almost entirely with federal funding, will stretch more than 10 miles after the extension is completed and will be an important recreation asset for Shelby County. It is a visible reminder of how the federal government can help make our communities more livable and more beautiful, and I am pleased with this agreement.

I wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving and an enjoyable holiday season. If you will be shopping for gifts over the holiday weekend, I hope you will consider supporting local small businesses by shopping on Small Business Saturday.

As always, I remain. 
Most sincerely,

Steve Cohen
Member of Congress

P.S. By the way, just thought I'd attach these pictures that appeared in Roll Call yesterday of me driving my '86 Cadillac on Capitol Hill with my favorite fedora and my Memphis Tiger Pride license plate. And kudos to Memphian Craig Brewer for the shout-out to Hustle & Flow!